Job AU
Zane sat back and sighed, looking at the time. Today was a slow day for the video game store but at least he had the free trial games set up to keep him entertained. As another customer left, he was stuck behind the counter as his co-worker went out for a lunch break. He just watched as the people walked past the door with the occasional glance inside before continuing on their journey. But then one caught his eye. The person wasn't crazy different from the crowd but he did however wear what looked like a retro waiter outfit, meaning he probably worked at the nearby Johnny Rocket. Zane had seen plenty of people to know when someone was wearing a mask and the boy was wearing a large one with a fake smile. This was understandable though since he probably wanted to make sure the resteraunt looked good and he understood the pain. As soon as the boy passed, he left but his co-worker came back with some fast food which allowed Zane to leave and get some food himself from nowhere else but Johnny Rocket.
G watched as people came in and out during the day. He was polite as he could be to everyone but in the back of his mind, all he could do was judge what people ordered and which guys to flirt with. 'When will that family realise not to order that much food?' 'And here comes another crazy religious couple who requests we serve our food their way.' When one of his friends passed by saying someone was out the front, G could only sigh and go with the smile he had been baring all day. "Table for one?" He asked the brunette in front of him 'He looks so much like a dork. Doesn't help his game stop uniform' He thought. "Actually I was just hoping for some possible take away. I have to get back to work" G nodded and lead the way over to the bar, getting Zane to sit down before taking his order. There wasn't much G could do to complain about Zane's order since it was so simple. He got the kitchen to start on the food and since there wasn't anything left for him to do, he could sit back and relax. No matter how much he tried to relax though, his eyes would always wonder to Zane.
The same was for Zane. Every time he was trying to think of something, he ended up staring at G. "Sorry" Zane apologised. G came back over to Zane and rested his hands on the bar "It's fine... S-so you work at the game stop?" He was shocked. He never stuttered unless he wanted to flirt with someone and seem cute. "Yeah. Pretty shit job, especially on days like these. What's it like working here?" Zane asked, tilting his head a little. "I-It's alright if y-you get use to-o the repeditive m-music." He answered with his stutter getting worse. There was no way he was falling for a game stop employee... Was there?
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