Young Girl
Samantha Anson is Bee's OC but only Bee reads this so I have no idea why I'm saying this
not proofread because I'm tired
"Anson?" Agent Smirnov approached her. "Yeah, what's up?" They turned to Smirnov who gestured for her to follow him. "We've found a young girl. Ten, eleven, twelve maybe. She's not saying much. All we've figured out is she's from Canada and her name is Lucie." He explained. "We thought maybe you could talk to her. We believe that maybe she was kidnapped or had been being trafficked, but no one knows for sure." He said, placing his handle on the doorknob to a room.
"I'd recommend being careful. She's quite jumpy." He said before turning the handle and opening the door. There, Samantha saw a twelve year old girl in an army print tank top and black leggings, looking like a deer in headlights. Slowly, Samantha approached her. "Hello. I'm Samanta and you're Lucie, is that correct?" They sat down in the chair in front of her. Lucie gave a singular nod.
"Okay. And you're from Canada? What's it like up there?" Samantha tried to make small talk with the girl, trying to make her feel more comfortable. "I didn't see much of it." Lucie mumbled. "Why not?" They asked. "I didn't leave very often." The girl shrugged.
"Where did you live, Lucie?"
"A big building. It was in the woods." Lucie said. Samantha knew what was happening. At least, they were pretty sure they did. "Alright. Can you tell me your full name? We need this in order to help you better, okay?" Samantha grabbed the blank notepad on the table.
"Lucie Maria David."
Samantha jotted it down and then set the notepad back down. Lucy Maria David had been written on it. "It's spelled with IE at the end, not Y." Lucie said, lightly tapping the notepad. "Oh, thank you, kiddo." She threw the first page away, quickly starting a new one.
"Now you said you lived in a big building in the woods. Did the building have a name?"
Lucie looked down for a moment, fiddling with her hands, as if unsure if she should say. Deciding she couldn't say it out loud, she swiped the notepad, very quickly writing it. When she passed the notepad back to Samantha, her hand writing wasn't very legible. But she could just make out what it was saying. The Church of the True Stars.
For a split second, when Samantha looked back up at Lucie, she saw herself. She saw the terrified, skittish, jumpy young girl she herself had once been. In all honesty, she wasn't too different now.
"I see." Samantha whispered.
"When will they give me my bag back?" Lucie asked, still mumbling a bit. "Hm? What do you mean?" They asked.
"My bag. I came here with a bag. Once the put me in here, they took it and then didn't give it back. It has some really important stuff in there."
"Like what?"
"A doll Laura gave me wrapped in a scarf my mom gave to me."
"Who's Laura? Is she your sister?"
Lucie shrugged. "Everyone in the church is called 'sister' or 'brother' so I guess sort of? We weren't biologically related or anything though. But she was my very best friend so she always felt like a sister."
"What was Laura's full name? Do you know?"
"Laura Easton. I don't know what her middle name was." Lucie rested her head in her hands and Samantha pushed the notepad towards her. "Can you write her name for me? I don't want to spell it wrong." They smiled softly.
Once again, Lucie's handwriting was still pretty bad, but at least she was able to write. "Can you tell me who else was in the church? Any other friends you had? Your parents or Laura's parents?" Samantha passed her the pen and pad again and Lucie wrote down a slew of names.
Tamara Lincoln
Sofia David mom
Michael David dad
Anne Easton Laura's adopted mom
Valentina Gomez
Riley Fenton
Gregory Patterson
She pushed the notepad back. She'd heard about Tamara Lincoln's case. She looked up at Lucie, who's expression hadn't changed much throughout the meeting.
"You knew Tamara Lincoln?"
"She was like a big sister to me."
Samantha smiled softly and then went down the list of people, asking who they were and how exactly she knew them. Of course aside from Sofia, Michael and Anne. It's when they got to Gregory Patterson that things got interesting.
"You're doing great, Lucie. I really thank you for your cooperation. If I had been in your shoes, especially at your age, I don't think I would've given so much as an 'mhm'. Only one more to go." She stopped the pen at his name. "Who's he?"
Lucie looked away, up at the analog clock on the on the wall. "What time does that say?" She whispered. Samantha looked up at it. "7:14." She replied before looking back at Lucie, who hadn't taken her attention away from the clock. Samantha could tell that Gregory was most likely someone like Lucian. "Lucie, do you need something? Maybe something that was in your bag? Like the doll you mentioned." She asked and Lucie nodded.
"Alright, just wait right here. Do not move, m'kay?" She stood up and shut the door. They walked over to Smirnov and handed him the notepad. "I got her full name, the name of the church she was apart of and the names of a few other people who were there. She's told me about all of them except Gregory Patterson."
Smirnov's eyes skimmed the page. "Good work, Anson." He said. "Are you guys done in there or-?" Samantha shook her head. "No, I'm out here to get the bag she had with her. I think she's agreed to tell me about Gregory, so long as I bring her her bag back. She mentioned there was a doll and a scarf in there. She wants the doll." They explained. "Oh yeah, Lewandowski has it." He gestured to the office behind him. Samantha quickly went in there and Lewandowski gave her the bag no problem.
She went back to the room Lucie was in and passed her her bright pink bag. "Thank you." Lucie whispered, opening it and taking out the doll. She unwrapped the small green scarf from around it which she draped around her shoulders. She then placed what appeared to be some knockoff Barbie in her hands.
"Does the doll have a name?" She hadn't owned many dolls as a kid. "May." Lucie replied and Samantha smiled. "I once knew a Mae, a few years ago. She was blonde just like the doll you have. Though her hair was wavy."
"Now, will you tell me who Gregory Patterson was?" Samantha asked and Lucie looked down. Assuming what would happen, she passed the notepad towards her. Lucie quickly wrote down 'the one true prophet'.
Samantha had two thoughts; first one being that Gregory was exactly like Lucian and the second being that that sounded like the name of some shitty movie she and Clover would watch.
"Was he the leader?"
"I guess so."
Samantha quickly wrote this down. Lucie fiddled with May's hair. "Are you okay, Lucie?" Samantha knew that was a stupid question but it never hurts to ask. "Mhm." Lucie nodded once. "How were you treated there?" The woman leaned back and she could tell the girl was getting stressed out. She opened her mouth and then shut it, doing it one more time. "Okay. I'll ask that again later. How did you escape?" They asked.
"We just went out the door."
"Me and Laura left together." Tears started pricking Lucie's eyes. She quickly wiped them away. "What happened to Laura?" Samantha asked softly. "I don't know." The Afro-Latina whispered. She didn't ask any more questions. "Okay. I think we should finish up here for today. I will ask you more questions possibly tomorrow if you're up for it. My friends here will find you a place to stay." The woman smiled reassuringly at the girl who stood up, slinging her backpack around her shoulders.
"Okay." Lucie mumbled, walking out of the office with her. "Once again, thank you for the cooperation. I'm truly happy you escaped that place, Lucie. You seem like a smart, bright young girl and by whoever's up there, I know you're gonna do amazing things." Samantha smiled at her before turning and walking away. Lucie waved, despite their back being turned, the girl's mouth slightly agape.
She had said almost the exact same words Tamara had just two years ago.
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