= Haikyuu Oc 🥛🏐=
Name : " Do you really need to know? Fine, It's Ryū Oikawa. " [ Ryū Oikawa. ]
Nicknames : " Nicknames?.. Don't make me laugh,, like I would indulge myself in silly nicknames. " | [ Ryū-Chan. [ Oikawa ] | Mr. Serious. [ Hanamaki & Matsun ] | Ryū. [ Iwaizumi ] | [ Senpai [ Kyōtani, Kunimi, Yahaba, etc ] | [ Pretty boy. [ Tendō ] | [ Little Ryū [ Sugawara. ] | [ The dragon. [ Hinata ]
Age : " I'm eighteen, currently in my third year. " [ Eighteen, Four months younger then Tōru. ]
Gender : " Excuse me? Do you think you're funny? " [ Male. ]
Pronouns : He/Him They/Them are fine.
Sexuality : " Heh?!,, Why is that any of your concern. " [ Homoromantic, Homosexual. ]
Appearance : [ Until I get around to drawing him here's a place holder. ] [ ⚠️ Art not mine! ]
Personality : [ Ryū tends to not speak until spoken too. He often gets avoided due to his usableness to talk to others that well, He's not shy or anything. He just has a hard time conveying his emotions, so he comes off as stoic or rude to most people. Almost everyone that Ryū has met is shocked when they find out he's the beloved Aoba Johsai's volleyball captains, brother. He has had many fangirls come up to him to ask about Tōru and hates it more then anything, he's happy for his brother and how far he's come in life,, but it's really annoying when you're trying to eat lunch and some random girl gives him a love letter to give his brother. . . On the topic of Tōru. Ryū acts like he hates his brother and is constantly annoyed with him but loves the other very much, he constantly worry's over his big brothers health and how much he pushes himself, It stresses him out a lot but he doesn't say anything. Overall, Ryū just like any other student basically, he just takes some time getting used to. ]
Aesthetic :
Likes : [ His brother, Reading, Photography, Foresty type scents, Sweets, Volleyball, Guitar, Horror movies, His family, Libraries, Warm colors, Taking care of Takeru, Sunsets, Evening strolls, Sketching, Quiet secluded areas, and Rabbits. ]
Dislikes : [ Being pushed to doing something he doesn't want to, Bitter or Tart foods, Overbearingly hot days, Thunderstorms, Losing a game, 'Tōru', Blueberries, His hair getting in his face during games, Spiders, and Protein shakes. ]
Hobbies : " Pfft. . . Volleyball, what else? " [ Ryū will never admit it but,, He absolutely loves photography. He often takes pictures around Aoba Johsai High and shows them to Mitsuki afterwards so she can draw them. | He also likes playing the guitar, he had a thing for it ever since he was young. ]
Habits : " That playboy brunette says I have a hitting habit, I have no idea what he's talking about. " [ Ryū has a habit of randomly twitching or making a random sound, he doesn't have Tourettes and doesn't fake them by any means, it's just sometimes he's had since he was young. His body was physically responsive instead of verbally due to him being emotionally repressive. | Tōru also jokingly says he has a hitting problem from how much he throws him around, but Ryū strongly disagrees. ]
Flaws : " Eh? Why should I tell you! I don't just go around telling anyone about all the bad things about me. " [ Ryū is very passionate about what he does, to the point where he won't care if he's pushing himself pass his limits if it means succeeding in whatever he's doing. That's one thing he definitely has in common with his brother. | Ryū also has a tendency to stress himself out and not tell anyone, when he was younger he wasn't as emotionally comprehensive. He obviously got better growing up, but anyways. Ryū always has a thing for hiding how he feels since he didn't know how to express himself that well. And he ends up hurting himself more often then not during the process. ]
Fears : " Tch, what? Want me to say spiders or something? " [ Ryū has a crippling fear of storms, every since he was young he cried endlessly at even the sound of thunder. Embarrassing as it is, Tōru usually sings one of their childhood favorite songs to calm him down during storms, and it works majority of the time. ]
Mental illnesses : [ Ryū was diagnosed with Schizoid personality disorder when he was young. It was usual since it normally developed during young adulthood. Thankfully, it wasn't as severe as it could have been and Ryū slowly but surely started working to get rid of it. He still shows some signs here and there, but he's mostly fine now. ]
Club or sport : " I'm literally still wearing my uniform. " [ He's currently a middle blocker and is currently currently on the Aoba Johsai high schools male volleyball team. But if he didn't play volleyball, he would definitely be in the photography club. ]
Future occupation : [ He becomes a professional photographer. ]
Friends : " Friends? What do you expect me to say my team? Pft, I'm not that much of a push over. . . "
[ Aoba Johsai. ]
[ Despite what Ryū says, he can't help but think of his team as his family as loves them all dearly. ]
- [ Best friends ]
- Iwaizumi.
- Tōru.
- Hanamaki.
- Matsukawa.
- [ Friends ]
- Yabaha.
- Kunimi.
- Kentarō.
- The rest of the team of course.
[ Karasuno ]
- [ Best friends ]
- Kageyama. [ Much to his brothers disproval. ]
- [ Friends ]
- Daichi.
- Asahi.
- Sugawara.
[ Shiratorizawa ]
- [ Best friends ]
- None really.
- [ Friends ]
- Shirabu.
- Semi.
[ Fukurodani ]
- [ Best friends ]
- None, he doesn't know any of the members that well.
- [ Friends ]
- Akaashi.
[ Nekoma ]
- [ Best friends ]
- Mitsuki. [ My other oc ]
- Yaku.
- [ Friends ]
- Kenma.
[ He doesn't even remember the other teams names. ]
Enemies : " Is Tōru a valid option?. . " [ The other teams by default are technically his enemies. And Tōru constantly tells him how horrible wakatoshi is as well, but the only person he legitimately has beef with is Terushima since the other constantly pesters him about going on a date. ]
Love interest : " Love interest ?! You idiot !! Don't ask questions like that !! " [ Multiple Incase you don't feel like playing a character, or,, they're you're crush! ] [ No real main love interest btw— Just pick which ever one your comfortable with playing as, and that's it! ]
[ Eita Semi ];
- [ Ryū himself wasn't sure how these feelings even developed, maybe it was during a game? He wasn't really sure. He first saw the other during a match between Shiratorizawa, not really paying him any mind. Ryū remembered seeing him and this kid with a weird hair cut banter before the grey haired male had spotted him, he noticed how the others face seemed to grow a little red when he saw him, and it seemed that Oikawa saw it too. Oikawa started spewing about how he should stop staring at his little brother only to be calmed down by Iwa. Ryū found the whole thing pretty funny and ended up starting a conversation with Semi, apologizing for his brothers behavior and exchanging numbers. Torū wasn't to pleased and tried to delete the others contact off of Ryū phone, but he managed to get around it and get Oikawa to let him keep his number. ]
- Ryū likes to visit Semi after or right before his practice is over, he sometimes messes with the other in front of his teammates.
- Ushi uses Ryū and Semi's relationship to leverage Torū into going to Shiratorizawa.
- Ryū's absolutely In love with Goshiki and treats him like a younger brother.
- Semi loves doing little things to embarrass Ryū, such as holding him by his waist or sneakily kissing him in front of his team.
[ Satori Tendō ];
- [ Oh boy was Oikawa mad. . . Ryū met Tendō one day while Ushijima was trying to convince Oikawa to join Shiratorizawa. Ryū wasn't really bother until he noticed Ushijima didn't come alone, he had brought Tendō with him— erm— well— More like; Tendō brought himself and Ushijima didn't say anything. Ryū felt his face heating up and his stomach felt heavy and filled to the brim with butterflies. It only worsened when Tendō gave him one of the prettiest smiles he's ever seen in his life. Oikawa noticed this and immediately started yelling about how Shiratorizawa and their members trying to taint his younger brother and whatnot. Needless to say, Tendō and Ryū secretly exchanged numbers without Tōru seeing. ]
- Ryū was teased by his team for a good while because of the fact that he loses his thought guy act around Satori.
- Tendō has definitely ' Kidnapped ' Ryū away from Oikawa to go on dates with him.
- Ryū thinks Satori is absolutely beautiful and can't help but feel flustered everything he's around him.
- Satori made a whole dance for Ryū, thats it.
[ Hajime Iwaizumi ];
- [ While Ryū wasn't as close to Iwaizumi as Tōru was growing up,, He still hung out with the other occasionally. As they grew older Ryū started realizing how handsome Iwaizumi really was, and how he often stuck up for him whenever someone was messing with him or Tōru was teasing him. Ryū found himself slowly but surely falling for the ace, unknowing that Iwaizumi felt the same way. ]
- Tōru was deathly silent when he found out, then proceeded to go absolutely insane for the next hour.
- Hajime and him gang up on Tōru, which Tōru strongly disapproves of.
- Ryū grudgingly asked Tōru for help when confessing to Hajime and he never let it down.
- Ryū will never admit it, but he secretly likes being shorter then Hajime. He knows how much the other overthinks his height and knows how much Hajime likes being taller then him.
[ Wakatoshi Ushijima ]; [ Did I put him here for the sole fact because of how much Oikawa hates him? Yes, yes I did. ]
- [ If you thought Oikawa was mad at Ryū and Tendō dating. . . Oh boy are you in for a treat. . . Tōru was ecstatic. Ryū had to listen to him rant for hours. You see, it all started when; Since Wakatoshi couldn't get Oikawa to come to Shiratorizawa normally, he had to do the next best thing. ' Kidnap ' his younger brother and hold him ' hostage ' in the Shiratorizawa gym until Tōru came to get him and then get him to join the club. The plan was flawless in Wakatoshi's eyes, the rest of the team. . . eh . . not so much. The plan practically played out as Wakatoshi hoped it would, expect one small factor, Ryū was far prettier then he suspect he would be. Wakatoshi found himself feeling strange feelings about the other while they were together, Ryū didn't really pay attention to what was going on, just wanting to go home. When Oikawa arrived all hell broke loose but Ryū and him ended up going back home by the end of the day. Since then, Wakatoshi has not only continued pestering Tōru about joining Shiratorizawa, but Ryū as well. ]
- Wakatoshi's feelings for the other has gotten so bad, to the point where he asks Ryū to join Shiratorizawa more then he has Tōru.
- Ryū is completely oblivious to the others feelings but finds Wakatoshi kind of cute in a way, and he accidentally let that slip while next to Tōru and he had the lecture of his life after.
- Ryū jokingly ask Tōru to go to Shiratorizawa occasionally because of Wakatoshi.
- Ryū has threatened to leave to go to Shiratorizawa before when Oikawa annoyed him. And Wakatoshi took it very much seriously. . . Needless to say, That day was spent trying to get Ryū back from the Shiratorizawa high gym.
Past Relationships ; [ Ryū doesn't really have any good experiences with dating, he has one ex and really doesn't like to talk about him. ]
⚠️ Warning, Mentions of verbal abuse. ⚠️
Name ; Yashiro Togami.
Age ; 19.
Relationship with Ryū ; When Ryū first met Yashiro, he was still finding out how to convey his emotions and be more verbal. Yashiro took advantage of this and often gaslighted Ryū into thinking he wanted to do something he didn't. He also verbally abused Ryū whenever he was annoyed with the other, he was never physically violent but grew close multiple times. Ryū actually kept his relationship hidden from his siblings and parents, Tōru was the first to find out about their relationship. He immediately ended the whole thing and made sure Ryū never came in contact with him again. But sometimes, Ryū occasionally gets a disturbing messages in the mail from Yashiro. He brushes them off but deep down he's a little terrified of the thought of seeing Yashiro again.
Love interest songs :
- [ Koushi Sugawara ]
- [ Fitz and the Tantrums - Out of my league. ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- [ Satori Tendō ]
- [ Hobo Johnson - Peach scone. ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- [ Hajime Iwaizumi ]
- [ Ricky Montgomery- Talk to you ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
- [ Wakatoshi Ushijima. ]
- [ Working progress. ]
Family : " I figured you we're going to ask sooner then later. Yes, that pretty boy brunette is my brother. " [ His mother and father, his brother, his sister, and his nephew. ]
[ Mother] ; [ Oikawa's mom I guess lolz— ]
[ Father ]; [ Same as his mom— ]
[ Older Brother ];
Name ; Toru Oikawa. [ Of course— ]
Age ; 18.
Relationship with Ryū ; Oikawa is the overbearing annoying older brother you'd expect him to be. He's constantly teasing Ryū but is extremely overprotective of him at the same time, Ryū acts like he hates his older brother but deep down he looks up to the other and loves him very much.
[ Sister ]; [ Same as their parents— ]
[ Nephew ];
Name: Takeru Oikawa.
Age: Idk—
Relationship with Ryū; Takeru often teasingly favors Ryū over Oikawa, the two tend to hang up on the brunette a lot and cause mischief. Ryū gets a lot less serious and more caring when it comes to Takeru, often spoiling him and taking care of him when his sister and Toru are busy.
Pets ; [ Two bunnies. ]
[ Name ; Momo | Gender ; Female | A rather sleepy yet affectionate bunny, absolutely hates Tōru. ]
[ Name ; Teacup | Gender ; Female | Earned her name by crawling into a teacup and sleeping in it. Absolutely loves being held by Ryū. ]
Background : [ When Ryū was younger, he was a little emotional compressed. He didn't know how to show or express his emotions and didn't feel like knowing. Ryū grew up mostly quiet and distant from even those closest to him. But his parents and siblings never minded and never lost hope in helping Ryū express himself, loving him despite him not showing clear signs of loving them back. It all changed when Tōru decided to invite his younger brother to play Volleyball with his best friend Hajime. It took a little convincing, but once they got Ryū to play, Tōru saw something he's never seen his brother do before,, Smile. He was smiling so brightly and look so happy, Tōru was absolutely beaming with happiness. Since then Ryū connected more when his emotions and now expresses himself a lot better, there's still some ups and downs but he's gotten way better, thats for sure. ]
Other [ HC'S ] :
- Tōru once her Ryū refer to him as 'Onii-chan' instead of his name when they were younger, and never let it down.
- Ryū tends to make homemade Milk bread for Tōru, and packs it in his lunch for him.
- His sister often braided his hair when he was younger because of how long it was, he has a habit of braiding his hair to move it out of his face during games because of her.
- Ryū still sometimes gets confused with big, or overwhelming emotions, and normally goes to Tōru for help.
- One time, Tōru got sick when they were younger, and Ryū balled for hours hugging him overwhelmed with emotions because he thought Tōru was going to die.
- He definitely ate glue when he was younger.
- Ryū actually really likes Tobio and often visits him when he's free.
- Ryū used to help Tobio when Tōru refused to, despite being very confused himself.
- He's currently 5'7.
- He once helped Wakatoshi try and convince Tōru to go to Shiratorizawa, and Tōru wouldn't talk to him for the rest of the day.
Theme songs : [ Working progress. ]
[ END ]
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