Jewell X Lujiph - Soulmate tattoo
(So I read an idea where a tattoo appears of the first this their soulmate thought of when they saw the person. I'll put what the others would have thought below this one :3)
It all had started with a cafe and a coffee. Jewell would often go to the cafe near her work and get a medium green tea. While she did love green tea however there was a method behind madness. The first time she had done into that cafe was the first time her tattoo showed up but the biggest problem was that she didn't know who it could have been. 'She's very cute and her eyes are very beautiful' was written on her right thigh which was interesting. When she would look at her thighs and feel self-conscious then she would be able to look at it and feel a bit better about herself. She had many thoughts on the day she walked in and no one would point out. She always thought positively of other people. So today was the same. She walked in and ordered her green tea, looking around at those who were around in the cafe, curious as to who had thought she was cute and liked her eyes.
Lujiph needed coffee to function, especially since she would spend hours upon hours up late at night to do her best to finish a piece of art. She would walk in and try to look like she was still alive with her hair as neat as it could be and paint all over her clothing. She ordered on that day and sat back, watching the people walk past her. When she had gotten back to her apartment and got changed, she realised something on her back. A tattoo with 'Oh god she is gorgeous, like a jade vine' was written on her. She was confused as to what a 'jade vine' even was so when she looked it up and saw it was a flower, she couldn't help but blush a little. After the first couple of days when the tattoo appeared, she was talking to Noachi about what it could mean and who it could have been before she started to try and find who it was. It wasn't hard to guess that it could have been the girl with the beautiful eyes and looked adorable due to the fact she would smell of a flower shop and would sometimes bring in flowers for the tables but there was just one small problem, she didn't know how to approach her about it. She was worried that she would sound creepy and that's not the first impression you would want to give your soulmate. Today was the day however that she would bring Noachi to help her try and talk to the girl.
Jewell was setting up flowers in the small vases on the tables when she got to Noachi and Lujiph's table. "Sorry" She mumbled as she put the flower in which was a beautiful little branch with sakura flowers around it. "So what are there?" Noachi asked before Jewell could walk away. "Oh, they're sakura flowers. Sakura means cherry blossom in english." Jewell answered, smiling gently. "Why're you putting them here? Do you work here?" He asked. Lujiph just sat interested in the answer. "I just think it gives the place a bit more life. I work at the flower shop just a bit down the road." She explained, looking at Lujiph and smiling a bit. She was unable to stop herself from blushing a little as she excused herself as her name was called for her drink. "Jewell at the flower shop. You're welcome" Noachi said with a smile and Lujiph just returned the smile and hugged her best friend. They were then called for their drinks which they get up to get.
Jewell went to work tending to the plants in the shot as another day came and went. She was seeng more of Lujiph and even had little chats with and after a while, Jewell started to hope that it was Lujiph who was her soulmate and gave her the tattoo. As her mind went off, the bell to the front of the store caught her attention and made her jump a little. She went to go see who it was and she blushed a little when she saw it was Lujiph. "Hey Lujiph. What could I help you with?" She tried to calm her cheeks and her shaking body but she wouldn't help it. "I need the most beautiful flower you have." Lujiph said while gazing around at the multiple different flowers and plants. Jewell smiled and nodded, going off to go for her favourite. She got the vine and knew this would be a huge admit and test for if they really were to be soulmates. "This has to be the most beautiful in my opinion. This is known as Tayabak in the Philippines. Or in english, this is known as a jade vine." Her whole body was shaking and her blush couldn't help but give away her embarrassment. Lujiph was stunned but then smiled, looking at the vine. "Purple and jade? Quite the pretty mix isn't it?" Jewell nodded a little, trying to calm herself. "How about you tell me how to look after it with a cup of coffee."
(Sorry it's so short DX So here is the other characters with their tattoos)
Chrome (Troll): 'A superhero? That's... actually really cute.'
Chrome (Human): 'He stares at me a lot.. Does it mean he likes me or something?'
Kelath (Troll): 'Her blush is sooo adorable I just wanna hug her and protect her from everyone'
Kelath (Human): 'How can someone be so tiny and adorable?'
Crenos (Troll): 'Who's the jade blood with Bellus?' OR 'Is that a rust blood? Please don't hate me for my dad'
Crenos (Human): 'How is she not ruling the world with her beauty?' OR 'Please don't avoid me'
Seth: 'Wonder what they're gonna be this time'
Dayami (If she had one): 'Do they care that I'm blind and will never see them?'
Erza: (If she had one): 'I wonder if they'll get a tattoo of what I'm thinking of'
Zane: 'Is he flirting with me? How the hell do I flirt back?'
Chrome's tattoo would appear on his outer bicep, just below his shoulder. Kelath's would appear on his chest on his left pec. In human form it would probably be above his nipple and troll would be close to his grub scars. Seth's tattoo would be on the back of his hand on his right hand so he could look at it a lot. Dayami's tattoo would be on the back of her neck. Would it matter? She can't see it anyway. Erza's tattoo would be on the inside of her left ankle. Zane's tattoo would be on the outside of his right forearm.
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