[ Creepypasta oc number two~ ]
Full name; Taylor lee' Weston
Name information: None~
Nicknames; [ Normal Name ] Lee, and T.L [ CP name ] None.
Biological sex; male
Creepypasta name; отвратительный зверь [ which means hideous beast ]
Preferred pronouns; He/him/they/them
Age; 26
Date of birth: June 14
Zodiac; Gemini
Spirit animal: Bear
Languages; English, French, and Russian
Occupation: none.
Education: He wasn't the smartest kid ever when he was younger, but he did have a few good grades.
[ " Давай, назови меня монстром, я ничего не слышал раньше " ]
( again- my own drawings :> )
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: albino blond
Hair style/ length: messy and unkept | the back is to his chin and the front is to his shoulders
Height; 5'9/7'4 [ depending on what form he's in ]
Body figure; thin and bony,, but surprisingly strong
Appearance youth; 21
Scars ( causes ); His gaping mouth is one, but he has the ability to stick it back on,, it's just really uncomfortable. His body is also le littered in little cuts and tears were eyes or mouth's started to grow.
Tattoos ( meanings ); one with the numbers 2719 on it
Piercings: none.
Clothing style: Also grunge
Normal: [ Working progress- as well as the rest of his clothes ]
Voice; [ Taylor's voice is extremely deep and unnerving when his jaw is loose,, but as soon as he re attaches it, it sounds like this ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Distinguishing traits: His broken jaw, and the multiple eyes and mouths that are all over his body.
Personality; Much Like Valkyrie, Taylor is pretty quiet. But he's much less polite then her that's for sure,, Hes very witty and snappy and tends to lash out when he's annoyed, It's hard to speak to him without one sarcastic or snooty comment from him. The only people he doesn't lash out at are; Slender, Sally, your oc, and Jane. Thanks to this he tends to stay in his room all alone when he's not out killing, which doesn't really bother him since he doesn't mind being alone. But if you do manage to catch Taylor in a good mood- ( which is rare- ), He's very laid back and his temper completely disappears,, But it'll be sure to come back the next day.
General personality: Quiet, snarky, and Sarcastic.
One word for personality: temperamental.
Positive traits: When Taylor is in a good mood, you can pretty much ask him to do anything and he'll do it in a heartbeat. He's normally like this with sally, since she's a little kid.
Negative traits: Due to dis disliking for other people,, it's hard for Taylor to work with the other creepypasta's. He stay's away from the others and gets annoyed extremely easily,, he's slightly hypersensitive so he gets uncomfortable being around loud noises or large crowds of people since it's overwhelming, which causes him to be in a bad mood with results in a Kílling spree across town.
Obsessions: Cigars, Alcohol, and Collecting weird stones or rocks.
Phobias: None.
Hobbies: Going out at night and hunting animals [ Mostly; Deer, Rabbit and bear meat ],, Collecting different stones or gems and hoarding them.
Soft spots; Sally, ( he doesn't have a soft spot for children in general, he just favors Sally especially since they both live in the mansion. ) Cats, and Stones
Pet peeves: when people make weird comments about his mouth/Jaw, being randomly hugged or touched, and his lisp [ he has a small lisp thanks to his mouth ]
Skills; Hes very good at hunting and doing sneak attacks. He can go extremely quiet at any given time, to the point where you could probably hear a mouse better then you can hear him. | He also has the ability to stretch his limbs to the point where he looks taller,, sometimes it goes wrong and ends up having noodle arms or legs for an hour or so | He has the ability to unhinge his jaw resulting in his mouth gaping open,, it's easier to eat larger animals this way since he likes eating them whole. | He's also faster then the average human and a lot stronger.
Health; He's doing alright, no visible problems with his heath. [ other then his f*cked up Kidneys from smoking- and his gaping jaw- ]
Eating habits; He only likes to eat raw meat, anything else will still fill him up but he won't like it as much.
Addictions; Alcohol ( especially bloody Mary's ), and Smoking.
Physical disorders; He make's a clicking noise every now and then but that's about it
Allergies; None.
Mental state: Not so good but not horrible.
Mental disorders; He's more or less okay.
Likes; Raw meat, Cats ( Russian Blue's are his favorite ), hunting late at night, classical music, hanging out with Sally ( When he's not busy he watches over her ), collecting stones or weird rocks, and Rainy nights ( it's makes it easier for him to kill people since it's dark and the rain blocks out any sounds his victims make )
Dislikes; Cooked foods, extremely hot days ( he burns easily ), when people ask questions about his mouth, 'scientist', killing in open or crowded areas, being annoyed or mocked, and Lashing out at Slender or Sally.
Favorite color: Gold or black ( as you can tell by the images- )
Least favorite color: Off white ( it reminds him of scientist coats )
Favorite food: Human meat or Raw deer meat ( preferably fresh )
Least favorite food: anything cooked.
Favorite drink: anything that has strawberry or BloodyMarys
Least favorite drink: matcha tea
Favorite music: Jazz/Rock
Least favorite music: None
Favorite quote: " How peculiar,, I was a human once as well.. It was horrible. "
Optimist/pessimist; Pessimist
Daredevil/cautious: Cautious
Logical/emotional: emotional
Happy/sad: In the middle
Vengeful/forgiving: Vengeful
Confident/doubtful: confident
Sexuality: Homosexual [ in the closet, but everyone already knows ]
Love interest; E.J, L.J ( and Your oc if you want )
Ship names: [ E.J ] T.J.[ L.J ] Probably T.J again because I'm not creative-, [ your oc ] Ta<your oc name>
Meeting: [ E.J ] When Taylor first arrived to the mansion, he avoided almost everyone and simply tried to go to his room with slender assigned him to. While walking to the room however; he bumped into E.J. Being the temperamental Guy he is, Taylor lashed out at E.J and blamed it on him, especially made since now a black tar like substance was now all over his shirt. Ever since that day he's had a a strong disliking for the brunette.
[ L.J ] Working progress...
First date: [ E.J ] it wasn't really a date,, more of a ' stuck with each other ' situation. E.J and Taylor were sent to work together by slender, and the whole time it was just snarky comments and Russian cursing. But somehow- they managed to work together and get the job done. But they still hated each other with a burning passion.
[ L.J ] Again, working progress...
Ship song:
[ E.J ]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[ L.J ]
Relationship statues; Single.
[T] ons; None ( that he knows of- )
[T] offs; Non con, feet, weird or gross stuff, and bondage.
Virgin?: Yes
Mother; Alexandra Norman ( she never got married to Taylor's father ) [ Unknown ]
Father; Robert Weston [ Unknown ]
Older brother; Xavier Norman [ Alive ]
Pets: None
Friends; Sally, Miss porcelain, and your oc
Enemies; To many to list..
Life story: When Taylor was younger he was sold by his parents for ' science ', but it was actually just a messed up way to make more money for themselves. When Taylor was only 12, he was experimented on to the point where he started to become less, and less, human. He started eating raw deer meat instead of real food, and he started producing a weird clicking noise whenever he was annoyed, but the most concerning thing of all. Due to him refusing to eat the medication the scientist gave him,, they forced his mouth open causing his jaw to snap in half. His jaw was now broken and hung off his face in a weird way that made him look like some sort of monster, which.. he kind of was. Taylor, annoyed that he was stuck in some cell like an animal, started become more aggressive to the ' scientist ', and one day,, While one of the scientist was going to give Taylor his lunch, Taylor bit off his hand, eating it like an animal. One thing led to another and Taylor broke out of the cell, devouring the scientist one by one. His mouth unhinging and swallowing them whole.. once Taylor was finished he left the horrid place and found his way back to civilization, however. Taylor's hunger for raw meat and now abnormal looks meant he could no longer be a normal member of society, so instead of trying to start a normal life Taylor hid away from the real world. He lived off of raw animal meat for a good while.. until something changed. Animal meat wasn't working for him anymore, he needed something.. fresher. That night Taylor went on a killing spree, slaughtering any humans he could find wandering around in parks or the woods, devouring them. After jay Taylor couldn't stop, going out every night to fill his stomach and satisfy his blood lust.. The people of his hometown started legends about him after hearing what he had done over the new's,, the Scientists that tested on him— not wanting to be found out,, called it fake and tried to say it was actually a bear. But the people didn't believe it,, to much evidence pointing to the fact I wasn't just a 'bear'. But they couldn't prove what it actually was, so they referred to it as о͎т͎в͎р͎а͎т͎и͎т͎е͎л͎ь͎н͎ы͎й͎ ͎з͎в͎е͎р͎ь͎.... The Horrid Beast.
Theme song:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Face claim: none yet
Home: Now the mansion but it was originally an old two story house
Favorite songs:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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