Mazenta and Kokoro: Everett Merton
(Hey so a quick author's note. Please note that Mazenta died in the ocean as a human and became a mermaid, with no memory of her human life whatsoever. It kinda explains it a little better in the OC Updates chapter of my second Doodlebook. Also, I'm going to begin backstories so then you guys can get to know them better, especially with characters with vague pasts like Uni, Inu, Una, and Fajī.)
Mazenta's POV
It was a boring Saturday morning. Kokoro and I were sprawled across the living room couch, watching an episode of Steven Universe. It was a particularly deep episode, in which Amethyst tells Steven about her past.
The episode ended somewhat happily, with Amethyst and Pearl hugging it out, but man! That show hits me in the feels!
"Up next, The Amazing World of Gumball!" the over-enthusiastic voice on the TV said as it went to the commercial break.
I check the time on my phone. 11:56 AM.
Kokoro stretched out and yawned loudly. It was unusual to see her this tired. Her normal daily routine was wake up at 7:00 and go go go until curfew.
I don't see how anyone can manage to wake up that early constantly.
My stomach lets out a small grumble. It must be getting close to lunchtime.
"Hey, Koko? Do you mind if I make you a sandwich?" I asked my robotic friend.
"Sure. Thanks, Mazy," Kokoro replied, turning to me and smiling. "I'll take a ham and cheese, please."
I nodded and hopped off of the couch as Kokoro began flipping through TV channels to find a decent movie to watch.
Walking to the kitchen, I felt a small pain begin to form between my eyes, like the feeling you get when you stare at a screen for too long. However, I ignored it. It had been happening a lot lately, and it usually went away after a few minutes. Maybe too many Saturday morning cartoons triggered the small headache.
I stepped into the kitchen, feeling the tile floor beneath my bare feet. I opened the fridge and grabbed the ham and sliced cheese. Before closing the fridge, I eyed the contents again. I licked my lips as I pulled out a jar of mayo and the lettuce. It was almost gone, so after I closed the fridge, I wrote down "lettuce" in small but neat cursive letters on the grocery list, which was hanging on the fridge door.
As I get the bread from a cupboard (as well as a pair of plates), the ache had now spread to the entire front portion of my skull, and it had gone from tolerable to beginning to really hurt. It bothered me, but I tried to keep my mind focused on making sandwiches for me and Kokoro.
I slapped a slice of cheese and some ham in between two pieces of bread and set it on the first plate for Kokoro. But, my headache got worse as I put lettuce and mayonnaise on my own ham and cheese sandwich.
I struggled to put away the ingredients, the pain beginning to mess with my vision. As I put most of the ingredients back into the fridge, I noticed that I can't even read what I had written on the grocery list just moments before, and my face was less than a foot away. At this point, I began to panic.
I hustled back to the counter and hurriedly fumbled my fingers across the smooth, crumb-covered surface, until my fingertips found the two plates. It took lots of effort to lift the plates, as the ache was beginning to take over control of my body. The plates now had the weight of anvils.
As I turned away from the kitchen to make my way back to the living room, all of my body gave out because of the weight of the plates. I let out a loud scream as I toppled to the ground.
I heard the plates shatter on the tile and Kokoro's terrified shriek of worry as my vision finally blurred out, fading to black.
"Come on!" I huff impatiently. His large hands were covering my eyes, and he was leading me somewhere. I could feel sand getting caught in my flip flops. I already knew we were at the beach, one of my favorite places to be. "Are we almost there?"
"Actually, we are here," his smooth low voice says. He moved his hands from my eyes so I could take in the sight.
As I predicted, we were at the beach. The calming waves splash and stretch across the sandy shore. A thin blanket had been delicately laid out next to water. On it was a small lunch bag, currently zipped tight to hide all of the food inside. A single red rose was resting on the center of the blanket. To top it off, the entire display was facing the setting sun.
"Happy six months!" he chirps, stepping from behind me to my right side.
His tan skin had become even darker from the heavy intakes of the summer sun. His black hair was swept across his forehead, about an inch from his dark brown eyes. He was wearing a pale yellow tank top and a pair of orange swim trunks with a white floral print. His sand-coated flip flops were a bright red.
"A sunset picnic!" I cry happily. "Th-This is beautiful!"
"Not as beautiful as you, my Mable," he leans in closer to my ear.
I blush and roll my eyes. "Oh, stop."
He leads us onto the blanket, leaving our shoes off. We sit and he zips open the bag. In it was two sandwiches, a bag of crisp red grapes, and a small plastic container which contained some chocolate-covered strawberries.
He hands one of the sandwiches to me. I grin widely. It's just the way I like it: a fresh ham-and-cheese sandwich with lettuce and some nice, cold mayonnaise.
I take a bite, filling my mouth with the delicious flavor. "Mmmm..." I murmur.
We finish our sandwiches, and then began talking about life as we begin popping grapes into our mouths.
But I don't want to worry about what's going to happen in the future. I just want this moment to be frozen in time. I want this to last forever.
"Hey, Mable... I just wanted to say that... In this past half year, you are, by far, the best thing that's happened to me."
I can feel myself blush again. "Everett Merton," I playfully scold, softly punching him in the arm. "Stop making me blush..."
He chuckles and takes the rose that was resting on the blanket, his fingertips handling it as if he were to hold a butterfly by its wings. His dark eyes are staring into mine... I can see my reflection in them. I watch as he brushes a few strands of my strawberry-blonde hair away from my green eyes. Gently, he places the rose into my hair.
As soon as the flower was in place, he moved his light touch from my ear to the side of my face. I'm hypnotized by this sweet feeling. I feel as if it's in the air.
We both close our eyes, leaning closer to one another.
Our lips press together... I can taste the chocolate-covered strawberries.
I know he's conveying a single message through this entire surprise.
He loves me to the moon and back...
And he'll never let me go.
"Mazy! Mazy!" Kokoro's terrified screams are beginning to bring me back to reality. She splashed me with a cold bottle of water. She thought I must've been dehydrated and passed out or something.
I felt a few scales involuntarily form on my legs, wanting to transform. Regaining control over my scales, I forced them to disappear, and I groggily open my eyes, letting out a small moan.
I honestly felt fine now. My headache had vanished. The only pain I felt now was a couple of scratches on my arms and legs. I quickly remembered that they must've been from the shards of broken plates.
I saw Kokoro, her eyes swollen from tears and her hand, which was shaking heavily from fear, was clutching my wrist. We were moved away from the shattered plates, probably so I wouldn't hurt myself anymore.
"Oh my gosh! Mazenta!" Kokoro cried, hugging me. "You just, like, collapsed!"
I tried to process what I saw while I was out. It wasn't a dream... It was an actual experience.
"Ko-Kokoro?" I said, looking at the floor.
"What is it?" she asked, breaking apart from the embrace.
"I... I had a boyfriend," I replied simply. "I-In my previous life. His name was... E-Everett, and mine was Mable."
Kokoro stared at me in confusion, then gasped in surprise. "Oh. My. Gosh. Mazy... You're beginning to get some of your memories back!"
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