Akitsu and Kelath's dan and ancestors
He wears a teal bandana around his head to keep his hair from his eyes as well as mop up the sweat from his forehead (The colour may change if he has a matesprit and wants to remember them always). His hair is pretty much a mullet. He is always wearing a singlet not to show off the fact he's quite ripped due to his running and exercise but more to make sure he stays cool when running. Most of the time he's also seen with a towel somewhere on him whether it's around his neck or in his hand. He also wears shorts and worn runners.
He's a very competitive runner who loves to exercise for the rush of adrenaline, the wind in his hair and the feeling of his tired muscles relaxing and throbbing after a long day. He's very humble if he was to get publicity and he makes sure to thank anyone who does support him, especially his family
In human form, he has a small braid that he bleached as a good luck charm and as memory of his brother. He tries his best to be the best athlete he can be and aims to one day be in the olympics and that itself would be an achievement but if he was to win a medal then he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
What he looks for in a matesprit:
Someone he can have competitions with. Not take them too seriously. Someone who will support him, even if it means he has to be away from them. He wants someone who knows how to chill and be lazy sometimes.
Widemind is the ancestor of Akitsu and Turmos. He is an archivist and is always keep to learn more knowledge he can on those who came before him and those before them. He has small oval shaped glasses that rest almost off the tip of his nose, not because he wants to look stuck up but because they often fall from his face and they're reading glasses. His eyes light up whenever he finds a new piece of knowledge and goes to great lengths to preserve what he can. He was also the reason why people knew of the Vigilant. his hair is quite messy and long, growing a beard as well. His only love is for knowledge. His outfit being teal and black and basically make him look like a stereotypical wizard but without the hat except it was just so then we could fall asleep reading and wouldn't have to worry of a blanket.
His hair is cut short so he can see his eyes and eyebrows and sometimes someone will help put some gel or something in hair to push it all back which he doesn't seem to mind. There are bags under his eyes from being unable to sleep unless something is done the way he wants it. There are bandages around his hands due to possible hitting and injury. He wears a sweater vest and a button up long sleeve shirt that has an even number of buttons on it. He is sure to keep 2 pens in his pocket at all times. One blue and one black. He wears long pressed almost suit looking pants. He likes his press pants due to the fact that there are 2 lines for the front and back of his pants. He also wear lace up shoes that someone usually has to do up for him.
What does he look for in a matesprit?
He doesn't completely understand the concept of love
His hair is parted down the middle and moved to the sides so that his eyes can be seen with a top hat placed on his head. His face as some stubble but in a heartbeat, he would change these things in a heartbeat for his matesprit. He wears a button up top, a cobalt vest and a large cobalt jacket (Which is also seen with Kelath wearing. He likes to somewhat show off his status with clothing rather then jewellery however his matesprit also makes sure that he looks clean and rich with her wearing the jewellery to show off.
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