Riverdale: Donnie Hawkins
Name: Donald Henry Hawkins
Nickname: Donnie
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 3
Place of Birth: Riverdale, New York
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: 11
Personality: Donnie is your average teenage guy. The impulsive go getter type who doesn't let anything stop him from achieving his goal. He is extremely independent and doesn't like asking for help. Mostly it's out of pride but he finds self assurance in being able to take care of himself. He's also on the arrogant side of life, but his arrogance is mostly just for show. He, like any other teen, has his insecurities. Instead of being timid or shy about it he goes the the opposite direction with faux confidence. Not to say that he doesn't have a real sense of confidence, which he does. When it comes to sports, especially rugby, he's not afraid to show off. Aside from that his love of sport taught himself a sense of loyalty and leadership. His loyalty is stronger than anything. Once you have his loyalty it takes a lot to break it. As for his leadership skills, he was born a leader. Even if he's second born that didn't stop him from taking the lead sometimes. That of course caused conflict with his brother, but what brother don't fight? When it comes to girls Donnie's a bit of a flirt. He has a tendency to lead girls on then jump to a new one. It's not the best of his qualities, but nobodies perfect. He's also a risk taker. His impulsive tendencies have a way of getting him into trouble quite a bit. Most of what he says is without thought and can also be the culprit of his troubles.
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Fears: Donnie fears his father more than anyone else. Growing up he watched his father beat his brother. Reagan always did take the blame for everything to spare his little brother. Growing up watching that and later becoming the victim led Donnie to actually being afraid of his father.
In his early years of childhood Donnie and his brother were quite the little trouble makers. To keep them busy and out of trouble their parents put them in every sport imaginable. Rugby was the sport that stuck with Donnie. Ever since he was six he's been playing the sport. Despite its low popularity in the U.S. he joined a league and eventually was able to join a high school team. With much persistence he got Riverdale High to have an official school team.
Likes: In general Donnie is a big fan of sports, especially rugby of course. Aside from the obvious Donnie also has a love for music. He can't play any kind of instrument and he couldn't sing to save his life, but he does enjoy listening. Though he might not admit it to his buddies he's a big fan of classical music. Though he is also a big fan of Rap and Hip-Hop as well.
Dislikes: Donnie hates when the football team acts they they own the school. When that happens Donnie tends to get in fights. He also doesn't like being a follower. Donnie is a natural leader and often butts heads with anyone who gets in the way. Donnie also weirdly enough doesn't like having his picture taken.
Despite what he may say, Donnie started crushing on Frankie Baker the moment he laid eyes on her. From the get go he liked her.
Friends: Donnie's main friends are those on the rugby team. They are his closest friends out of everyone. Outside of that Donnie is a fairly sociable guy.
Enemies: Donnie isn't out to make anyone his enemy, but the football team seems to always manage to irritate him. They typically act like they're the top dogs of the school and the rugby team is often time treated like dirt by them. So there is definitely conflict there.
Siblings: Reagan Hawkins is Donnie's older brother by five years. The two definitely had their fight and bickering over the years but over all they were pretty close. However, once Reagan moved out of town for college they became distant and almost altogether stopped talking except for when they saw each other on holidays.
Parents: Jerry and Patricia Hawkins are Riverdale's radio sports newscasters. Their voices are easily recognized by any Riverdale citizen. The power couple cover just about every news worth sports related topic in Riverdale.
Pets: Donnie always wanted a dog growing up. He begged and begged his parents for one but he was always denied.
Habits: Donnie has a bad tendency of lip bitting. He does it when he's mad, annoyed, stressed, lying, and thinking. It's so bad that he's even accidentally drawn blood if he got too upset.
Other: Donnie doesn't deal with conflict well. He has a weird complex about authority and respect. That paired with his impulsive tendencies tends to put him in the principal's office quite a bit, which usually doesn't end well when he gets home.
Backstory: Donnie is Riverdale born. His family has lived in the town for years, long enough for the Hawkins to have a name for themselves in Riverdale. Donnie's parents are the towns very own radio sports newscasters. They run the most popular sports radio in the Riverdale area. The job supports the family well, but it's early mornings and late nights for the two. Sometimes they even have to stay in hotels so they can make the early morning shifts. This left Donnie and his older brother Reagan home alone a lot. When they were young they had babysitters but once Reagan was old enough to look after Donnie they were home alone, a lot. Once left to their own devices the boys got in trouble, broke things, made messes. So the parents decided to put them in sports. If they were busy they wouldn't have time to get in trouble. Well that mostly worked. The boys did keep themselves busy with every sport they could possibly play but still managed to get themselves in trouble. Eventually Reagan graduated high school and went to college on a basketball scholarship. He was perfect for the big leagues: tall, long arms, made every shot, and could steal a ball better than any other kid in the state. Donnie wasn't much one for basketball. He was on the shorter thicker side of the spectrum, the boy was all muscle. Luckily that made him a perfect candidate for rugby. It wasn't the most popular sport in school but he was one hell of a player. So the boys had their sports and after Reagan moved away rugby was all Donnie had left. He got even better at the game. He didn't have his brother around anymore to mess with him, or laugh with him. But he grew pretty close to his rugby buddies. It was a small team considering everyone else was playing football, basketball, or on the wrestling team. But the rugby boys were a close knit group. They always had each other's back no matter what. So Donnie didn't feel so alone, not with his team beside him. His high school days became late practices and eating dinner at Pop's with the team. No one ever missed him at home and he only ever saw his parents on those few occasions. A part of him was glad his dad was gone so much because when he did see him Donnie usually left with a black eye. His dad wasn't the most affection father. Of course everyone is led to believe that the Hawkins are a prefect and loving family. But it all turns to lies when Jerry Hawkins comes home in a bad mood.
Character Aesthetic:
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