Chrome X Noachi - Can't speak out
(WARNING: This contains mention of sexual abuse and worse, rape. If you are uncomfortable with reading about that kind of thing then do not read!)
"Remember, you tell anyone and I'll make sure you never work in this industry again" Chrome just nodded, sitting on the floor next to the sinks. He hugged his knees and looked at himself, feeling guilty and dirty. This had been going on for a while now and he couldn't stop it. If he tried to then he wouldn't be able to keep the job. When you have a husband and 4 kids at home, Chrome was lucky enough to get a well paying job that allowed him to support all 5 of them as well as a pet snake and dove. Not only that but he enjoyed the job but this was something he didn't enjoy, he hated the boss. He wished he could tell someone or tell Noachi but he felt like it was his fault for this to happen to him. If he showed this side to his family; his weak side, then what kind of dad would he be. He picked himself up on the floor and looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his glasses to see the damage. His blood ran cold when he noticed something under his messed shirt, a bite mark and a hickey. He would not only have to treat it but he would also have to hide it with make up which he had started to be getting good at using. He swallowed the lump in his throat and fixed up his shirt and pants before going back to his normal neutral look and he walked out the door.
"Welcome home Chromee~" Noachi cheered as he hugged his husband and Chrome's mood lit up. He forgot about the struggles of his job because now he was able to give money to help support the hero. "Daddy!" Tracey yelled and she ran over and hugged his legs. Before he knew it, everyone was hugging him except Diablo which was fine by him since he could still pat his head to show affection. Even if he felt wrong, at least it was for a good cause. Chrome was then lead off to the kitchen with the family since Noachi had announced that dinner was ready. Even though Chrome didn't feel hungry, he would still make an effort to try and eat at least something even if it wasn't much. As everyone ate, he finished early and excused himself to the bathroom. He had to try and deal with the bite mark without worrying anyone else and he covered it with his secret stash of make up. He then made his way back downstairs to hug Noachi from behind as he was doing the dishes. "Hey turtledove" Chrome mumbled into his ear which caused Noachi to blush and smile a bit. "Hey snake boy. Are you alright?" He asked, his smile falling which caused Chrome to stop smiling. "You don't eat a lot and I'm worried you aren't eating enough" The brunette said turning to look at his husband. "I'm fine, really. I'm just not that hungry. I promise I'm alright" Chrome said as he lightly kissed Noachi's lips. Noachi smiled a little and kissed back. "Well alright. If you say so." He went back to the dishes. Chrome didn't realise but he wasn't actually eating because of his upset, stress and trauma.
As the night got later and the kids got to bed, Noachi and Chrome cuddled up in their own bed. Noachi found it weird that Chrome was wearing a shirt to bed since he was usually fine in his boxers but he just said that it was due to feeling cold. Being husbands with 4 kids, intimacy is rare and Chrome was honestly happy with it that way but Noachi wanted things to spice up a bit. Suddenly Chrome was pinned under Noachi who had a playful smirk and blush on his face. "Chromee~ I wanna try something different~" He purred before he gently kissed Chrome's neck. Chrome blushed and gulped a little. He wanted to see this though since it was the love of his life but his mind kept telling him that it was his disgusting boss pining him down and doing what he pleased. "Noachi, I'm really not in the mood..~" Chrome said trying to protest. Suddenly Noachi's hands started to snake under his shirt and he started to panic but stayed still since that's what he had been prone to all this time. He then suddenly flinched and Noachi stopped when he felt something strange. He felt around before quickly taking Chrome's shirt off him and rubbing off the make up to reveal the bite. "What is this?"
Chrome immediately began to panic. "It's not what you thin-" "Are you cheating on me?" Noachi asked, scared to know the answer. "No no! It's..." His words trail off. "What is it?" Chrome couldn't tell him. He couldn't admit that he was weak enough to let that happen to him and then it could end up with him loosing his job in the industry. When Chrome didn't come up with an answer Noachi started to tear up and shook his head. He got off Chrome quickly and put on his sunglasses. He got dressed and Chrome could say nothing but tear up and cry silently as Noachi left the room. There was the sound of the kids getting up and gathering things. Chrome just sat there, slowly pulling his knees up to his chest and he cried into his knees. He heard the kids go to his room door but Noachi quickly pulled them away and downstairs. Not before long they were out the door with the car driving away leaving Chrome in the empty house to cry alone. He had no one to call and if he did then what would he say 'Noachi left me because I couldn't admit I'm being raped at work'. He knew where Noachi would but he didn't want to go after him, he couldn't. He knew he hurt Noachi but he couldn't say it, he couldn't tell anyone. At least if things were to stay this way then he could send them the money and continue being able to live and he could keep his job, even if he was being hurt and hurting Noachi in the process. So long as he could support his family then it's all he needed.
(If you do experience these kinds of things in the work place or at home or anywhere then do seek help. You are not weak to seek help and it doesn't make you less of a person. It makes you brave to speak out about it and you did not deserve it. Stay safe everyone )
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