Art by: me lol
His TH:
Elliot's parents stared in horror. his once childish toddler-like arms now turning into long, three-foot claws that faded from his skin color to a bright blue. he looked up, excited about his new features, but his smile faded when he saw the gaze his parents gave him. his father, a deer, who was rarely scared of anything looked terrified, to say the least. they both turned to each other, whispering about the boy who turned five the next day.
"What are we gonna do about this?" his mother, Kanda, asked quickly. The father whose name was Francis, shrugged. "I... I don't have a clue. we can't stay here with something like that, We-"
"then let's leave." the small goat blurted out. Francis's eyes grew wide. "Kanda. we cant do that, he's only a boy! are you Insane?" he argued, but she only crossed her arms across her chest. "are you? He's five tomorrow, He'll be fine if we send Isaac over to watch him. For us, we can stay with my father's herd." Isaac was a teenage bull that lived about an hour from them and came down to their meadow every once in a while to read by the stream they lived by. The tall buck looked at his mate with worry in his pupils. Elliot had only been a boy. He needed a parental figure. but what would the other centaur think of him if he showed up with a kid like this? With a sigh, he turned to Elliot who was swinging his arms around and prancing side to side happily.
"Father, father! look! I can reach the leaves now!" He exclaimed as he reached up and tapped a small smooth leaf that seemed to glow a vibrant green in the soft sunlight. The tree had been about six feet off the ground, Elliot only being about Four feet. His father chuckled, patting him on the head, glancing back at his rather annoyed mother cautiously. as if he was making sure she hadn't changed her mind. Sadly, she still kept the same stern look. He looked back down at the small boy who held an urging gleefulness in his eyes. "Dear, I need to speak with you." His tone was soft, almost sad. The small redhead cocked a brow. "why? have I done something?" The boy asked curiously and Francis shook his head. "no, no, of course not. it's just..." he began, picking up Elliot in a swift motion, holding him like you would a cat, his long, lanky legs folded under his small body. he wrapped his arms around his father's broad neck, looking up curiously. "...Your mother and I have to go away for some time. alright? you know how we go to the harvest every year for some extra food?" Elliot nodded. "well it's gonna be longer than that." usually, the "harvest" --a thing where the centaur go to collect extra food before winter-- lasted about a week or two, depending on how packed the storage haul is that year and where you are on the list.
The toddler slowly nodded, his ears going back a bit. "alright... who will play with me then?" he pouted, causing his father to smile sorrowfully. He realized how much he'd miss his child's reactions. "Isaac is gonna come down and watch you...!" he tried to sound enthusiastic, but it didn't quite work. But hearing Isaacs's name instantly made Elliot light up. "really? Well, why didn't you say that dad? Now I know I'll be ok." He grinned ear to ear, his father nuzzling his cheek. "Yeah, we know you will. I'll go get him and be back by supper, sound alright?" Elliot's frantic nodding and struggling out of his strong grasp let him know it was fine and he said his goodbyes, heading towards where Isaac had been living for the time being.
while his father was off fetching the young lad, his mother paid no attention to him, whether she did it out of shame or disappointment, he still doesn't know. no matter how many times he tried to get her attention she simply ignored him, and when he tried to hug her? He was merely brushed off as if he was a pest, a small gnat getting in her way as she cooked the stew that they would be having with the others.
. . .
After about two hours of his disappearance, Elliot's father returned, a bull with a dark navy coat striding next to him, they seemed to be speaking of something, probably about the situation. Isaac nodded, understanding what was happening, not that he approved, but he was only a teen so what say did he have in this? Isaac looked down the small hill at the home that sat in the large trunk of a Sherman tree, his pink-tinted glass horns glistening in the sunlight. his floppy ears draping over his shoulders along with his violet hair, which was long in the front, short in the back. he paused only for a moment when he noticed Elliot running after him, his new arms spread wide ready for a large embrace. Isaac, the usually very serious and rather dull boy, leaned down and opened his own arms, a soft smile growing on his face. he had grown very fond of the boy, almost as if he were his own brother. Elliot leaped into his arms, giggling joyfully and chanting; "Isaacs here to play!" about five times before calming down. he grabbed Isaac's hand, dragging him over to the dinner table where pillows sat around a carved-out table. Kanda greeted him with a smile, as he did the same. but it was replaced with a large scowl when he noticed the gaze she gave Elliot.
The dinner was rather joyful, to Elliot at least. He was telling the teen about his new arms and how much better they were now and how colorful they are. but on the other side of the table, awkward and angered silence loomed around the two. It was a short dinner, mostly due to the redhead eagerly wanting to snuggle with Isaac, in which he gladly complied. they both gathered on the large soft pillow that Elliot slept on, the toddler next to the strong bull, nuzzling into his thin but soft fur. Isaac wrapped his tail around the smaller boy protectively as Elliot slowly dozed off, humming to himself as he did, his favorite song being "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" which according to Isaac, got very old, very quickly.
right before he went to sleep himself, as it had become pitch black, he noticed the soft glow next to him and curiously looked down, the small bell that hung around his neck jingling as he did. His eyes blew open at the sight before him. Elliot, no, Elliot's arms, seemed to glow in the dark brightly, illuminating his face slightly so his usually pink lips and small nose seemed blue in the light. He heard some leaves rustle in front of him and whipped around, ready to fight Chiron. He settled back down when he noticed it was Francis, standing there, staring at Elliot in amazement. Though, quickly refocusing on his main point. he walked over to Isaac, seeming nervous.
"we're heading off. Take good care of him, please." Isaac was stunned. leaving? now? "why? don't you want to say bye to your son?" he whispered, annoyance lacing his voice. Elliot's father sat speechless and ashamed as his hazel eyes met the ground. "No, it's better off this way. Kanda wishes to leave now, I'm sorry." He answered quietly. Isaacs brows furrowed. "well, fuck Kanda! you should be able to say bye to him. he deserves it. he didn't ask for this, sir. I know you know this is wrong." Isaac whisper-shouted. Francis was taken back by the sharp words from the usually calm and quiet teen. "...I have to go. Goodbye." Before Isaac could scold him more, Elliot's father turned, trotting towards his mate who sat at the base of the hill that led out of their small field with a bag tied to her small back.
and that was that. For years on end, once a month, Elliot would ask the simple words of "Are they gonna be home soon?" and every time Isaac gave him a droopy-eyed look and said "Not yet, but soon enough." But both of them knew they were never coming back. it was just a way to remind themselves that Isaac was all he had left.
. . .
One year turned to five, and five turned to fifteen. Elliot grew with his arms, standing at seven foot two, his arms reaching at least six feet. he had grown into a lovely young man. his hair covering the right side of his face. he refused to cut his bangs but Isaac forced him to at least cut the back. Speaking of the bull, He had grown too. not as much sadly. He was only about six foot seven, close but not quite there. Elliot loved hugging him and joking about how small he was compared to himself.
during their aging years together, Isaac had lost an arm and the sight in one of his eyes. a simple accident caused while hunting when he was younger. it was healed now, but from then on Elliot had to do the hunting, cooking, and used to have to go to neighboring territories for supplies. which had been quite hard considering his... situation. Some people were very fascinated with his arms, others hated them, some even wanted them to study. so once Isaac's arm healed he quickly took back on that task, buying books for Elliot to read when he could get him to. the two had gotten by pretty well, to say the least. bumps here and there, but that was all.
"what do you mean?" Elliot asked as Isaac gathered items into a leather bag.
"...You heard me, Ellie. I'll only be gone for a month or two. Don't worry."
"don't worry? Isaac, how am I supposed to know you'll come back?"
Isaac paused, turning towards him. that same bell still hugging his neck and singing a peaceful "ting" as it tilted side to side. he walked over to him, smiling sadly and reaching up to ruffle his red, almost maroon hair.
"cause I've never lied to you, have I?
"Yes." Elliot answered without hesitation and Isaac's mouth hung open. "when?"
"That time when you told me that the skunk wouldn't spray me, The other time when it was my birthday and you forgot, When-"
"Alright, I get it!" he exclaimed. there was a short silence before they both chuckled softly. "okay, okay. Then..." he thought for a moment, "When have I ever broken a promise?" Elliot paused to think, and then shrugged, his garnet eyes adverting to the ground as he rubbed his colorful arm nervously. "then I promise I'll be back, alright? it's only to go see an old friend. he sent a letter informing me they found old enchantment books somewhere in the caves of Humber. He brought some back for me." He turned back and finished packing, tying the bag up tightly. "It's a Five-day trip none-stop. so I'll probably get there in seven. I'll send a letter as soon as I arrive. I promise." He emphasized the last word, making sure Elliot heard it clearly and believed it. The tall deer helped him tie the bag around his waist and nodded, understanding.
"Okay, just don't die, you old withered man." that comment earned him a flick to the head. "I'm not that old! I'm only ten years older than you." Isaac joked, rolling his eyes. "yup, and still cute and short as a bunny!" Elliot chirped. Isaac mumbled a small "whatever." under his breath and hugged the boy he practically raised before heading off.
"I'm stealing your pillows while you're gone!" Elliot shouted as he saw Isaac go out of sight over the hill. He got no response, but he knew Isaac was shaking his head smiling, which he was. Elliot giggled, and skipped back to the now-aging trunk he called home, snatching the purple pillows from Isaacs padded area and tossing them in with his coral ones. he curled up in the cloud-like pile, falling asleep quickly as the scent of woodland and rain, a smell that never failed to calm him, engulfed his fur and filled his nose.
Art by: idk it's been forever but it's not mine so please don't steal it
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