UNIVERSE INFO: Angelita taking Matvey Angel with her
NOTES: so I had the idea of asking if Angelita could kill Matvey Angel before she offed herself but since it's been established he will outlive Nikandr here's this instead
t/w murder-suicide, guns
Angelita offered to watch Matvey Angel for the day. Granted, he was fourteen going on fifteen, so it's not like he needed to be babysat or anything. Just a girl's day. They could go to the mall and chill at Angelita's and that would be that.
That's what Angelita had told Nikandr.
That's why Matvey Angel was in her apartment living room watching the beginning of Barbie as Rapunzel while Angelita pretended to make food in the kitchen.
"Is the food almost ready?" Matvey Angel called.
"Almost," Angelita replied. She bent down, to begin searching for the pistol she'd bought two years prior. She paused and decided she might as well give it back. One last thing before she died.
She stood and went into her room. She'd stolen it from them nine years earlier. They deserved it back, even if for a little bit. Angelita had stolen a few of Skye's dolls when playing with Matvey Angel. She kept them in a box, occasionally taking them out to play with on her own.
One she'd stolen was called Rose. It'd been Skye and Matvey Angel's favorite. Nine years ago, she stole it. Why? Because she wanted it. Because she decided she deserved it.
She'd known Skye longer than Matvey Angel had. Skye loved Angelita more. That's what Angelita told herself, anyway. But Matvey Angel deserved it back, at least for a minute or two.
Angelita made her way back into the living room. She held the doll out.
Matvey Angel eyed the doll, taking it into his own hands. He then looked up at Angelita. "You had it this whole time?" He asked.
"Of course I did," Angelita said as though it were obvious. "Wait here, I'll be right back." She walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the gun. She held it behind her back as she went into the living room.
"I never liked you," Angelita finally said. "Well, that's putting it nicely. I've hated you since I found out about your existence. I thought it'd go away, but it never did. I tried to kill you multiple times when you were a baby."
To say it all out loud felt amazing.
Matvey Angel was speechless. "Angelita-"
Angelita held her hand up to cut him off. "With my music career, I set off a cycle of death. That included your mother, but I sincerely wish you'd died instead of her. The cycle of death ends with me and I'm taking you with me. I've caused all these deaths, what's one more?"
And with that, Angelita shot Matvey Angel three times in the head. Then two more just to be safe. She then turned the gun on herself.
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