{ " Careful! It's slippery! " }
[ Full Name ] ; " Fuyuki Rin! And who might you be? " - [ Fuyuki Rin. ]
[ Nicknames ] ; " If you're in a real rush you can just call me Yuki! "
- [ Yuki. [ Mitsuri / Rengoku / Shinobu / Kanae ] | Rin. [ Giyuu / Tanjiro ] | Rinsho. [ Gyomei ] | Idiot girl. [ Iguro ] Glutton. [ Sanemi / Tengen ( jokingly ) ]
[ Age ] ; " Nineteen! " - [ 19. ]
[ Birthday ] ; " December twenty fifth! Now that you know, you have to get me a gift! " - [ December 25th. ]
[ Gender ] ; " Eh?! Not funny-.. okay it was a little funny! " - [ Female. ]
[ Pronouns ] ; " She, her, hers! " - [ She, Her, Hers. ]
[ Romantic & Sexual orientations ] ; " Are you asking for any particular reason? Not that I mind! I'm bisexual. " - [ Bisexual. ]
[ Species ] ; " Eh?! Are you insinuating I'm a demon or something?? Never! " - [ Human. ]
{ " It's so humid out,, my hair is getting all frizzy!! " }
[ Appearance ] ; [ Art made by me! ]
[ Height ] ; - [ Without skates; 6'0. | With skates; 6'4. ]
[ Hair color ] ; - [ Platinum blonde. ]
[ Hair length ] ; - [ To her lower back. ]
[ Eye color ] ; - [ Icy blue. ]
[ Tattoos ] ; - [ None. ]
[ Piercings ] ; - [ None. ]
[ Scent ] ; - [ Hollyberry & Cinnamon. ]
[ Scars ] ; - [ Plenty from past fights, but none notable enough to list. ]
[ Other features ] ; - [ She has Albinism. Her birth mother has brown skin, but due to her condition she lacks melanin, giving her skin/eyes/hair a frosted and milky appearance. | She also has a beauty mark under her left eye. | Due to her fighting style, her legs are extremely buff and muscular. Her power is mostly stored in her lower body, giving her a pear figure; Small top, wide hips and thighs. ]
{ " Snowflakes are like humans, every last one of us are different,, someway, somehow. " }
[ Slayer/Civilian/Demon ] ; - [ Slayer. ]
[ Rank ] ; - [ Hashira. ]
[ Breathing style ] ; - [ Ice breathing; Deprived from water breathing. ]
[ Breathing techniques ] ; - [ N/A ]
[ Weapon(s) ] ; - [ A modified ice axe with a chain attached to the end for tossing. | Figure skates with nichirin blades. ]
[ Crow ] ; -
[ Hiyayakana Rin ]
[ Hiyayakana and Fuyuki's relationship is considered close compared to most crow/slayer relationships. Fuyuki keeps her beloved friend updated on all the latest drama, and Hiyayakana always stops to listen. ]
[ Little doodle of them together ^^ ]
{ " The snow, the ice, isn't it all so beautiful! " }
[ Personality] ; " I consider myself a nice person. But I do care about others opinions on me. I just don't let the bad ones get to me, y'know? "
[ Fuyuki is a very kind and empathetic girl. She constantly puts others above herself, both because it's her job but her selflessness plays a huge part. She also heavily enjoys being a slayer, helping others and also getting a workout? Definitely her style. She's a very active girl, so the joys of running through the mountains and carrying others to safety gives her a rush. She loves the feeling of blood rushing through her veins and pushing herself to the very limits.
Fuyuki is very friendly as well. She gets along with a lot of people- but nine times out of ten it's a girl- her agreeable personality and justifiable views give her a very warm aura that many are attracted too. Of course, she's not everyone's cup of tea. But she doesn't mind, she doesn't expect everyone to like her.
However, Fuyuki can be extremely stubborn when's she has her mind set. If she's put her foot down you'll have to chop it off before she lifts it back up. This causes a handful of arguments between her and other hashiras ( mostly Sanemi ). Of course, it's a less then desirable trait at times, but that's what makes her human.
Tying into her kindness, she's also very motherly. Fuyuki's mother left a long lasting impression on her, so she tries to implement her mother through herself to hopefully have that same impression on others. She dotes and caters to younger slayers, and always ends up having an attachment to all her little kohai. She always tries her best to make them as comfortable as possible. When you're auctioning yourself up to most likely die, it's good to have someone to dote on you by the end of the day.
While Fuyuki is kind girl, she also has her flaws like everyone else. Sometimes she gets ahead of herself, jumping in too fast and getting overzealous easily. This causes strain in her relationships with more serious slayers, especially on missions that require certain breathing styles and hashira experience. It's annoying to be frank and she wishes to work on it, but sometimes she can't help herself.
Another flaw of hers is her kindness at times. While she thinks she's being kind, not everyone receives her the same way and that's okay. She's a very hands on person, she absolutely loves helping out, but not everyone wants her help. She's bad at reading signals, especially when someone wants her to leave. If you want to tell her something you'll have to be very blunt with it. Selfish as it is, sometimes she'll get upset even if she's in the wrong. But she'll come to her senses and give a heartfelt apology once she thinks over both sides.
Overall, Fuyuki is a little complicated, like all people. She has her flaws, and she has her strengths. But at the end of the day she wishes the best for everyone, and always tries her best to show that. ]
[ Likes ] ; " I like helping others, first and foremost! "
[ Being a Hashira ]
[ Children; she wishes to have one of her own ]
[ Working out; Cardio mostly ]
[ Popsicles ]
[ Snow fall ]
[ Baking ]
[ Ice Sculptures ]
[ Wolves ]
[ Figure skating ]
[ Eating ]
[ Sugar spice and everything nice ig ]
[ Dislikes ] ; " I dislike the heat,, you start sweating then you get all icky, Blegh. "
[ Her father ]
[ Demons ]
[ Brothels ]
[ Hot weather ]
[ Spicy food ]
[ Sunburn ]
[ Centipedes ]
[ Comparing herself to others ]
[ Seeing her Kohai's hurt ]
[ Occupation ] ; " I'm a Hashira, my duty is to protect and serve the demon slayer corps diligently. To rid the world of demons and create a safer space for all! " - [ Hashira. ]
[ Hobbies ] ; " I enjoy a good ice sculpture. But my greatest pleasure is training! I just love the burn you feel after a good sesh! "
- [ Training; Fuyuki enjoys training, pushing herself to the very limits. Wether this be twisting herself into a pretzel, or scaling the highest, chilliest mountain in under a minute. She loves the burn, despite her breathing style. | Sculpting; Of course the ice hashira would love shaping ice. She enjoys scratching and chipping huge blocks of ice and turning them
into masterpieces, or decoys. | Baking; a hidden hobby really. She's not very good at it, but she enjoys baking due to her mother. She often surprises the recruits with treats and snacks after a particularly hard mission. ]
[ Disorders ] ; " Huh? Well, I guess a question is a question.. personal or not! I don't have any that I know of at the moment. " - [ None. ]
[ Habits ] ; " Well, I don't know any off the top of my head.. unmm.. " - [ Fuyuki tends to twirl or tug on a strand of her hair when she's uncomfortable or hiding something. It's a clear giveaway but only Giyuu and Gyomei seems to notice. | She'll often play with her buttons when she's bored. Popping open one then closing it back, then starts the never ending cycle.. ]
{ " Every single one of my friends are my family! And I will treat them as such. " }
[ Family ] ; " That's a little personal don'tcha think? Don't worry, I'm not mad or anything. "
[ Mother ]
[ Kusho Rin. | A weakened and broken woman. Kusho was the unlucky first woman to be forced into a marriage with Masaru. She was treated as a carpet that was meant to be trampled upon, torn down limb from limb every strip of her self worth. She wasn't even his only wife, due to her inability to have children. But once she did have Fuyuki, she swore to save her from this life. So when Fuyuki left to be a slayer, she was the only one that supported her. ]
[ Father ]
[ Masaru Rin. | A cold, and callous man. Masaru was a ruthless dictator of his household. He found no woman worthy of anything other then chores and birth. He turned his home into a brothel like household, selling his sisters and other woman in the house for profit. Till his dying breath his heart was hardened, and even then he refused to die with his wife or mother in view. ]
[ She had multiple other half siblings from her fathers wives, but they will not be mentioned because she didn't really know them that well. ]
[ Pets ] ; " Just little Hiyayakana! " - [ Just her crow; Hiyayakana. ]
[ Friends ] ; " Mitsuri is my closest friend! We actually went through the program together. She obviously became a hashira before me though, she's so cool!! "
( Best-friend )
[ Kanroji Mitsuri | The beloved love hashira is Fuyuki's closest and most trusted friend. The girls are inseparable and both of one accord. They're practically linked at the hip and brain, though they do have their differences like any pair. They met during final selection, both girls making it out safely. They bonded throughout the course of making their way up the ranks. Mitsuri obviously reached the top first, but that didn't put a wedge in their relationship. In fact, the two only became closer after becoming hashira's. ]
( Friends )
[ Tomioka Giyuu | Fuyuki trained with Giyuu the longest, her breathing style being deprived from his after all. She grew a one sided attachment to the water hashira and eventually Giyuu caved and started to care for her as well. Of course they aren't as close as her and Mitsuri, and the conversations are often one-sided. But it's obvious that Fuyuki tries her best to include him, and Giyuu appreciates it non vocally. ]
[ Genya Shinazugawa | The stubborn slayer actually couldn't talk to Fuyuki during their first meeting. She immediately fawned over the grumpy teen, her heart swelling as she took him under her wing when Sanemi denied him. Having known what it felt like to be denied by a family member, she doted on him and took care of him like a mother type figure. Of course she never overstepped his boundaries ( or tried to ), but it would be a lie to say he wasn't favored over the other slayers. ]
[ Himejima Gyomei | Gyomei and Fuyuki bonded over their care for children ( and Genya ). Fuyuki feels something heal inside of her every time she sits down for a chat with the humble father-like slayer. Whenever they're both free, she comes over and sits down for a nice cup of tea. ]
[ Kanae Kocho | While they aren't as close like her and Mitsuri, and don't always hang out like her and Giyuu, Fuyuki has a deep rooted and profound respect for Kanae; as well as Shinobu. But Kanae's personality makes it's easier for Fuyuki to get along with her. Fuyuki often drops by just to check up on the flower hashira, she enjoys her gentle demeanor and always welcome personality. Thought sometimes she can't bring herself to stay and talk for long, since memories of her mother flood into her brain. ]
[ Nezuko Kamado | Who doesn't love the sweetheart demon? Besides the obvious of course. As soon as she laid eyes on her, Fuyuki felt a connection. While Nezuko generally prefers Mitsuri, she and Fuyuki also get along quite well. Fuyuki loves braiding her hair in fun styles and dressing her up in cute clothes! She can't help but feel sorry for her, having her childhood ripped away from her so violently made Fuyuki pity her predicament, so she does her best to make her feel like a normal little girl. ]
[ Tanjiro Kamado | Yes, both Kamado's made their way into Fuyuki's heart. Since she sympathized with Nezuko, it's only fair for her to sympathize with Tanjiro as well. She sees how hard he tries, and tries to lessen the load by cooking for him and his sister, or even giving him gifts, the little things. He looks up to her, but she also looks up to him. Their relationship is mutual respect and awe for each other's hardships and victories. ]
[ Kyojuro Rengoku | Fuyuki and Rengoku often bond over food. Both having an appetite that could cause world hunger. She also admires his joyous personality, she knows from personal experience that it's hard to be so positive with a father that's so negative. She often 'babysits' Senjuro just so Rengoku doesn't have to worry about him being alone with his drunken father. ]
[ Enemies ] ; " Muzan of course! Whatever name he goes by, it's still a hard no in my book. "
( Enemies )
[ Kibutsuji Muzan | Obviously Fuyuki would despise Muzan. But she especially despises him for ruining the lives of so many innocents, especially the youth. Whenever she rescues a child- more often then not from their own flesh and blood- She feels a deep overwhelming sadness, and a fire that burns bright for justice. ]
[ Demons in general yk | Self explanatory ]
[ Masaru Rin | Yes, she counts her father as one of her enemies. She has a hate for her father that will never be put out. It's only fair considering the heinous acts he has done, so she won't be forgiving him anytime soon. ]
[ Love interest ] ; " Hm?! That's not very appropriate now is it! "
[ Tomioka Giyuu | ok ok ok x la la la | Fuyuki was obviously the first to confess. As soon as she met the stoic water hashira she instantly fell for him. His quiet demeanor, his pretty blue eyes, she could just swoon at the thought of him! Their relationship was a shock but definitely not unwelcome. Shinobu enjoys it quite a lot since she gets new teasing materiel on Giyuu. ]
[ Kanroji Mitsuri | Sunshine x Sunshine | How could Fuyuki NOT fall for such a girl?! Fuyuki fell strong and fast for the love hashira. From their days of training to their current status, Fuyuki always felt like Mitsuri completed her. Mitsuri and Fuyuki confessed at the same time, Fuyuki using Sakura mochi and Mitsuri using a popsicle! Of course the girls squealed and babbled together for hours on end. Rengoku in particular was excited for their relationship, and happy that he no longer had to listen to them pine for one another. ]
( Backup backup is gyomei 👁... I will not be going into detail why )
[ Relationship status ] ; " I'm starting to think these aren't hashira related questions.. " - [ Single. ]
[ Past relationships ] ; " None I suppose.. " - [ None. ]
[ Background ] ; " Oh! I hear Kanroji calling for me! Bye, bye now! "
{ WARNING ⚠️; Prostitution, Abuse, and Heavily implied sexual abuse. }
[ Fuyuki's backstory is not a must read to rp. So, if you're uncomfortable with these topics and cannot read it, I'll give you a basic explanation ^^ ]
[ Fuyuki was born into a household dictated by her father, and the fathers before him. He ruled over the household with an iron fist and sold the women of the house as prostitutes, deeming them of no worth other then chores and birth. The only one he didn't sell was Kusho, not wanting to wed a used woman. However her infertility caused him to take in many wives.
Kusho was saddened for the woman of her home. Despite not being sold off, she was still forced to work like a dog. However, when she did become pregnant it was a huge shock, her husband begrudgingly lessened her load, causing her to give birth to a healthy, beautiful, albino, baby girl.
Masaru on the other hand was disgusted. His 'daughter' had inherited her mothers coiled hair, and she was pale like a ghost. After deeming her abnormal and a curse upon the house, once she was old enough he put her to work as well. Shaming her and belittling her every movement.
Kusho was saddened she had to bring life into such a world, but she did her best to care for her beloved daughter. Singing to her, and baking little treats with extra scraps. She loved Fuyuki with every bone in her body. Kusho did her best to remind her daughter she was beautiful in every way.
Fuyuki grew up watching a never ending cycle of abuse towards her female family members, and even the men that took a stand were quickly disposed of. Being desensitized at a young age to her aunts, cousins, and half sisters being put through all types torture. However, Fuyuki knew deep down, there was more then this to life.
She was never allowed outside unless she was fetching pales of water, and she was never sold because she was deemed to ugly to make profits. Her fathers belittlement continued into her teen years.
One day, while she was fetching some water she was brutally attacked by a hungry demon who clawed and tore the hem of her clothes, barely grazing her skin. She cried for help but no one in the house heard her pleas, or they simply ignored it. Suddenly, a stunning female slayer had whooshed in and saved her!!
Fuyuki couldn't believe her eyes, she'd never seen a woman hold a weapon, much less take down a demon singlehandedly. In awe she stared at the wondrous figure, and just as quickly as the woman came, with a smile she disappeared.
Filled with a fiery passion she ran back home, almost forgetting her pale. While her father was sleeping through the night, she read through his scrolls. Eventually finding something named the ' Demon Slayer Corps '. She read all she could, eventually coming to the conclusion that that girl that saved her was in the corps. ( after comparing the symbol on the back of her uniform )
Now determined, at night time she snuck out, grabbing a stick with her coursed hands and working away at the scarecrow in her backyard. Blaming it on the crows and vicious beast of the night during daybreak. Overtime the training had paid off, and she moved onto running laps around the house, building up her endurance.
For a few years she got away with it, but secrets never last. Her father found out about her secret training and gave her one good slap to her face, commanding she doesn't make more of a fool of herself then she already is. And claiming that a woman could never be a proper slayer, condemning her and shaming her for trying to be ' masculine '. Quickly her father tried to think of a plan to put an end to this madness.
Then one 'faithful' day- after weeks of asking around- Masaru finally found a man willing to wed Fuyuki. Distraught and terrified Fuyuki quickly rejected the man, she didn't want that, not at all! Outraged, her father snapped, commanding she'd do it. Fuyuki and her father argued over the topic, and it all ended poorly. It was accidentally revealed Kusho was helping Fuyuki sneak out to train, infuriating Masaru.
That night Masaru beat Kusho far worse then he's ever had before, absolutely consumed by rage. He let loose all his anger on the defenseless woman. And it was Fuyuki's breaking point.
She announced she was leaving to become a slayer, her mother supporting her with tears in her eyes. Masaru practically spat at the girl as he stated " if she did leave, she'd never see her mother again. "
The words shook Fuyuki to the core, but she stood her ground. Masaru -stubborn as ever -kicked his daughter out the house with nothing but the clothes on her back. Announcing with a strong and cold voice that " if you ever come back, i'll kill you myself. " and so, Fuyuki never came back.
Pursuing her dreams, Fuyuki quickly made her way up the ranks -with Mitsuri by her side of course. With the determination of never seeing her mother again not being in vain, she pushed through the trials and tribulations, eventually ending up as a top dog; a Hashira.
However, Fuyuki still keeps a little piece of her mother with her everywhere she goes. Passing by happy families with a longing look in her eyes, secretly wishing deep down in her heart that maybe, just maybe things could've turned out differently. ]
{ " I always wondered how sound breathing was possible? " }
[ Theme song(s) ] ;
- [ MARINA - Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- [ Lana Del Rey - The Other Woman ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- [ The Neighborhood - Daddy Issues ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- [ Tv Girl - Blue Hair ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- [ Mitski - Abbey ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[ Voice claim ] ;
- [ Misa Amane - Death Note ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[ Other ] ;
- She trained for months on the snowiest mountain top to create Ice breathing.
- She gets red easily. But not because she's flustered, simply because her skin is hyper sensitive due to her albinism.
- Her favorite animal is a Honduran white bat.
- She heavily enjoys braiding Giyuu's hair.
- Respectfully; she finds Tengens wives very pretty! ( cough cough she'd treat them better cough cough who said that )
{ BONUS!! Old drawing!! }
[ you made it to the end!! Congrats! :D ]
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