{Your POV}
"Charlessss!!!" You called a bit impatiently and waited for about a minute, but there was no response. You sighed before calling louder, "Chaaaarrrlessss!!!" That's weird... wait... I know what will get his attention! Sucking in your pride, you shouted, "CHARLES I'M HORNY!!!"
The door opened almost as soon as you finished talking, though once he saw your facial expression the smirk on his face dropped, "Wow... and you're not even horny. Fine then... I'll just make you horny~"
He smirked again and approached you, but before he could sit in your lap you quickly stood up, keeping a distance from him {which required you to literally run in circles around the room}, "Aw hell no! Sit still for five fucking minutes, geez dude!! It's important!"
"Annnd why can't you tell me while I grind my dick on you, hmm~?" Charles chuckled, knowing that you loved to challenge him. You pouted before turning to face him, looking somewhat angry. You shoved him into a chair so he was sitting and climbed on top of him so you were the one who could grind on him easier, smirking.
"And why can't I grind on you, huh~?" You retorted, letting out a chuckle as you watched the biologist bite his lip as the waves of pleasure rolled over him. However, he was only dazed for a second before he wasted no more time in getting back on top, returning the gesture so you would be the one who was flustered.
"Because you can't top me, cutie~" Charles whispered in your ear, making you blush when you accidentally let out a squeak.
"Ch-Charles-!! I-I- ahh~ seriously had something i-important to say!" You stammered as he kept grinding on you, which he could tell had aroused you.
"Well, I hope you can think after I fuck you 'cuz it's gonna have to wait~"
{Timeskip cuz this ain't a lemon}
You felt your breathing finally steady as you lay there with Charles cuddling you. He carelessly toyed with your messy hair, watching your slightly dazed form with a satisfied grin. Suddenly, realization spread on his features and he started to laugh a little, "Oh yeahhh... what was that thing you wanted to tell me? Or did I fuck it out of you~?"
"Hmph... no, you didn't 'fuck it out of me.' Anyways, I wanted to tell you that the guy you wanted to do a collab with said he'd do it! And I better not hear another sexual harassment complaint, got it? Just 'cuz you're my boyfriend doesn't mean I'm gonna be any nicer to you as your assistant!" You warned him, finding the energy in you to lightly smack him. Charles only let out a soft moan and smiled at you.
"I'm starting to think you like hitting me cuz it makes me moan~" Charles teased, making you blush before you forced yourself to stay confident and keep on the higher ground as much as you could.
"Damn right, you fucking slut," You hit him again, but this time in the form of a spanking.
"Mmn~! Does my cute little (Y/N) want another round~?" Charles smirked at your advances, finding it adorable that you were teasing him so much.
"In your dreams, I'm tired," You complained. Those two hits had taken away what little energy you had left, so instead you hugged Charles close like he was a teddy bear and closed your eyes, "And you're warm... so be wholesome for like two seconds."
"Not when your tits are pressed against me," Charles refused to be wholesome for even a short period of time, trailing his hand down before groping your ass, "And when you have such a nice body~"
"Charles!! Shut up, you pervert!" You groaned in embarrassment, though you made no move to stop his advances.
"Hmm... I'll spare you, but only once~ Now get some sleep, little kitten~" Charles cooed, kissing your cheek. You thought he was finally being wholesome but you were immediately proven wrong when he casually started to grope your ass again, but you eventually just grew used to the feeling as you drifted off to sleep.
{Your POV}
You walked into the chemists's lab, sighing as you saw him still working. He at least had safety goggles on this time, but that didn't change the fact he'd now been working for a full 24 hours without even taking a break to use the bathroom!! How did this guy not have a bladder infection?!
"Henry Beamte-Rostock, you are going to take a break and you're not gonna like it but you're gonna do it anyways," You practically shouted, crossing your arms sternly. He didn't even look up at you.
"No, I'm not gonna take a break and I'm gonna like it," Henry didn't even smile or snicker at his snooty remark, he just continued watching his test tubes. One of them was slowly turning green, but that wasn't important to you right now.
"I will throw everything on this table to the floor," You threatened, grabbing an edge of the table as if you were threatening to flip it. He still didn't budge.
"The tables are literally bolted to the floor, so good luck getting everything off via flipping my table. And if you try to individually knock everything off, you know damn well I'd stop you," Henry's voice grew dark as he spoke, almost like he was threatening you. It was scary, actually.
"W-Well!! You need to take a break!! It's been a full day and you haven't even got a drink of water or used the bathroom, at least!" You whined, and that seemed to catch the chemist's attention. He finally looked up from his work before pulling back the sleeve of his lab coat slightly to see that a full 24 hours had indeed passed while he was in the lab.
"How did this much time pass...? I swear I was only in here for maybe 10 hours..." Henry gaped in astonishment at how badly he'd lost track of time, "I don't usually get like this unless I'm close to a breakthrough... am I sick? Is there something changing in my lifestyle I'm unconsciously avoiding? Is-"
"Henry! Maybe it was just a fluke. That kinda stuff happens sometimes- right?" You tried to soothe the male before he could go into a full panic, knowing that seeing him get anxious wasn't a very pleasant sight. Last time he got anxious, you had to talk him down from destroying his entire lab and moving to another country because he misplaced one document and thought someone hijacked his 'top secret research.' You had no idea what made him get so paranoid in the first place, anyways.
"A fluke... yeah... haha... I'm just gonna go get myself back up to health..." Henry awkwardly commented, standing up from the stool he'd been sitting on. His legs slightly gave way from underneath him but he supported himself with the table until he could properly stand, and then he took off his gloves and threw them in the trash. You followed him out of his lab, not wanting to stay in the creepy environment any longer.
"If you even try to go back to work without eating, drinking lots of water, showering, AND getting at least 8 hours of sleep I'm destroying your research!" You threatened, though both you and Henry knew it was a bluff. You could never bring yourself to actually destroy anything of his since you knew how hard he worked to get every single piece of it, and you didn't want to have to make him do it all over again just because you got mad.
"There. Now get some sleep in an actual bed, curling up on the floor in your lab doesn't count," You huffed as you finished tucking the chemist into bed. He didn't even have a bed in his room, so you had to make him sleep in yours. Hell- he didn't even have any pillows or blankets in his room! Wasn't he always sore?
"...It's soft..." Henry mumbled, letting his forever messy hair fall in front of his face just a little as he closed his eyes. You couldn't help but think he looked oddly cute like that, making you smile. You leaned in close and planted a soft kiss on his forehead, whispering a 'good night' into his ear before leaving the room, shutting off the lights as you walked out so he could peacefully sleep.
{Your POV}
"Hey Simon!" You smiled as you sat down next to the blue-haired male. He smiled as well, his entire face seeming to light up with your presence.
"Hello, (Y/N)! How are you doing today?" Simon asked, standing up just to bow politely in greetings before sitting back down.
"Heyyy, you don't have to bow every time you greet me," You completely ignored his question, trying instead to hide the blush rising to your cheeks. Every single one of your boyfriend's polite gestures always made you get embarrassed, but it only seemed to amuse Simon {which you thought was a little sadistic for his character, but it also made sense}.
"But it's polite," Simon simply argued, pouting just a little bit. It wasn't noticeable unless you'd known him for a while, but it was there.
"Ehhh, but it's embarrassing! Plus, we've been dating for a really long time... you don't need to be so formal around me," You countered as you leaned on Simon's shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist so you could hug him like a life size plushie. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
"Ah- my apologies if you think I'm trying to create a barrier by being too formal! That was not my intention!" Simon started to profusely apologize, but you quickly shushed him before he could begin to ramble.
"Shhh, it's okay. I wasn't trying to say I was unhappy... it's just- hnnn... kinda embarrassing," You quietly admitted, burying your face in your boyfriend's side so he couldn't see your blush.
"Well... if you want me to then I can do my best to limit myself," Simon offered, making you smile.
"Ahhh- you're so nice!! Thank you Simonnnn~!" You cheered, suddenly squeezing him really tight as you snuggled up to him.
"A-Ah! (Y/N), I can't breathe!!" Simon slightly panicked, making you quickly release so he could catch his breath.
"Sorry!! You were just so cute-" You awkwardly apologized, now feeling kinda stupid for reacting so suddenly and with so much intensity, especially in a public place.
"No, it's okay," Simon giggled, patting your head reassuringly, which also made you giggle in turn. He glanced at the clock hung on the ceiling before letting out a gasp, "My apologies that we couldn't talk long, but it's almost time for me to consult a client. I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room since these conversations are confidential."
You chuckled and stood up, leaning down a little to plant a kiss on the lawyer's forehead before starting to leave his office, "Hehe, I know. Good luck with whatever it is~"
You smiled to yourself as you left his office, wanting to wait in the waiting room but knowing it was still a few hours until he was done with work {you only visited him today because you were finished running errands and happened to be in the area} so instead you headed outside, taking out your phone, "You there? Mhm... okay."
You put your phone in your pocket, knowing your personal driver would show up shortly. Simon didn't want to be flashy by hiring someone to be your driver, but he was aware it was safer if you and him never travelled alone so he hired one. As you left the building, the all-too-familiar Jeep drove up to the side of the curb. Neither you or Simon wanted an expensive car because it would be more likely to be stolen, and plus there was no real need for one anyways. Chuckling, you got into the backseat and closed the door behind you, letting your thoughts wander as your driver started taking you home.
{Your POV}
"Three thirty... she should be here any minute now," You commented to yourself, patiently waiting at the café table for her to show up. Sure enough, she arrived about five minutes later, her confident presence seeming more refreshing than scary. Like a delicate flower, she swayed over to you once she spotted you and smiled, sitting down.
"You can stop staring now," Breana teased, making you look away while blushing.
"S-sorry... you're just... really pretty," You awkwardly stuttered, making her laugh.
"Well, at least it wasn't my boobies you were lookin' at. I swear to god, I'm gonna get razor blade nipples and use them to decapitate the next pervert who looks at me funny," Breana huffed.
"I would say the first person you should kill is Charles, but he's your dad, sooo I hope he doesn't look at you like that," You cringed at the thought of Breana's dad preying on her or using her for something inappropriate, but she just laughed at your thought.
"Even though he likes to fuck his parents, I think he actually sees me as a daughter instead of a toy 'cuz he actually treats me like a human being," Breana chuckled to herself.
"Wait, does that mean he sees me as a toy then...? Cuz he flirted with me a lot when I came over for dinner a while back..." You cringed once again at the memory of the much older biologist trying to flirt with you despite knowing you were dating his daughter.
"Don't worry, I don't see you as a toy! I see you as a pile of trash," Breana laughed, making you cross your arms and pout.
"Heyyy, judt cuz it's true doesn't mean it's not rude!" You whined, making her laugh even more.
"But I was complimenting you- I said I SEE you as trash. You're actually a landfill," Breana made the roast even worse, and you could only stare open-mouthed at her quick {but cruel} wits. You knew she was only joking so you weren't offended, just impressed.
"Wow- I- damn... you really roasted me," You laughed, having no words for the burn you'd just experienced. Breana laughed with you, but the two of you quieted down as a waitress approached the two of you.
"Hello, sorry for taking so long, we're quite busy today! May I take your order?" the waitress asked, taking out a notepad and pen from her pocket. Since it was just a café they mainly only served dessert items and different beverages {notably the coffee they were famous for}, but they did have a few actual dishes. You and Breana ordered and the waitress walked off, leaving the two of you to chat again about whatever came to mind.
It wasn't until the sky started getting dark that you realized how long the two of you had been talking, and you looked at your phone to see that several hours had passed.
"Holy crap! It's almost 8:30, when did it get so late?!" You exclaimed, making Breana snicker.
"I know I'm charming, but I can't be so cute you lose track of time for five hours," Breana teased, making you pout.
"W-well!!! Anyways!! I think they're gonna close soon, we should get going-" You awkwardly commented, noticing how the once bustling café now only had a few customers.
"Heyyy, wait a minute! Since I have the day off tomorrow too and we've already been hanging out for a while, we should have a sleepover at your place! Plus it gives me an excuse to get away from my dad for the night," Breana suggested, snorting at the last part.
"I mean- I didn't really have any plans for tomorrow so I'm down for that... but don't you need to go pack some stuff if you're gonna have a sleepover?" You asked as the two of you headed outside the café.
"Yeah, I will. I'll run over to my house and go grab some stuff, and I'll meet you at your place when I'm done," Breana directed, and you confirmed that plan would work. The two of you then went your separate ways, Breana to pack an overnight bag and you to your house to wait for her to show up.
{Bonus scene}
"Breanaaaa... get back hereee..." You whined, pulling the female closer to you and snuggling up to her, "You're warrrmmmm~"
"Unlike your heart. Now c'mere, it's cuddle time bitch!!"
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