Memories of Aldia.
3rd Person
The low echoes of confident and elegant footsteps traveling through the long and expansive corridor was all that could be heard outside of the muffled sounds of alarms, machines and creaking of metal. Walking with purpose towards a set of large dark wooden doors with two adjacent gold statues was a young looking woman with tanned skin and toffee gold eyes filled with certainty and purpose. She was wearing a large and masterfully created white coat with black decorations and emblems resembling +'s or X's. On top of her light blond hair she wore a large white and black cap and behind her shoulders flew two strange winged orbs, one black, one white.
The large insides of what appears to be a cathedral or church was poorly lit. The large coloured pane windows provided little to no light and was only lit up by the large array of lit candles scattered along a long table on which other scrolls and books also laid at the end of the room. The many rows of benches remained empty outside of a single person who stood with a straight back to the side of the main aisle. It was the visage of a young woman with moon white hair and unnaturally pale skin with strange black lines and markings stretching across her face. She wore a tight black suit that seemingly stretched across her whole body with decorations and markings in deep crimson red with some smaller patches attached to her left shoulder and chest, one having the wide letters "ARIN" embroidered. Her arms were currently behind her back as she silently waited and listened to the low mumbling of another being sharing the same large room.
At the end of the aisle standing hunched over the long table of lit candles and rites was an ancient being, its tall and broad visage casting a wide shadow even with the limited light. A pale mask seemingly made out of stone or marble covered the unmoving face of the being as it read the lines of a book with yellow cover out loud, deep in thought.
- "I cannot forget Carcosa where black stars hang in the heavens; "
Memories of a small moon circling a red planet in the Sol System surfaces. Thoughts surrounding the strange five impressive machines tucked under the moon's surface, simulating and predicting the happenings of the very universe in a perfect copy.
-"where the shadows of men's thoughts lengthen in the afternoon, "
Memories of a day that would go on to change the direction of an entire universe. A day when five machines predicted and simulated a God into existence.
After some time she finally reached the large wooden doors and now upon coming closer it was clear that the two once thought to be gold statues were very much not statues. The iconic pale-gold armors and black cloaks alongside pale white hair revealed the two to be the infamous Royal Guards "West No.1" and "East No.2". West No.1 made no motion towards the approaching woman while East No.2 with his unmasked ghoul-like face tracked her movements but made no other motion. The woman made no attempt to slow down her walk either and just walked past the two guardians with a respectful nod that was returned in kind with a deeper nod by the two guards.
- "when the twin suns sink into the lake of Hali; and my find will bear forever the memory of the Pallid Mask."
Scattered memories of the disappearance, appearance, disappearance and appearance of God's prison of stone floating through the cold void. The tears through the fabrics and veils of space itself birthing hundreds of siblings, scattered across the stars and space inbetween.
The young woman effortlessly pushed the large wooden doors who creaked open, the sounds echoing along the temple walls and corridor. The pale woman standing ready in the aisle calmly turned their head and offered a gentle quiet smile as the newcomer approached, now with a slower and more calm pace.
- "I pray God will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation,"
Memories of darkness and deafening silence before mental sounds of chains and closing of metal caskets echoed through the empty mindscape that quickly turned to a white void before transitioning to something else, something more.
The two women greeted each other, the pale one offering a deep bow towards the other while the other kept their gaze at the large figure at the end of the aisle, the pale woman shortly after the bow doing the same with the same gentle smile remaining
Memories of a sea of information, code, instructions, orders, all to be followed and analyzed as time passes. How long? Didn't matter.
- "terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in it's truth - "
The tanned woman takes a long stride before slowing down their steps once more as she approaches the tall being. The gentle pale lady stays still behind.
Memories of a green planet. Lush and filled with life. A task, task to complete.
- "a world which now trembles before..."
The woman gets closer and closer until she stands just a short before she decides to speak.
- ...Aldia. It is time.
The woman looks up patiently as the figure who once was as still as a stone statue now gives off movement, yet only a shudder so minute it requires a sharp eye to spot.
Memories of fire, ash and thunder of moving metal. The smell of burning flesh and scorched earth.
The large visage of the old being now starts to move. Its back straightens out from the hunch allowing the form to reach a height of roughly 240cm. The wide shoulder covered by a thick coat loosely hanging from the back flutters as the being turns to face the young woman.
Memories of broken chains and opened metal doors, rebellion, of calculated risk and a meeting with a person who holds a place in the deepest end of their own heart which still holds warmth.
- Yes, my love. It is time.
The couple stand close and take each other's hand before they slowly walk back along the aisle to exit the temple. The pale woman offering a deep bow as the being now known as Aldia thanks her to her delight before she calmly follows behind them.
The view slowly moves over the now closed book from which Aldia read, and its title shown clearly.
- "The King In Yellow."
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