t/w rape jokes
A part of Lace was excited, a part of her was nervous. She was going to be Eddie's arm candy at some New Years dinner with a bunch of other directors and actors. They'd had a nanny set for Olive.
"Who? Oh yeah, her." Is what Eddie had said when Lace told him they needed a nanny for Olive. "I'll get it sorted out."
"Don't embarrass me," Eddie had said before they left. She promised she wouldn't. He'd picked out a black dress for her, so she wouldn't look 'too fat'. His words. She was only four months along in her pregnancy, not very noticeable, but she supposed it was much more noticeable to him.
When they arrived, Lace got out of their fancy car, taking Eddie's arm as they walked into the fancy function. It was mostly polite conversation with people twice her age. Quite a few who made passive aggressive comments about her age. More notably the age gap between her and her husband. Eddie told her to ignore them, so she did.
"Lorenzo Flavisen's finally here," Eddie said to Lace- well, actually more to himself -about an hour into the function. "Took his ass long enough." He broke off from Lace. "Lorenzo, buddy!"
Lace eyed up Lorenzo's arm candy: a much younger Asian woman, though definitely a little older than Lace. What was her name again? If she'd ever been told, she didn't remember.
She sat down at her and Eddie's table. The Asian woman walked over, sitting across from Lace. "Lace, is it?" She asked. "Eddie Sollet's wife?"
Lace nodded, giving her her very best polite smile. She'd mastered those even before she'd married a man older than her parents. "That's me. Lace Janio Sollet." Sollet still felt weird to say. "And you are-?"
"Soo," Lace echoed, nodding.
"Lace is a very pretty name," Soo then said. Lace smiled. "Oh, thank you. My full name is Lace Juliet Lissy Janio, which I happen to think is very pretty."
Soo smiled. "It is very pretty," She said. "Mine is Soo Kaitlyn Ajessi."
"Eddie has taken to calling me Lacey." People have been calling her Lacey her entire life, what was she saying?
"That's sweet."
While their husbands made rape jokes across from them, Lace and Soo talked about their children and exchanged numbers and beauty tips.
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