The Fusion
Griffin form
(harpy form unavailable rn)
human form/normal form?
Name: " we call ourselves shanobi now"
sex: "fenale we think"
Age: unknown
Looks: "here.."
Sexually: "straight..."
Posision: "both"
on: none
off : none
Likes💙: "we both like copycat"
Likes: "playing"
Dislikes: "fighting... and cages"
fears: "yelling..."
Favorite food: "meat"
Hybrid: "griffin and harpy"
Element: "wind and thunder"
Personality: "playful, rude or kind"
Special: "we can merge ot but merge in" (meanjng as well as un danger thrn can unmerge and attack as melted creatures. pretty fucking terrifying.)
Weapon: "claws- talons"
Powers: "ones shana and obina have"
Bad thing: if they fight they will temporarily unfuse into their old self but look melty
Familiars: "none"
Song: "uhhh" (*currently cant think of one*)
Little thing: "i like helping friends if they are hurt"
Backstory: they were happy living with their best friends until they were taken by scientists to a chamber where they were tested on. shana and obina had really bad stuff so they kinda did a undertale amalgamate (melt then merge). only when shanobi fights with herself is when they separate but they cant go far apart or stay out the fusion
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