Stay Strong
Christmas Island x Citizen! Reader
( Your POV )
March 1, 1942
Another day under the power of the Japanese. It was unfair.
They have no right to take our home. They have no right to take our workers and our jobs. And our people's lives.
They made me sick. I hated our circumstances. I was sitting at home, looking out the window to look at the people.
As well as watch the Japanese soldiers. My father, was a phosphate minor. At least he still has his job. My mother stayed home to cook and clean so she can raise me and my older brother.
My brother, (b/n) worked with my father, but he was kicked out of the mines. Now he has to stay home with my mother and I.
Father was out. I don't know where, so I went out to ask my uncle.
"叔叔? (Uncle) Where is my father? "
My uncle turned to me. "He's at the radio station, 小傢伙 (little one). "
Ah. The radio station. It was our only source of communication, but the Japanese disabled it. Why would father be there?
"Why is he there? "
"He and four others went to see if they can contact anyone. "
My eyes widen. "They do know that they might get killed, right? "
"Hey. We should at least try. Most of the villagers have given up hope for freedom. "
"Who is he with? "
"Some friends and.... What's his name? " He thought for a moment. "Oh, yeah. Jianyu. "
I raised an eyebrow. Of all people, my father had to be with him? I couldn't believe it. Jianyu was a young man who always saw the good in others.
I don't like him. I blame him for all this. He was the one who considered to make peace with the Japanese, but no. That idea sank down.
"Why him? He's a coward! " I snapped.
My mother slapped the back of my head. I wished we were in the hut. It's a tradition to never slap someone in the back of the head when you're in someone's household.
"(y/n)! Show some respect! Jianyu is trying his best to help! "
I don't know why mostly all the adults and elders defend him. I guess I'll never know.
"Your father will be alright with him, so stop worrying! Don't disrespect others, understand? "
I slowly nods as I rub the back of my head.
"是. (Yes)"
My mother nods as she goes back to the hut. I groan.
"I don't understand why you all defend him! He's the reason why we're in this mess! " I picked up a rock and threw it.
My uncle sighs. "You should help your mother around the house, (y/n). It'll get your mind off of things. "
I stayed silent, but I nodded. I went back to the hut.
Time Skip
It was noon, and father hasn't came back home. I tried to remain calm.
I couldn't once I heard a loud explosion. I hear the villagers scream in terror as my mother drags my brother and I out of the hut.
The sight I saw made a part of me die inside.
I saw part of the village, that was a few yards away, destroyed and in smoke. I tried my best not to spill in tears.
"They hit the radio tower! " A male villager calls out.
Fear overwhelms my whole body. 'No.... '
My mother takes us somewhere same as I start to cry. My brother hugs me tightly, trying to comfort me.
A few hours passed, there was no sound. I instantly pried out of my brother's grip and ran as fast as I could to the radio tower. My mother's cries calling out for me to come back.
I got there. The tower was destroyed. There was no way we could contact with the outside world now....
I frantically looked around for my father through all the debris. Metal pieces were scattered all around.
I finally saw a figure in the distance, holding someone else. I ran up to them, only to feel rage and sadness.
Jianyu was helping my father walk. My father's arm was slung over the male's shoulder.
"父親!(Father! )" Tears pricked my eyes as I ran over to them.
My father looked up, his eyes widen. "(y-y/n)? What are you- " He started coughing, Jianyu pats his back.
"Relax Mr. (l/n). It'll alright. " Jianyu leads my father and I back to our hut. My mother was there and she embraced me.
"Don't ever do that again! You hear me? "
I nod.
We helped Jianyu place my father on a mattress. He was badly injured.
"What happened, Jianyu? " My mother asks. The villagers surround us as she asked.
"We were trying to make contact. The Americans tried to tell us something, but it was too late. The bombs hit the station. "
Some people gasped. Others were concerned.
"I helped the others back to safety. Don't worry. "
The crowd murmured as Jianyu furrowed his eyebrows.
Time Skip
A few days passed. My father passes away. It's all Jianyu's fault.
I was sitting at the beach, watching the crabs pass by. I suddenly heard someone come towards me. I turned around, only to grimace.
Jianyu sat down next to me. "What do you want? " I asked coldly.
"I was wondering if you were alright. "
I growled. "I'm not. No thanks to you. "
Jianyu raised an eyebrow. His eyebrows always did catch my attention. They were strange for being so.... Abnormally large...
"Me? " he asks.
I stood up quickly, which made my head spin a bit but I regained my posture. "Yes! You always have to ruin everyone else's lives! And they still forgive you! Why!? " Tears spilled from my eyes as my voice raised up.
Jianyu stared at me for a moment, stunned. Then, he sighed and got up. He was taller than me, so he looked down at me.
"I'm not supposed to tell anyone this, but... I have no choice. "
I gave him a confused look.
"I'm a territory. I represent your homeland. Christmas Island. " He looked dead serious.
I would have laughed at his words, but... He gave me this serious look, and his voice was low. I didn't know what to say. It was impossible.
However, part of me believed him, and it made sense. Before my grandmother passed away, she told me that she was friends with Jianyu when she was a little girl. At first it didn't make any sense to me.... But now that he reveals this to me.... It all comes together....
His strange behavior, him being able to be stronger than all the men in the village, his wisdom, him knowing what happens on the island when no one else does, and.... His unaging face....
No words could express how I felt. It was too much to take in.
"I'm sorry if I ruined your life... "
His words snap me back to reality. I looked up to see that he bowed.
I cleared my throat. "So... If something happens to the island... Do you, feel it as well? "
He nods.
"Show me. "
His eyes widen, yet, he sighs again. He pulls up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal part of his wound. I felt so guilty.
Out of nowhere, I hugged him, crying. "I'm so sorry... "
He slowly wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay. Everything will be alright. "
"How do you know? "
"I don't. I'm just holding on to hope. That's what we need. " He smiles lightly.
From that day on, I kept telling myself that everything will get better.
(Your birthday ), 2002
It was my birthday. I was turning 74.
I was sitting at the porch of my home and letting the warm breeze sooth me. My grandchildren were playing in the sand, cheering out random calls in Chinese.
Our island was freed from the Japanese by the Allies. My brother died from a shooting, but my mother and uncle survived with me. I married a man named, (h/n). We had two children, both boys. Both my uncle and mother passed away a few years after.
However, I'm happy they died peacefully. I'm glad our land has freedom. The island was under the control of Australia, but it's better than being under Japan.
I sighed happily.
"你好! (Hello! )" A voice called out. I turned around to see Jianyu, still the same when I saw him as a 14 year old. I smiled.
"It's good to see you Jianyu. "
He smiles brightly as he hands me a box.
"生日快樂 (Happy Birthday). "
"Thank you. " I take the box in my hands and open it. I start to tear up.
It was the necklace my father gave me. I thought I lost it during all the tragedy.
"謝謝你,建宇 (Thank you, Jianyu). "
I gave him a hug. He hugged back. "Thank you,.... For believing there was still a silver lining. " He says.
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