[OBEY ME OC; 𝓐𝓫𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓵 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷 💛💸]
[ Name ] ; " Abigail Benjamin at your service my dear , ! " [ Abigail Benjamin, it is unknown if this is her real name. ]
[ Nicknames ] ; " Abbie is my most popular one , but you can call me whatever you'd like ~. " [ Abbie. [ All ] | 'Gail. [Belphie/Solomon/Simeon ] | Ms Benjamin. [ Lucifer/Diavolo/Barbatos ] | Miss Abbie. [ Luke ] | Etc. ]
[ Age ] ; " I'm fairly young for a demon , ! Around Asmo's age I'd say . " [ Unknown, around Asmo's age. ]
[ Species ] ; " A demon of course , ! What else would I be dearie , ? " [ Succubus. But, she experiences little to no sexual urges. ]
[ Powers ] ; " Anything a nornal demon can do , ! " [ She of course has the power of seduction, making people feel weirdly drawn to her. But she doesn't use it. | She also has the ability to see and talk to the dead, she's unsure of where this power came from but assumes it's from one of her parents. | She can also do anything else a succubus can do. ]
[ Birthday ] ; " I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in may i believe , aha . . It's been quite a long time since I last celebrated it , ! " [ May 14th. ]
[ Zodiac ] ; " Hm , ? I believe I'm a Taurus ! I don't really keep up with those sorts of things aha , ~ " [ Taurus. ]
[ Gender ] ; " I'm in fact a girl my dear , ! " [ Female. ]
[ Pronouns ] ; " Any will do , ! I don't mind . " [ Any, no preference. ]
[ Romantic & Sexual Orientation ] ; " Oh , trying to come onto me are you dearie , ? How cute ~ ! I'm panromantic as well as pansexual . " [ Panromantic & Pansexual. ]
-" Belphie you big oomf , ! You fell asleep on- -my cleaning supplies , ! "-
[ Eye color ] ; [ going off the first two pictures; Amber. ]
[ Hair color ] ; [ Ivory. ]
[ Hair length ] ; [ A few inches further then their waist. ]
[ Height ] ; [ 5'5. ]
[ Body type ] ; [ Rather slim, doesn't have a lot of chest nor hips. ]
[ Scent ] ; [ Cleaning supplies, & strawberries. ]
[ Scars ] ; [ A few on her hands from cleaning up shards of glass, but nothing major. ]
[ Tattoos ] ; [ She wants one but currently doesn't have any. ]
[ Piercings ] ; [ Couple of ear piercings. ]
[ Other features ] ; [ She has freckles littered all over her body. | She has noticeable hip dips. | She has a slight tooth gap which causes a occasional lisp. | Their hands are rather callused from cleaning. | Her teeth are extremely sharp. | Their eyes are rather dull and lifeless most of the time, despite her bubbly personality. ]
-" Levi , ! How many akuzon boxes do you have -in this room , ! "-
[ Personality ] ; " I've heard a few say I can be a bit odd at times , aha , ! I hope I don't come off as odd to you dearie . " [ Abigail can come off as unsettling or creepy to most, especially with her lifeless eyes and eerie never ending joy. It's almost uncanny how her joyous smile stretches across her face in a never ending grin. They truly don't mean to come off as unsettling, she just does. Contrary to her creepy appearance, she is actually very sweet, a bit of a perfectionist and a slight germaphobe, but very sweet. She looks out for others and never judges anyone based on their appearance. She's often found working away endlessly, rarely taking a break, not that she minds of course. It's rather hard to learn more about her due to her keeping a lot of her backstory a secret. She's rather mysterious in some ways and is able to read someone like a book, telling how they feel and what they're thinking off of a simple glance. Due to this and her unsettling appearance most tend to avoid her, but doesn't mind. Overall, She's rather mysterious and slightly unsettling, but very sweet. ]
[ Likes ] ; " I know it seems like I'm just saying this to get a raised , ahalucipleasepayme - But I genuinely like baking and cleaning . I can't stand being in a dirty environment , ! "
- Baking. [ Baking is a big comfort for her, she loves baking different types of sweets and having the brothers try them out. Beel ends up eating most of them though. ]
- Cherry's. [ One unsettling fact is that Abigail is never seen eating, but she does seem to like the look of Cherry's at least. Most of her pastries involve them in some way. ]
- Cleaning. [ As stated before; Abigail hates being in a dirty or messy environment. Which is one of the main reasons she hates cleaning Satan and Levi's rooms, she constantly scolds them for their lack of care. ]
- Anime. [ After being introduced to it by Levi, Abigail often found herself watching it when she wasn't busy, or listening to opening theme songs as she worked. Her favorite by far has to be AOT. ]
- Sculpting. [ She's rather good at it and Luci even let her display some of her creations in the house of laminations, granted it's mostly in areas only for the brothers and not for guest. ]
- Sowing [ Again, Shes really good at it. She sometimes makes cosplays for Levi when he's to busy to, she also sows Belphies pillow back together when it rips. ]
[ Dislikes ] ; " I absolutely hate any type of grime or filth , ! "
- Dirty environments. [ She just can't do it, she hates being surrounded by filth or other unclean substances. Abigail makes sure the house is spotless at all times. ]
- Rodents. [ Devildom rats are the worst thing to ever exist in Abigail's mind, they're absolutely terrifying and not to mention huge. Just the thought of them makes he shiver in fear. ]
- Being bothered during work. [ She's very dedicated to her job and doesn't like bing bugged while she's working. ]
- Her appearance being made fun of. [ It's not something she can control so she doesn't understand why people poke fun at her for it. It irritates her greatly. ]
- Talking about her past. [ Whatever may have happened in her past is obviously something she doesn't like talking about. She becomes a little sour and stand-offish if she's asked about it to much. ]
[ Favorite demon ] ; " Ah , that's a hard one . . Hm . . I'd probably pick Beel , ! He's a pain in my backside when it's dinner time but he's a real sweetheart , ! " [ Beelzebub. ]
[ Favorite angel ] ; " Luke definitely , ! He's just the cutest little thing ! And he's really good at baking , ! " [ Luke. ]
[ Favorite food ] ; " Well , I like cooking sweets ! Especially cakes or cookies , but my favorite has to be cherry pie , ! " [ Cherry pie, but she never eats it. ]
[ Least favorite food ] ; " Well . . I've never eaten his food but . . Solomon's 'food' always looks a little Uhm . . unappetizing , aha . . " [ Whatever the heck Solomon makes. ]
-" My , this cake is absolutely wonderful-
-Luke , ! Please do teach me the recipe , ! "-
[ Hobbies ] ; " I enjoy cleaning as well as sculpting and sowing , ! " [ Cleaning is a big one since it's literally apart of her job as a maid, but she does enjoy it. | Scupting is one of Abigails favorite hobbies, she often makes expensive looking pottery for Mammon to sell so he doesn't take the ones in the house of Lamentation. | She's also really good at sowing, she often has to sow Belphies pillow back together since it gets ripped quite often. | Abigail also bakes quite often, mostly to satisfy Beels never ending hunger. So it's less of a hobby then the others. ]
[ Habits ] ; " I have a habit of chewing on my lower lip , which can be a bit painful because of my teeth sometimes . . Hehe , " [ Abigail tends to chew on her lower lip when she's stressed or nervous, which causes it to bleed thanks to her sharp teeth. | She also has a habit of randomly tweaking or twitching her hands or arms, she doesn't know why but it happens randomly. ]
[ Allergies ] ; " Nothing as far as I'm aware , ! " [ None. ]
[ Occupation ] ; " I work as the head maid of the house of Lamentation , ! " [ Head maid in the House Of Lamentation. ]
[ Disorders ] ; " Again , none that I'm aware of at the moment , ! " [ None. ]
[ Fears/Phobias ] ; " I absolutely despise rats , ! Especially Devildom rats . . Just the thought of them makes me want to squeal , ! " [ She has a hatred for rats similar to Barbatos, but she can't deal with them as well as Barb does. ]
-" How many times have I told you lot , ! Take- -your shoes of the carpet you fends , ! "-
[ Family ] ; " Hm , ? I'd prefer not to go into detail about them dearie ! " [ There is no current info on her family, she refuses to talk about them to anyone so all of her background in unknown to everyone. Other then Barbs of course, since . . y'know. ]
[ Best friends ] ;
- Solomon. [ Surprisingly Abigail and Solomon are rather close. She finds making potions rather interesting and sometimes teaches him how to cook, despite Solomon still managing to mess it up. He's also actively trying to form a pact with her, but she said she'll only do it if he makes a decent meal. ]
- Satan. [ She absolutely hates cleaning his room but, she does like occasionally borrowing him of his books and reading them. They get along quite well and gossip about some of the drama they've scene around the mansion, Asmo occasionally joining in. ]
- Thirteen. [ She would be lying if she said she wasn't absolutely in love with this women. She often hangs out with thirteen when she's on break and loves having girls night outs with her, and your oc if you'd like. ]
- Leviathan. [ She's likes watching him play video games and occasionally joins in. She also enjoys watching anime with him, her favorite by far has to be AOT, which slightly concerns Levi. ]
[ Love interest ] ; " Oh , I'm not seeing anyone at the moment if that's what your asking , ! Aha , it appears I'm a little to busy for a relationship ~. " [ Multiple Incase they're your crush/or/you don't like playing them :) ]
[ It took his brothers by surprise when Abigail announced her and Levi were officially a couple. They notice how she constantly teased and flustered him for fun, but they never thought she would actually ask him out. | For dates they usually hang out in Levi's room playing video games due to his social anxiety, which Abigail doesn't mind, as long as he's happy. ]
- [ SATAN. ]
[ Luci already knew it was going to happen, the rest of the brothers were honestly gobsmacked. After all, Abigail's constantly scolding Satan for keep his room so messy and unruly. Not to say she doesn't scold him anymore, just because they were dating didn't mean he was off the hook. But Luci noticed how the blonde constantly stared at the girl from afar, and how Abigail always enjoyed hanging out in his room to read. He figured it was going to happen sooner of later. | For dates they either go to the library or a cat café, which Abigail absolutely loves. ]
- [ ASMODEUS. { Backup } ]
[ Abigail and Asmo weren't all that close when she first came to the mansion. She often ignored Asmo or scolded him because of his constant suggestive and flirtatious comments, which distracted her from doing her work. She even put up a rule specifically for him which read; No flirting while I'm on the job. It took awhile for her feelings for him to actually grow, but she knew she was in love with him when he pampered her on her day off, talking her ear off about how she should 'take care of her beautiful skin'. She eventually realized he wasn't all that bad and actually really sweet, they're relationship blossomed only soon after. | Dates can range from spending the night in his room to going to the club to getting their nails done before just laying down in each other's arms and talking. Dates tend to happen often, and there's never a dull moment when your hanging out with Asmo. ]
[ Relationship Status ] ; " Again , a little to busy for love , Dearie . " [ Currently single. ]
[ Looking for in a relationship ] ; " Hm . . Who's room isn't absolutely horrendously messy , ! Levi , Satan . " [ Someone who won't judge her for her looks, and respects her boundaries. She doesn't ask for much honestly. ]
-" Mammon , I highly suggest you put that back -where you find it before I call Luci ,~ "-
[ Backstory ] ; [ Working progress. 🚧 ]
[ Voice claim ] ;
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[ Theme song ] ;
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[ Favorite songs ] ;
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[ HC'S/Other Information ] ;
- She used to have a crush on Barbatos, but the other didn't feel the same. They have no bad blood between them however, and are actually on good terms.
- She can be a bit of a flirt sometimes.
- Abigails demon form is actually based of a butterfly, which is hinted by her earrings.
- She once hid in Satans room because the biggest devildom rat she's ever seen decided to randomly show up. She sobbed herself to sleep that day.
- She occasionally likes cosplaying with Levi.
[ END ]
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