X-Men: Percy Delacroix
Name: Priscilla Merveilleux Delacroix
Nickname: Percy
Alias: Electra
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Nationality: French-African
Age: 17
Sexuality: Demisexual
Origin: A little village in France
Current Location: Genosha Island, Mutant refugee camp
Alignment: The Brotherhood
Family: Percy is the only child of Louis Delacroix and Makamea Achebe.
Significant Other: Percy doesn't feel like she deserves to love another.
Personality: Percy is introverted. It is one of the most noticeable things about her personality. She is thoroughly introverted in every way, not the type that claims to be and then is constantly surrounded by people. No, that's not Percy at all. In fact she very much prefers solitude, not in the romantic way, in the literal way. People scare her, or rather their emotions and reactions intimidate her and make her anxious. She hates confrontation and conversation. People are complex and confusing to her, she often feels lost in conversation. She never knows what to say or when to say it. Most label her as shy, which would be partially correct but mostly it's just social anxiety. Thus, Percy functions best alone. Now for a person who is "supposed to be a hero" this quality of her personality makes the whole teamwork thing a bit complicated. But Percy never really wanted to be a hero anyways. After all her anxiety and fear usually get the best of her. That is due to another personality trait of hers, she's sets high standards for herself. Often those high standards are unrealistic and she usually lets herself down resulting in some form of self hatred. Now all this seems rather dark, but she does have redeeming qualities. Percy is very humble and can often be seen uplifting those around her. She is also silently yet somehow fiercely loyal. Once she has decided to trust someone that trust is nearly impossible to break. This has in some cases proved to do more harm than good, but it's a part of who she is.
Habits: Percy has a habit of shutting down when she becomes overwhelmed with emotion. Instead of expressing emotion in public she shuts down. She'll stop talking and won't talk until her emotions are resolved.
Casual Wear:
Physical Mutation: Percy has one of those "invisible" abilities. She has no physical attributes that indicate she is mutant.
Abilities: Percy has a paralytic touch. In other words anyone she has skin on skin contact with becomes paralyzed. The paralysis varies depending on where she touches you and for how long. For example if she were to accidentally brush your hand you might experience some numbness, but if she managed to get her hands around your throat you might stop breathing and the effects become irreversible after prolonged contact. With much concentration she can extend her abilities beyond just a touch. Anyone simply near her can become paralyzed.
Weapons: With Percy's type of ability she has no need for weapons, her ability is her weapon.
Weakness: Percy has no control over her ability. In a sense she can't turn it off. Ever since her power showed up it's inhibited her from ever touching anyone without consequences.
Backstory: Born to a French man and an African woman Percy grew up the daughter of two rich and vibrant cultures. By the age of three she was speaking Swahili, French, and a little bit of English. She was always a bright minded little girl. Her father described her as the sun: warm, soft, and brilliant and she was such. They lived in a small French village only a few miles from the great Paris. She loved life. Her mother danced with her, her father sang to her, life was good. But all happiness has its end, or at least it changes. Percy's life did change, but not for the good. Unknown to the entire family Percy was of a new generation, the mutant generation. The signs of this were not apparent until she hit puberty. As her body chemistry began to change her mutant genes became active. Her abilities immediately became apparent, a paralytic touch is hard to miss. It was her mother who first fell victim to Percy's touch. It was only a kiss to the cheek, but her mother nearly died. The doctors didn't know what went wrong, they assumed it was a stroke, but it was unexplainable. Soon enough it they figured out that it was Percy. Every where she went paralysis followed. Her friends at school, her father would lose feeling anytime she touched him even for a second. Out of fear Percy's father dragged her to the hospital demanding answers. Percy was only twelve when it all started. That's when her adaptions to loving her solitude began. If she was alone no one got hurt. Though eventually someone often did. Because of this Percy couldn't go to a normal school anymore, they kicked her out. No one would take her and homeschooling just wasn't an option. That was when they were contacted by a school. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Percy's parents were informed of their daughters extraordinary DNA that explained her peculiarities. They were told that the school would help her control her abilities. The Delacroix family out of fear, hope and some sense of love sent her away. They sat down with Percy and told her it would best for everyone's sake if she went. After all at that point it was the best place for her, and Percy went willingly. She didn't want anyone else getting hurt because of her. The foreign school was intimidating but at least these people understood her to some degree. They didn't seem so afraid of her, like everyone else, But that didn't stop her from being afraid of herself. With time the school did help her to function, better and started teaching her how to control her abilities. But after a while people started getting hurt again. Her powers seemed to spiral out of control. People near her, even though she wasn't touching them, began to drop to the floor and become paralyzed. People, even at Xavier's school, started becoming afraid of her. They all started avoiding her. It got to the point where she was locked in her room because she almost accidentally killed someone. That's when she ran away. Even in a school filled other mutants, with people like her, she still hurt people an scared them. So she ran away. She packed a bag and left not wanting to hurt anyone. The X-men of course came after her and tried to bring her back. But she knew if she returned things would go back to the way things were when she left. That was about the time that Eric found her, or rather one of his followers did. They took her to Genosha island their refugee camp and basically the home base of The Brotherhood. There the people there really weren't afraid of her, even when her powers spiraled. Eric taught her that, like many other mutants, her powers could be controlled with emotion. So he taught her a different way of harnessing her powers and controlling them. Soon she no longer spiraled out of control.
Other: Deep down Percy misses her family, desperately. She claims that she doesn't miss them, but it all a lie. She really wishes to be normal.
Formal Wear:
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