hello everyone (Artie) today we're gonna be explaining the fairy ritual that allows you to bring back the dead
so first off, lore: it was discovered in 1100 by a fairy woman who wanted to bring her husband back from the dead. she succeeded and then told others about it, but denied having created it.
other fairies did it. some, who were noted to be a tad bit off their rockers, would succeed but others who already had their sanity would try it, fail, go insane and nine times out of ten end up going on a murder spree of sorts, leading to the royal family banning it in the 1500s, though it was still tried by some
anyway enough of the pointless lore here are the steps:
1. go to a place that's special to you and the person you're trying to bring back
2. get the number of candles that is the same as their birthday (like if they were born on March 15th then you would get and light fifteen candles)
3. sit in the circle of candles
4. recite their full name an upwards of ten times
5. think of as many memories as you have of them, both the good and the bad
do not stop until you know they are back with you. if it works, it should not take more than a few minutes.
you will know if it's working, as you'll get an overwhelming feeling of determination of sorts, and you will know if it's not working, as you'll get an overwhelming feeling of failure.
you cannot bring the person back if they're cause of death was old age, though there are special cases ofc like Susie and Ellie's
as for the age gap thing I mentioned- in some cases, it will happen, in others, the person will be the same age as when they died, it all depends on whatever the spell deems fit
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