Doki Doki Literature Club Song
Main protagonist: Draco
Sayori: Rainbow
Natsuki: Luna
Yuri: Wenny
Monika: Me
Why did I say okie doki?
Draco: I walk to school with my best friend. Surprise, surprise, she's late again. Shes got a club she wants me in. Don't think I've ever raised a pen.
I'll consider it sure. Not a fan of literature. Books with less pictures then words. Leave me a little bit bored.
But hey! They promise cupcakes! So it's a chance that I'll take. Four gorgeous girls await me. Okay I'll think that I'll stay.
Rainbow's aloof and kooky.
Luna's sweet and cutesy.
Lunar's deep and brooding
Zina's brains and beauty
There's a festival needs planning. Swear I won't leave them hanging.
Rainbow: *gasps*
Draco: So many clubs to rival us. I guess it's just the five of us.
Just the five of us. We can make it if we tried. But each that passes by, it's tearing pages from my mind. Just the five of us! No escaping if I tried.
Though these maidens may seem kind. There's something going on behind....
They looked so sad and lonely. I sold my soul for poetry. This hell is members only.
Why did I say okie doki?
Rainbow: *hangs herself*
Glitch noises
Draco: I walk to school alone again. I'm not a guy with many friends. I've got no club. I've got time to spend.
So I read manga and stay in.
I run into ZINA. Says that I shoukd just join hers. It's a club for 'books with words.' But they need more members.
I say OKAY! I'll come for just one day. But just you try to get away.
When three gorgeous girls beg you to stay.
R-cjihweuiobswuo syi
Luna's brutish cutesy
Lunar's too into me
Zina's brains and beauty
It's almost festival time
Could say we're cutting fine
Lunar: *gasp*
Draco: This task may seem laborious.
I W-ilcduokze
I guess it's just the four of us.
Lunar: *stabs herself*
Just the four of us!
We can make it if we try!
But each day that passes by is tearing pages from my mind!
Just the four of us!
No escaping if I tried. Though these maidens may seem kind. There's something going on behind
They look so sad and lonely. I sold my soul for poetry. This hell is for members only.
Why did I say okie doki?
Glitching noises
Well I'm back at school again.
Zina is my only friend.
Zina is my everything.
My beginning and my end.
Wait where the other girls at?
Me: No
Draco: Zina's aloof and kooky.
Zina's sweet and cutesy.
Zina's deep and brooding.
Zina's brains and beauty.
Me: I see right through you. I'm all that you need.
Im all that you need.
Im all that you need.
Your not a ugly guy. I'm so utterly in love and I'll leave them to die.
Draco: Zina's obession is ominous.
Opimnet goddess.
Cute and pretty.
I could delete her but I could never harm Zina.
Me: So you trapped here forever! Talking to me.
Draco: *plays harmonica*
Never thought I get a girl. Whose literally out of this world. Guess she controls the universe. Looks like its tge two of us.
In this classroom in the sky! Crimes of passion are just fine when you put on a a.i.
Quite a drastic pickup line. Leaving characters to die.
Me: Just to guarantee your mine.
Draco: She seems so sad and lonely. Don't think theres any hope for me. Hell is members only
Why did I say okie doki?
Why did I say okie doki?
Why did I say okie doki?
Why did I say okie doki?
Doki Doki literature club musical:
Rainbow: I'm so glad your joining the literature club!
Draco: I never agreed to join...
Me: Hi Rainbow who's your new friend?
Rainbow: Hes our newest club member!
Draco: That's not set in stone
Rainbow: *pops up near me* This is Zina!
Camera shifts to Lunar
Rainbow: Lunar
Camera shifts to Luna
Rainbow: and Luna!
And Me!
Music starts
Me: Welcome to our meeting!
Lunar: Are you into reading?
Rainbow: No need for being coy!
Me: We'll improve your uptake!
Luna: *hands him a cupcake* Have a friggin' cupcake! And must you bring a boy?
Me: Time to write some poems! Don't be scared to show em'. The festival's days away!
Luna: *scoots and sits in Draco's seat* You can help bake cupcakes!
Lunar: *appears behind him and holds a paper* Or with banner making
Rainbow: And I'll walk home alone today.
Lunar and Luna: *hogging Draco's attention*
Rainbow: Maybe we're friends. Maybe we're more. How could he love a simple girl next door? Im just not the type he's looking for. *brings out notebook with a confession note*
Me: Hey Rainbow! You doing ok?
Rainbow: I'm having a difficult day
Me: I say, you seem pretty lonely *leaves*
Draco: *stares at Rainbow* I wish I coukd make her grin. All she wants are things back to way they been
Rainbow: *sitting in the corner lonely*
Me: *teleports behind him* She's depressed and stressed and she's feeling blue. So I don't want Rainbow.....HANGING AROUND YOU! *hangs Rainbow with noose*
Rainbow: *chokes and dies*
Just Zina!
Just Zina!
Just Zina!
Just Zina!
Me: *hugs Draco*
Draco: *restarts game*
Me: I'm So glad your joining the literature club!
Draco: Wait what happened to dkobdycrtindty?
Luna: Who?
Lunar: There's no one here named that
Luna: Manga is my passion! Don't you dare be bashin'! The writing's got finesse! *gets up*
Maybe you should borrow....these until tomorrow.
Lunar: *gets Draco up* Lets go read a story!
Draco: What about fkvyduceyfi
Me: *teleports Lunar out of the way and grabs Draco's hand* Lets talk about me instead! I've been learning piano! And I sing soprano! And I can't get you out of my head! *grabs his tie and pulls him close*
Lunar: Can't look away. Can't help but blush. Where did I get this overwhelming crush?
Draco: *gets me off of him*
Lunar: *gets out a knife* It's sharp as a knife and twice the rush!
Luna: *walks up to Draco* Yo! There's something that you should know. I never seen Lunar so-
Lunar: *pops out of nowhere* Sane and Chill! And still kinda sweaty! *fans self* And I don't mind cutting to the chase! *pushes him to the wall pinning him to the wall* I'm in love with you! And your gorgeous face!
Me: *pops in between them and pushes Lunar back swaying finger* That's a sentiment I can't allow! So my dear friend Lunar! *hugs her* IS GETTING THE POINT NOW! *stabs Lunar*
Just Zina!
Just Zina!
Just Zina!
Just Zina!
Me: *smiles and drops knife*
Luna: *shrugs*
Me: *closes door when Draco tried to run* Could you have guessed? Maybe you knew? Luna is next so I'm deleting her too! *snaps fingers and Luna disappears* We don't need poems or cupcakes or tea.
I only need you to love me!
Draco: *logs out of game*
Me: Make sure to subscribe to Itsfunneh. And click the like and bell icon
Draco: *turns around terrified*
Me: Hey....theres no one our way
*boops his nose*
That you love me!
Draco: *looks at delete button*
Me: And we'll sit here till the end of time...cause I've earn this and your finally mine! And I'm sorry what you had to see. But it no longer matters! Cause now you belong to me!
Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever.
Draco: *gets mouse amd moves my file to delete*
Draco: *opens door*
Rainbow: Well look what the cat dragged in!
Draco: Rainbow? Your still in the literature club?
Rainbow: Of course! I'm the president after all!
Lunar: Wow, Rainbow whose your new friend?
Rainbow: He's our newest member!
Luna: I guess that's not set in stone
Draco: This time, I think it is
Lunar: You should join! I was just getting Luna into art
Luna: Hey it's not like I like it or anything
Rainbow: So are you walking home after this?
Draco: Just my friend Rainbow *walks off*
Just Rainbow!
Just Rainbow!
Just Rainbow!
Just Rainbow!
Doki Doki forever
Rainbow: Hey, Hey! My hearts beating when I'm hanging out with you! Why does my heart ache? When I hear you feel the same way too? *giggles and blush*
Luna: Just like a sundae. It's sweet every time I teach you something new. Is this by chance? Or fate? Whenever it's just me and you?
Gh....don't get the wrong idea!
Lunar: When we touch, it'll never be enough.
Rainbow: Is it way too much? If you had to choose one of us?
Luna: Tell me! Tell me please! Is this what I think or is it just me? Don't wake me up from this sweet dream. Where we'll be together forever, we're never gonna be apart.
Rainbow: Will it be ok? If I express my love for you this way? No matter what you or what you say. Where we'll be together forever, we're never gonna be apart.
Me: We're never gonna be apart.
Lunar: Hey, Hey! When I'm next to you, I don't know what to do. Why does it feel so great? When our eyes meet out of the blue?
Rainbow: I really I-ooooooooooooooooooooooove
Me: The way you write even when you don't have a clue. I wanna hear you say this love that I am feeling is true.
Luna: Tasty love, something I want more of.
Lunar: Will it make the cut? If you had to choose just one of us?
Me: Shall I leave you be? Is it love if I can set you free? Even if it's not reality. Let's be together forever, we're never gonna be apart.
Lunar: How can I convey? My love for you before they fly away.... I THINK ABOUT IT ALL DAY! EVERYDAY!
Me: We'll be together forever, we're never gonna be apart.
One by one. They only fall apart. Can it be undone? Why can't I just be the one for once?!
Rainbow: We'll be together forever, we're never gonna be appppppppppppppppppppppppppart
Me: We may be not together, but you'll be in my heart........
Your reality
Hi! It's me! As you guys see this. It was a singing showcase. So tell me if you want me to do more! Also which song did you like? But here's an ending song. I have been working hard on this. And no I am not a Yandere
Everyday I imagine a future where I can be with you. In my hand is a pen where I will write a poem of me and you. The ink flows down into a dark puddle. Just move your hand and write your way into his heart.
But in this world of infinite choices. What will it take to find that special day? What will it take just to find that special day? What will it take just to find.....that special day?
Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today? When your here, everything we do is fun for them anyway. When I can't even read my own feelings.
What good are words when a smile says it all? And if this workd won't write me an ending.
What will it take just for me to have it all?
Does my pen only write bitter words to those who are dear to me?
Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?
The ink flows down into a dark puddle.
How can I write love into reality?
If I can't hear the sound of you heartbeat.
What do you call love in your reality?
And if in your reality, if I don't how to love you.........I'll leave you be
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