Marvel: Robbie Walters
The Apprentice of Bruce Banner
Name: Robert Morris Walters
Nickname: Robbie
Codename: N/A
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual
Origin: Los Angelos, Nevada
Current Location: New York City
Species: Human
Mentor: Bruce Banner
Family: Robbie is the only son of Jennifer Walters and cousin once removed of Bruce Banner.
Significant Other: No one currently
Crush: No one
Personality: If he were to be described in one word Robbie would be described as apathetic. His apathy is firstly the most noticeable thing about him. His distance from his emotions is not in fear of them, but the lack of care to have them. He does not avoid the expression of emotion but rather simply does not care to feel deeply. Yet despite this he is not completely devoid of emotion. He very well can feel, just simply does not most of the time. There are few things in the world that truest spark emotion in him, and usually those things must be extreme to truest reach him. He is very detached. He finds himself too caught up in the world of academia to be bothered by the trivial world of sociability. He does not have friends simply because he doesn't care to have such relationships or really any relationship at all. He does not rely on such things, though he does not rely on much of anything. He has learned enough to know that nothing, not even science is dependable. As a result he is detached from nearly everything. However, there is something that he is driven by, something that he does actually care about. He has a drive for understanding. He is driven by curiosity and the compulsion to understand things. For example, he wanted to understand people so he studied psychology for a while. In this way he is only so intelligent because of that drive. Other than that he doesn't care for much else. Another important quality to highlight is his lack of boundaries and complete candor. He pays no attention to social boundaries, he will say or do whatever he thinks is necessary. For example, he will question someone in depth on their dead relative even if they are at the funeral for the recently deceased. He will point out people's insecurities with no regard of their feelings. Such boundaries are pointless and a waste of time to him. This disregard for social boundaries often makes him unappealing to others, but he doesn't care about his appeal so it makes no difference to him.
Quirks: Generally, Robbie's entire way of life is in a sense quirky or at least unusual to people, but to name a few quirky habits he doesn't look at people in the eye when he speaks to them unless he is specifically trying to read a person. In other words, he rarely makes eye contact with anyone.
Likes: As noted before Robbie doesn't care for much, but he would agree that he does have preference to some things. For example, he prefers his coffee a day old and cold or he prefers to eat alone. He also prefers to wear second hand clothing for two reasons, he prefers the worn in feel of second hand clothes and knows that second hand clothing is better for the environment.
Dislikes: Robbie would claim that he doesn't waste the energy to dislike things.
Strengths: His intelligence is truest his strongest quality. Though it's not really much of a character trait than it is a simple fact about him. But he does lend himself well tin the field of study. Most people only tolerate being around him because his heightened intelligence can prove to be useful.
Casual Wear:
Powers: Unlike his mentor Robbie does not turn into a large green smashing machine. He is simply human, just a highly intelligent and educated human.
Abilities: Aside from being a completely ordinary human Robbie is incredibly smart. He had education beyond his years and a better understanding of Quantum Physics than most college professors. He's extremely brilliant for his age and only continues to grow in his intelligence.
Weapons: Robbie does not use any weapons, he's not a fighter nor finds need to defend himself.
Supersuit: Such an idea of a super suit for someone who has no need of one is preposterous to Robbie. He finds that his own clothing is sufficient for his role.
Weakness: Robbie is just as human as anyone else. He has no immunities or supernatural strengths. But when it comes to emotional or characters weaknesses he does have a sensitivity to his mother's death or rather a form of PTSD that still has some effect on him.
Backstory: Robbie is the son of Jennifer Walters, cousin to Bruce Banner. Robbie's given name Robert was actually in honor of Bruce who's first name is actually Robert. The father wasn't in the picture long. Robbie wasn't exactly a planned pregnancy, so once the guy got news he'd be a father he split town never looking back. So Jennifer raised Robbie on her own, that it until one fateful night. Robbie was four years old when his mother was shot and seriously wounded by crime boss Nicholas Trask because of what she knew about him. She was left to die bleeding out in the streets. The babysitter eventually called the authorities when Jennifer never returned home that night. It was days until they were able to find her, and she was long gone by then. Robbie was alone in the world, or so they thought. He was handed over to CPS and was stuck in the foster system for months until they located his godfather and last living relative, Bruce Banner. The two only knew each other vaguely. Bruce didn't visit often during Robbie's childhood, but now the two were forced together. But Bruce knew he was in no way equipped to raise a child. So at the youngest age possible Robbie was sent off to attend boarding school. Robbie didn't much mind boarding school, he felt like a stranger around Bruce anyways. Though it wasn't too long until Robbie made his return. He was sent back at thirteen because he had surpassed their highest levels of education. Bruce still didn't know what to do with him. Robbie suggested college. It seemed preposterous at the time, after all what thirteen year old was college ready. But Bruce soon picked up on the reality of his godson's brilliance. He'd catch Robbie reading and actually understanding his notes on Quantum Physics. So Bruce agreed to send him off to college. With the help of financial aid, grants, and several scholarships Robbie was off to Yale. The first few years of college were a breeze for him, not to mention he was able to test out of several classes. By the age of seventeen he already had Master's degree. Another few years and he managed to get his Doctorate. He spent every waking hour earning those degrees and it wasn't always so easy. After all he is still human. It took hard work and nearly all his time and commitment. He had his struggles, panic attacks of stress, and then of course his struggle with his unknown father and murdered mother. All of his struggles and school work kept him to himself. He hardly ever socialized. After he practically finished all there was to do in college he was left alone and bored. Bruce didn't like the idea of Robbie being left alone with his level of intelligence and sense of apathy. Bruce knew that was a dangerous combination in the world of science. So that was about when Bruce suggested he join SHEILD or the Avengers or something so he at least would have some authority to keep him in check. Robbie agreed, but only so he could have access to alien tech and SHEILD databases.
Other: Despite his level of apathy Robbie actually is more environmentally conscious than he would ever admit. It's very subtle, but he eats healthy, recycles, walks most places and just in general lives life sustainable to the environment. Most of what he does is done unconsciously. His little habits and way of life are left over from his mother who always talked about sustaining earth and the importance of living a sustainable lifestyle. He hardly realizes what he is doing and hardly remembers his mother being so passionate about it.
Character Aesthetic:
Formal Wear:
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