Riverdale: Rudy Mayfield
Name: Rudolph James Mayfield
Nickname: Rudy
Age: 17
Date of Birth: September 23rd
Place of Birth: Riverdale, New York
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Grade: 11th
Personality: Rudy has more of a laid back and passive personality. He's not one to easily show his emotions or confront his feelings. He'd just rather avoid them then deal with them. For him, emotions are hard to deal with so he just bottles them up. While this is an extremely unhealthy habit, it does have some perks. Because Rudy is so disconnected from his emotions he is over all pretty level headed in stressful situations. When angry Rudy has a tendency to take it out in football practice or some other physical outlet, but he's not one to get angry easily. He is a very calm person and is typically level headed. As mentioned before Rudy I'd emotionally timid, but not afraid to put people in their place and use a little quick wit every now and then. He's hard-working and likes doing things for others, who deserve it. He is more of an introverted type person who like his solitude. He has a subtle sense of charm that isn't easily detected. He's fairly easygoing. Rudy is also very much a family oriented person. He loves his sister, almost more than anyone else and would hate to be on bad terms with his dad. Rudy has a really bad sense of time which often results in tardiness. He's also a rational and concrete thinker who has realist type of view on life. He sees the world for what it is plain and simple. He's an honest person who is really bad at lying. He is extremely loyal and faithful to those who have his loyalty and respect.
Casual Style:
Formal Wear:
Fears: He is afraid of heights. He's not one to get on a roller coaster willingly and he gets nauseous being up too high. Being up high also makes him anxious and he gets antsy. However, it's a manageable fear.
Considering how passionate his father is about the sport there was no way that Rudy wasn't going to be on the football team. He didn't have much of a choice and it was more something he was pushed into. Luckily it's something he enjoys doing and is happy to play. Aside from football he tends to read...a lot. Reading keeps him busy especially considering he's not the most sociable person. He likes his alone time and that time is usually spent reading or memorizing the football play book.
Likes: Rudy loves fall, mostly because it's football season, but he also enjoys the cool weather and and the changing of the leaves. He finds fall to be a beautiful time of year. His favorite color is burgundy, and he can pull off the color well. He's more of a dog person than cat. He's a big fan of Shakespeare and often nonchalantly quotes it.
Dislikes: Rudy hates people who takes advantage of others. He also hates lying and being lied to. He doesn't see the sense in lying. He finds lying to be hurtful and pointless. He also hates stereotypes and being stereotyped. It bugs him when people make assumptions based on surface facts of people.
To be honest Rudy started crushing on Kevin awhile back. It was something he could hardly admit to himself let alone anyone else. He was too afraid of being rejected to say anything about it so he just kept it a secret.
Friends: He's good friends with most of the guys on the football team. Some of them know he's gay, some don't. As for close friends he doesn't seem to have many.
Enemies: Chuck was always someone that rubbed Rudy the wrong way. Rudy hated the way Chuck would treat other people and there were a few time the two got into fights. Rudy is also not a fan of most southsiders. Though that's mostly do to the fact that Rudy is a rule follower and doesn't like to see rules get broken, and for the most part the southsiders tend to break rules as if they weren't even there.
Siblings: Donna is Rudy's little sister. She's currently fifteen and attends Riverdale High with him. They get along well and spend a lot of time together. She know he's gay and is his number one supporter.
Parents: Henry Mayfield is a town lawyer, one of few and he's damn good at it. Though all virtues have their vices. While he's one of the best lawyers around, he's at the towns disposal. Which means he works for the town and is by title the Court's Attorney. As for Rudy's mother she left awhile back. For reasons only known to Henry, his wife took off when the kids were in middle school without warning.
The Mayfield's have two cute beagles, one named Boe and the other Beagsly. The dogs were given to the children as gifts when they were young by their grandparents.
Rudy has a nervous habit to tap his finger, or tap his pencil, or just fidgeting in general. This habit of his is most noticeable when taking tests and his is nearly constantly scolded by the teacher to stop. However his habit comes out when he's admitting something or talking about anything to do with emotions or feelings.
Other: Rudy has his quirks, for instance he snorts when he laughs, he can't whistle to save his life, and he's not always great at looking people in the eye especially when he's put on the spot.
Backstory: Rudy is a Riverdale born native. He was raised in the small town his whole life, and for most of that time everything was perfect, or at least in Rudy's eyes it was. For Mrs.Mayfield things were far from perfect. Unknowing to most she was a journalist before she left. This occupation led her to discovering the truth about the Blossom business. Ever since her little discovery she had been paranoid that she could be found out, and her family would be killed for what she knew. So she bolted in the night without a word. No one ever heard from her again. The only explanation anyone got was Mr.Mayfield. That morning after she left he found a note on his bedside table saying. "I love you and the kids with everything I am, that's why I'm leaving. Be safe." After that the note went on to instruct that it was to be burned, which Mr.Mayfield did. Ever since that day no story was told, no questions asked, it was simply left a heartbreaking mystery. It devastated Rudy. That morning after she left was the morning Rudy had planned to come out to his parents, but when he found his mother gone that conversation was left for another time. It wasn't until nearly years later that he finally built up the courage to tell his dad. It didn't go exactly as Rudy had hoped. His dad just sat there silent, showing no sort of emotion then he just left the room. His father never said anything about it after that. It just became this unspoken thing. Rudy couldn't figure out how his father felt about all of it. But Rudy didn't say anything either. There was apart of him that was too afraid to bring it up again. As time went in the family was able to function healthfully again after Mrs.Mayfield's disappearance. Though it is still a topic they all avoid and never discuss. Rudy wants to talk about it, wants to ask questions, wants to know why, but his father wouldn't have it. Thus it's all left in the dark.
Character Aesthetic:
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