That's Fucked Up - The Wilson Family
(t/w : talks of sex trafficking, rape)
Jayla's pregnancy with Maxxie had seriously endangered her health so they made the decision not to have another one. For the thirteen years since then, she and Daniel had been meaning to adopt but never got around to it. They had always expected they'd be adopting a younger child, not a fifteen year old who they had been warned had "a very troubled past".
"Why do I need to look nice though?" Maxxie questioned as void's mother brushed their hair. "If she's gonna be living with us, then she's going to be seeing me with tangled hair every day." Jayla sighed. "Maxxie, please, just let me brush your hair. You can wear whatever you want just please, at least have kept hair."
The drive to the center was a quiet one. Maxxie had settled on wearing this (yes I'm using a picture because idk how to describe it):
After around fifteen minutes of waiting, the Wilson family was called back. They sat down in the office across from the blonde girl and her social worker, Mrs.Hemmings. "Hon, do you want to tell them your name?" Mrs.Hemmings prompted the girl. She was wearing a spaghetti strapped pink dress that showed a little too much for a fifteen year old. She had a lighter pink sweater that had fallen onto her elbows.
"Hi. My name's Natalia." She said. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Natalia." Daniel , held out his hand and Natalia just stared at it. It's not that she wasn't familiar with the gesture, she just did not like touching people. "Ah come on, I don't bite."
"I'd hope not." The girl smiled at him, chuckling a little. She always laughed easily. "I just do not like touch."
"Ah, I see. That's all well and good." Daniel put his hand down and then looked towards his wife and daughter. "Ladies, why don't you introduce yourself to Natalia here?"
Jayla was up first. "Well, I'm Jayla. This is my husband Daniel. I'm very happy to meet you." She smiled and the last up was Maxxie. "I'm Maxine but everyone calls me Maxxie so just call me that."
Natalia immediately liked Maxxie. After some more introductions and the Wilsons finding out that Natalia was from Germany, Jayla decided to ask the big question. "So, we hope you don't mind us asking, but Mrs.Hemmings mentioned the fact that you have a troubled past. Do you mind us asking what that's about. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. You can tell us when you're ready."
Natalia looked at her hands and began fidgeting with them. "Sex trafficking." She said. And that's all she gave away in the moment. The Wilsons looked at one another. They were decent fucking human beings and acknowledged that that was far from her fault, they just weren't sure what side effects/behaviors would come of that.
"That's fucked up." Maxxie said, after thirty seconds of complete silence. "Maxine Arabella!" Jayla shouted at her daughter before hearing Natalia's laughter. "No, no, it's okay! Humor is one of my coping mechanisms. I really don't mind those kinds of jokes. And it wasn't even really a joke, she's just saying what it was. You said you want to be called Maxxie right?" The brunette nodded.
"I think I'm gonna really like you, Maxxie."
"Thanks. I think I'm also gonna like you, Natalia."
After that, the Wilsons decided to bring the blonde home with them. The papers were signed and after a week of a whole bunch of stuff, Natalia found herself sitting in the backseat of their car.
She was star struck when she got to their house. The German girl had been in much nicer homes than this simple suburban one, sure, but this was so different. Here she'd be free and not get raped multiple times on the daily. Well, she was still a minor, but she'd be more free than she was before.
She had been right about really liking Maxxie, as the two got along like a wildfire. Everything was perfect. Natalia had found her home.
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