Marauders OC - Robin
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Robin Mallory
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I - General Info
II - Education Info
III - Magic Info
IV - Looks
V - Relationships
VI - Personality
VII - Backstory
VIII - Extra Info
I : General Info
Full name: Robin Mallory
Nicknames: Ro, Red
Gender: Female
Age: Depends on when the rp is set
Birthday: June 6th
Blood status: Half-Blood
Occupation: After Hogwarts she went on to be one of the few musicians of the wizarding world to make a name for themselves (There are wizard/witch musicians like Celestina Warbeck). Her name when performing was Robin Red, a reference back to her school days and the nickname "Red" her friends gave her.
Era: Marauders era and an adult during the Golden Trio era
Nationality: British
Species: Human
II : Education Info
Wizarding School: Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Best subject: Astronomy
Worst subject: Potions
Quidditch position (If they played): Didn't play
Clubs/extra curricular: (These are confirmed canon on a few different websites and sources so) Music and Muggle Music (Two separate things)
III : Magic Info
Wand: 7 1/2 inches, Rosewood, Unicorn Hair Core
Boggart: A ventriloquist dummy (SO basically she is scared of the sort of things I find cool)
Animagus form: A Robin (It makes sense, come on)
Patronus: Field Mouse
Amortentia scent: Honey, Wood, Sugar
IV : Looks
Faceclaim (Young):
Shannon Purser
Voice - Jessie Buckley
Faceclaim (Adult): Karliene
Voice - Sounds like Kate Winslet
Hair colour:
Hair style/length:
Kept short, normally chin length, somewhat fluffy.
5"2 (obviously varies based on age)
Eye colour:
Distinguishing features: N/A
Any scars?: N/A
V : Relationships
Love interest (For RP): Either Sirius Black or Remus Lupin, whoever you'd prefer to play
Friends: Lupin, Sirius, James, Peter (Former), Molly and Arthur Weasley, Lilly
Family: Marina Malory (Mother, Muggle), Damien Malory (Father, Wizard)
VI : Personality
Personality summary: She is a friendly and creative girl, with a mischievous and playful streak. She will always tease her friends, but would never go too far. Where as most say it's wise to know one's limits, she believes a smarter person knows not to limit themselves. She is very outgoing and sociable, but can be a little snarky when annoyed. She also holds grudges easily. She was a little bit too quick to trust when younger.
Good traits: Creative, Friendly, Playful, Sociable
Bad traits: Easily annoyed, Too quick to trust, Lowkey Petty at times.
Neutral Traits: Mischievous
Likes: Music, Writing, Learning Spells, Her studies, Her friends, Sweet tea, Honey
Dislikes: Bland things, dull colours, Silence, Losing Friends
Playing Piano. Reading, Practising Spells, Singing
She has an irrational fear of Ventriloquist Dummies after her friend left one at her house when she was very young...and she didn't know until she found it while heading to get a glass of water in the dark and saw it. In her child mind she thought it was watching her and she bolted out of there. She doesn't mind dolls and other forms of puppets though.
VII : Background
Born to a muggle mother and wizard father, Robin had the best of both worlds. She grew up seeing her father's magic, but also watching her mother do normal things such as play piano, which her mother taught her to do too, hence her love of music.
She was born in 1960 btw. She grew even more fond of music as she would sit with her mother and watch her favourite movies, all of which were full of music. (Movies like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 1953, The Wizard Of Oz 1939, Calamity Jane 1953 etc.)
At 11 she received her acceptance to Hogwarts and was thrilled to finally learn magic, though she was worried she'd miss her home and her family while away.
Her creative and clever mind landed her in Ravenclaw, though she didn't have many friends in her own house. She met and befriended the Marauders during her 3rd year after spotting them trying to prank someone, and she made a deal, she wouldn't rat them out...so long as they let her in on the action, showing her mischievous side.
Much like the rest of them she too learned to become an animagus, though she didn't do so with them, keeping it a secret instead to try and surprise them with her becoming one as well.
Skip to graduation, she was pretty good friends with all of them by now. She began to do small shows with what little instrumental knowledge she had as well as singing. Travelling between towns and performing on streets for money, and soon made a name for herself and began to travel the country doing real shows.
She settled in a small town for a few years and adopted a 3 year old orphan called Dante. She returned home though at the worst possible time/
She returned home to the knowledge that James and Lilly were dead and that Sirius was arrested. To say she was mortified was an understatement.
She struggled to get over what happened though, losing two of her closest friends and not even knowing about their deaths until months later and finding out another was in prison, it was hard news to come back home to. And she'd not seen any of them in years as it was, and now she'd never get to see them again.
She then moved to Hogsmeade with her, now 4 year old, son. 7 years later her son goes to Hogwarts, and then 3 or 4 years after that, Harry started.
Previous homes: London, England
Current home: Hogsmeade
VIII : Extra Info
She is a singer for the magical world, but also covers muggle songs and introduces those songs to the wizarding world.
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