Future Diary
I looked down at G and smiled as he texted some stuff to someone and he seemed to zone out, his thoughts getting lost in his old flip phone. Sure no one ever used those anymore but his touch phone had stopped working but the flip phone was fine. I had to pull him out of the way of a few poles but everything was fine after the first couple of times. When he finally snapped back, he was shaking horribly and looking teary eyes. I quickly stopped and hugged him tightly but he just looked down at his phone at horror. "G, what's wrong?" I asked and he still said nothing. I tried to look at his phone but he hid it. Due to the fact I was stronger, I took the phone off him and looked at it. It had notes with dates of the future but my blood ran cold when I saw '6 attacks and kills 4. DEAD END'
G... was going to die?... No... I was stunned, even my thoughts had come to a stop. I won't let that happen. I send the notes to my phone and read over the messages. I will change whatever the hell this is... even if it was some kind of sick prank. 4 referred to G... so who was suppose to be 6. I don't know and I don't think I should care. I snap back to reality to feel G hug me tightly and cry into my hoodie. Why was he the one thrown into this out of all the people in the world? "I'll protect you G. No matter what, I'll help you" I said before we continued our walk back. Everyone around us looked at us worried but I don't know how really worried they were.
I looked over the text messages and pin pointed where everything went down hill. G went to get some stuff and ends up taking a dodgy route. Easily fixed if I just change his route? Or tell him to stay home for at least a couple minutes before going and throwing everything off? I dunno but there is no way I'm leaving him alone. I looked up from my phone when i heard G walking downstairs. I instantly get up and he tells me. "I-I'm going out. M-Maybe if I g-go early t-t-then they won't g-get me." G said and I looked over my texts before nodding. I go and get a swiss army knife and a walking stick. Sure it might seem ridiculous now but it would be better to be able to hit someone with a rod with distance rather then a small knife.
We walk to wherever G wanted to go, changing the route a bit just in case and the echo of my walking stick hitting the ground from time to time. The area felt nothing short but cautious and scared. I hate to admit it, but I was just as scared. Suddenly a little kid ran out and looked at us teary eyed and he hugged my legs tightly. "Please help me. My mummy and daddy are hurt." He said and suddenly G's phone went off. Maybe this kid's parents were hit by whoever '6' was. The small blond then took my free hand and started to pull me "Please, you have to help them!" The child said and I looked at G who was reading on his phone. G suddenly broke out of his thoughts and was shaking again. "T-That kid has a f-f-future diary." G stuttered out and I looked at the kid dragging me. The pest had stolen the army knife and had a crazed look in his eyes.
It's a look I will never forget. The green eyes burned into my soul. I had to think quickly and hit the kid that was hugging my leg still as if the kid was a golf ball. He didn't let go of me however and stabbed me deep in the leg causing me to fall in pain and yell out loud. I could feel the knife almost hit my bone and the kid continued to dig it in. G looked frozen in fear. "What a joke. You expect to protect a wimp like him. Maybe I should kill you first and save you the trouble." he said before laughing and pulling the knife out of my leg. I started to repetitively kick the kid until he finally let go of me. I grabbed my walking stick again and hit the kid right in the nose. This is a moment that I'm glad it was actually a walking stick. The kid had blood coming from his nose and he looked pissed off.
The kid charged at me with the knife, ready to knock me down and stab me again but it was like a bull chasing after a red cape. I dodged and the kid didn't expect it and almost tripped before going after G which I quickly stopped him by pushing him to the ground. I pinned him and he was a little kid so there was no way he was getting out of my grip. "Let me go you m*th*rf*ck*r!" He yelled and I took the knife off of him. I noticed a teddy bear he was holding for dear life. I tore it out of his hands and looked at it. "NO! GIVE IT BACK!" The kids screams got louder and we looked around to see if anyone was around but there was no one. I tore the teddy bear open and the kid thrashed around more and more underneath me. Suddenly a book fell out and it looked to be a story book. I opened the book and it was a future diary as well.
This kid was 6. Suddenly the book changed and it showed a page that said 'DEAD END' I showed it to the kid before ripping up the story book and stabbing it harshly with the knife and the kid under me completely disappeared to nothing like the journal. G then ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "L-L-Lachlan are you o-o-ok?" He asked with a bit more of a stutter then before. I hugged back just as tightly, ignoring the pain in my leg. "I'm fine. Are you ok?" I asked checking to make sure he hadn't been hurt. He nodded that he was fine and he helped me up and we walked back to house with everything. I had the feeling that someone was watching us but I brushed it off.
We walked all the way back and G started to fix up my leg which just caused me to grit my teeth. I took G's phone and looked through the journal. It looks like everything was in the clear for a while. I will make sure that all other 12 won't get to G. I'll make sure he's safe. "Y-you know, you d-don't have to l-look out for m-me." G said looking at the floor once he was done. I shake my head and move to kiss him until until my phone went off saying I had a message.
Cliffhanger and I dunno if I'll continue this XD ))
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