Art by: Cocosan
his TH:
the large bull-like centaur with sleek navy fur sat under the shade of the small tree that sat next to a small stream that sat on the property of his favorite kids family's plot. a book in his hands as a toddler in front of him picked up and threw rocks that peacefully hit the water with a soft splash, well, more of a sploosh to be honest. Isaac was thirteen, making Elliot, the kid in front of him, three. he came to their land often, as a escape from his dads harsh hunting exercises, hence the small bell that dangled from the red ribbon around his neck. his flopped ears resting on his shoulders as he focused on the words that seemed to drift off the pages as he read.
Elliot pranced over and happily grabbed a leaf off the low hanging tree, going over to Isaac. He began wiping the leaf against Isaacs glass horns, thinking he was cleaning them. Isaac had grown used to it. his horns gained their hollow, glass like feature from a mushroom he ate as a child. of course, he regretted eating the mushroom, but he thought his horns looked lovely.
Kanda, Elliot's mother, walked over with a wooden tray of sorts that had fruits on it. She smiled at them, a smile Isaac adored with his whole soul. she set it down, ruffling both their heads. "Hope you're both having fun, will you be staying for dinner, Isaac?" She asked, sugar sprinkling into her voice. Isaac shook his head, "No ma'am, actually, I should probably head home, my father wants to eat the fresh kill he brought in this morning as a family. my mother is to return home today from her long trip..!" he said excitedly as he stood up, grabbing the book he borrowed and handing it to her. "thanks for letting me read it." she shook her head and shoved it back towards him. "by all means! it's yours! I can never get Francis to read them anyways." They both chuckled at the joke, Elliot hugging Isaacs leg tightly and digging his face into his navy fur. "well then thankyou, ma'am, I'll be going now." He said cheerfully and Elliot whined. "I don't want you to leave though,, play with me some more!" The red head begged and Isaac pet his head. "Sorry Ellie, I gotta go. I'll come back soon though." he reassured the toddler, who nodded and slowly let go of his leg, waving bye as he left.
He regretted coming home that day more than anything.
as he made it back home the sun had been setting. he brushed off his hooves before entering the cabin he called home, walking inside and freezing. his blood ran cold as he looked at his mother, tears flooding her rose colored orbs as one of the foxes who often patrolled the woods stood next to her, patting her shoulder. He walked towards the two women cautiously. "Officer West?" They both froze, each looking at Isaac with a facial expression he couldn't decipher. "What's wrong? Where's father?" He asked anxiously, gripping the brown and rather aged leather book in his hand, the fabric rubbing against his fingers making them tickle. "Isaac," his mother began, sniffling and wiping her nose with a peach handkerchief. "...your father, he was found this morning," she didn't have to finish that sentence for him to start thinking of worst case scenarios, his eyes widening in shock as she explained how his fathers body was found, mulled by a couple of what they guessed was some sort of big cat. The violet haired boy dropped the book, his hooves moved before he could process anything. The frantic call of officer West and his mother behind him, calling his name for him to return. But he couldn't hear it over the ringing in his ears and his own thoughts.
After what seemed like hours of running, he came upon the small canine tribe that lived on the south side of Gruden, a rather popular place for trading off pelts for meat. He looked around, he had visited before with his father where he was aquatinted with a mane wolf that had been a good friend of his fathers. The only way he remembered of this man is because of the son they had who was around his age, but nothing like him. The small wolf, who's name was Atlas, had quite the temper. He always had a comeback instead of a response and was rather rude. People often avoided him, but Isaac was one of the few who tried, and thankfully successfully friended him. He made his way through the small huts and shops set up with colorful silk tents hovering over them. It had been nightfall so everyone was in their cozy homes, sharing a meal with their family and friends. He was supposed to do that tonight.
He walked up to the aging wooden hut that sat on top of a quiet hill, quite the distance off from the other homes. He hesitated before knocking on the door. There was some ruckus inside and arguing between the old man and his son before the door swung open, revealing the smaller teen, his red hair crazed and messy as usual, a large scowl plastered on his face as if it were stuck like that forever. His face softened as soon as he saw Isaac, who looked rather out of breath and shaken up. He invited him inside, looking out for at least one of his parents before shutting the door. "Dad, Issacs here!" He yelled out and soon tiny aging man poked his head around the corner. "Oh, hello Isaac boy. Is your father here?" His father. Isaacs eyes watered as he looked at the ground in shame. "I've just received word that he died in the woods today." Silence. He felt Atlas place a hand on his shoulder before pulling him down into a light hug. He gratefully accepted the embrace, wrapping his large arms around him and digging his face into the wolf's shoulder. He glanced up at Mavis, Joni's father, to see him wiping his watered eyes with a tissue. "That's uh... I'm very sorry to hear of such loss. We had just sat down for dinner, care to join us? I'll send a letter to your mother so she doesn't worry to much." He said in a calm tone. Isaac slowly nodded, walking into the cramped dining room, sitting on a large maroon pillow. Mavis served him some boiled carrots and a slice of pork, seating himself. They ate in silence, finishing quickly.
They decided that Isaac could bunk with Joni since it was pretty chilly anyway and they could both use the extra warmth. As they prepared the bedding, the old man wrote a letter to the bulls mother, informing her of his whereabouts and that he was safe and sound. He called over one of the messenger crows of the tribe and sent it off, and everyone eventually went to bed.
Isaac was still awake, the moon shining through the window, reflecting off his horns. He felt a light nudge on his side, looking down he was met with bright golden orbs that glowed in the dimmed dark. "Are you ok?" Joni's voice came out scratchy, indicating he was on the bridge of passing out and slowly crossing it. The purple haired lad tilted his head giving a sad mile, his soft hair falling off his shoulder slightly. "I'm fine. I can get through it." The boy smiled back, a rare sight. "Yeah, you were always pretty tough. Even though you're a total nerd." He joked as he leaned against his friends arm, his soft hair bristling against his skin and sending butterflies shooting down into Isaacs stomach and stabbing at it abruptly. He tensed for a moment but quickly realized and tried his best to relax.
He had found out his small crush on the wolf from the first time he saw him, though not admitting to it since homo, or in his case, even bisexuality was looked down upon in most of the territories of the land. So he never told anyone, and tried ridding of the feeling every time he thought of how the wolf's eyes lit up at certain things, or how adorable he looked when he pouted after getting scolded by his father. The thirteen year old tapped the boy on the shoulder but he didn't move. Only soft snores escaped the boys mouth, a small smile creeping onto Isaac's face as he slowly fell asleep himself.
. . .
A few years passed, Isaac stayed with his mother back at the cabin to help out until he was fifteen, where Elliot's father came to explain to him on what just happened. Atlas had come over to visit, the two began secretly dating when Isaac turned fourteen, the wolf saying his confession was his gift and he should "be damn thankful".
"You want me to what?"
Isaac asked abruptly, as if he didn't understand. The two men stood outside the cabin, worry in both their eyes. "Please Isaac. We'll send food and some extra money to help out every month. I promise." Isaac couldn't believe what he was hearing. A picture perfect family, flipping out and abandoning their child the moment that photo alters. He was, well, disgusted. But for Elliot, he'd give a limb. He nodded, knowing if he argued it wouldn't make a difference and the five year old boy might be left alone for the rest of his life. He couldn't let that happen. "Alright, I'll do it. But I want my mother to get some of the money too." Francis agreed to the terms and let Isaac gather his things.
The teen walked back into his house, ignoring the questions coming from his mother and partner, making his way back to his room, shutting the door. He grabbed a bag and began shoving things into it roughly, his brows furrowed. He was pissed at Francis and Kanda. The two who had treated him like family since he was a young boy. If they find their son that hideous because of some new arms, then what did they think of him after the mushroom incident? Was it all a lie just to get the food his father sent as a kind gesture? Did they think he was a freak too? No, they wouldn't have asked him if they had. Or maybe they think two freaks should stay hidden in their cut off field together.
He jumped as his train of thoughts was crashed at the sound of the door knocking softly. "Isaac? Can I come in?" Atlas. The glass horned bull walked over, opening the door before walking back over to his bag. "Hey, What happened out there?" Isaac tied his bag shut, tying it around his waist. He turned to the brunette, pure confusion twisted into his face. "I have to go watch over Elliot for awhile. I don't know if I'm coming back. They're leaving him over some stupid ass "mutation" He suddenly picked up." Atlas was a bit taken back, not hearing Isaac cuss since his dads funeral. "Isaac,, I can come with if you'd like. I'm not bad with kids." Isaac gave him the look of "that's pure bull crap" and the boy itched his neck nervously before walking closer to him. "Alright, maybe I am. Keep in touch, please?" Atlas had grown softer around Isaac when it was only the two of them, his shell cracking off a bit. "Yeah, of course." He said as he pressed his lips to his lovers cheek. "I'll try my best. Please look over my mother for me." Atlas nodded as the purple haired male turned to leave, walking out the door and saying his goodbyes to his mother, who was informed of the situation by Francis. And with their final goodbye, he was off to the home he, for once in his life, didnt look forward to going to.
. . .
Over the years, Isaac and Atlas decided it was easier to be friends long distance than lovers, keeping in touch now and then. Atlas had become a architect, joining a team of foxes and traveling from land to land, making more discoveries every day. And sometimes he kept artifacts he found, sending them to Isaac to show Elliot, along with a note he could read to the boy too.
As Elliot and him grew older, he was amazed on how massive Elliot got, must've been from his fathers side. Elliot had to be at least seven foot, his long, yellow faded to blue arms always curled up at his chest. Isaac had to admit he was pretty handsome, but Elliot had denied several invites from the mating galas that Isaac received, saying he had no interest in dating. They had a pretty good life, fun memories here and there, ups and downs. One of those downs being the bear that attacked Isaac while he was hunting. But deciding not to go out like his father had, he fought it off almost successfully, losing a arm and sight in one eye in the process.
One day, he had received word from Atlas that he had found several books in a abandoned cave somewhere in the Northern Territory and that it would be a good excuse to "leave his little wonderland" for once. So, Isaac, now about thirty years old, set off to go see a old friend, as the boy he raised waved frantically behind him, wishing him off, calling him old. He only smiled tenderly and shook his head, realizing how happy and serene he felt in this life.
Art by:TMO3009
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