Marvel: Clea Strange
The Daughter of Dr.Strange
Name: Clea Circe Strange
Nickname: People have tried calling her Cece but she absolutely hates it.
Codename: Mystic
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Origin: New York City
Current Location: New York City
Species: Human
Parent: Dr. Strange
Mentor: Her father mentors her mostly, but in his absence Wong often looks after her and teaches her the ways of the mystic arts.
Family: Clea is the only daughter of Christine Palmer and Steven Strange.
Significant Other: No one currently
Crush: No one
Personality: Given her situation Clea was never destined to be normal. Both her parents were brilliant people, how could she not be? She was always the smartest kid in class growing up. Her brilliance only fed her egotistical tendencies. Ever since birth it was something she struggled with. She shares her fathers inherited arrogance, it just runs in the family. But Clea was always more aware of other people than her father. She did care about others, she was just really bad at showing it. Humility was something she had to work for, it didn't come naturally to her. Despite her selfish tendencies she couldn't watch the innocent die. Clea always sided with the greater good. Though one thing that she never struggled with was finding the good in people. It was something her father was adamant about teaching her that he was never taught. So while she struggled with a superiority complex she can still find the general good in humanity. Clea also has a bad habit of bottling up emotions like guilt, embarrassment, shame, sadness, and fear. Things like anger, annoyance, curiosity, happiness, and affection come out unbridled. Clea never was good at filtering especially when angry. Any thought and every thought comes flying out of her mouth when angered. And when it comes to apologizing, she has room to improve. She really sucks at apologizing.
Quirks: Clea cries or tears up if she gets extremely angry. She hates that she does it but has no control over it. She also has personal space issues and hates when people get too close. For reasons unknown to her it freaks her out when people touch her without permission.
Likes: Clea loves the color black and is almost always wearing the color. She also love weird movies, the type of movies that cinephiles watch, the old and almost abstract type movies. Being as smart as she is she actually enjoys reading, learning, and figuring things out. Clea is also addicted to caffeine. That caffeine is acquired through coffee mostly. She is almost always seen with some kind of caffeinated drink in hand.
Dislikes: As stated above Clea hates unwelcome physical contact. She does not respond well to people touching her. Along with that Clea doesn't like crowds. Clea also dislikes confronting her fears. So instead of facing her fears she buried them deep in her subconscious.
Strengths: Intelligence of course is one of Clea's main strengths. She's accustomed to being one of the smartest people in the room, at least in a class room. Beyond that Clea is strong in finding the good in people. She may not admit what she finds but she can always see something. She's also pretty good at reading people in general. Though it's no perfect skill and she can easily mod read people if she's not careful.
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Abilities: Clea is well trained in the mystic arts. She is capable of not only defending herself but fighting side by side with her father. She still trains almost daily to continue getting better.
Weapons: Just as anyone else who practices the mystic arts Clea has a weapon that has chosen her. Gifted to her by her father was a yellow waist sash. It has abilities of its own, as it can become somewhat animated rope and can grasp things. It can magically lengthen and extend to what ever desired length Clea needs. Her deck of tarot cards can also be considered somewhat of a weapon, but they mostly only predict future events.
Weakness: She may be powerful but Clea is still human. She can be cut, bruised and broken just like anyone else. As far as weaknesses of her abilities she relies heavily on word of mouth spells, so if her ability to speak were to be damaged or taken away she would be at a serious disadvantage.
Backstory: Clea Strange is the daughter of one well established doctor and one former surgeon turned Sorcerer Supreme. Christine Palmer, her mother, and her father, Steven Strange, had history. The dated for a time and found that they weren't right for each other. A lot of drama there but no time to explain. After Steven's "transformation" they clicked again. Once Steven's fight to protect all of humanity was over and earth, for a time, was safe, he and Christine got married. Big shocker right? Well to put it simply they both wanted a chance at happiness, who could blame them? For a time the couple lived happily, even had a daughter. The first years were bliss, but Steven's frequent absences took a toll on Christine. It was worse when he'd come home wounded, and even worse when he'd show up at the hospital nearly dead. Christine couldn't take it, especially with Clea around. Christine didn't want her daughter exposed to that world, not when she was so young. So the two divorced. It was a fairly mutual decision. Steven could see the strain he put on his family, but it wasn't like he could just walk away from his "job" either. It was heart breaking, but they both decided it was the best for Clea. She was only six when her mother took her across country to Los Angeles. Christine hopes that would be enough distance to keep Clea safe from whatever forces tried to hurt her father. At that point Clea had become somewhat of a liability to Steven. After all what better way to hurt a man than to hurt his daughter? Ever since the move Clea missed her father desperately. She was always been more of a daddy's girl even if he was gone so much. Living so far away made it worse, and she contacted him every chance she could get. Eventually she got old enough to make the choice herself. Her mother fought with her on it, Christine told her she wouldn't understand. Christine told her that even living with him wouldn't mean she'd really be with him. Christine warmed Clea of the danger and of all the hardships that would following in moving back. Clea didn't care, she chose to live with her father anyways. Steven wasn't going to deny his only child. So she moved in with him. It wasn't at all what she expected, but she was happy. Her father knew that living with him she'd need to know magic to be able to protect herself in case anything were to happen. And he wasn't going to leave her defenseless. Luckily she was just as brilliant as her father. Clea caught on to the magic quite quickly. She excelled beyond many of the others. At sixteen she was at adult level. Most of her nights were spent alone, just as her mother warned. But Clea used all her free time reading, studying learning and practicing the mystic arts. That and all her other day to day tasks like school, chores, and such.
Clea would still visit her mother, especially around the holidays and when her father was gone for long stretches of time. Ever since she chose to live with her father things were never the same. Clea always felt distant from her mother, and deep down she blamed herself because she moved in with her father. Of course no one ever said anything. Maybe she never said anything because she was too proud, or maybe because she was too ashamed. She lives with her dad still and is finishing up college, online. Given that she taken up more responsibilities in helping her father in his "work" she doesn't have time to attend regular college. Luckily online college is an option and of course she's going because as smart as she is it'd be a crime not to go. She does have plans to eventually move out, but she is still so young. She wanted to eventually save up to get her own apartment. But that was all before "the snap." She along with her father and countless others turned to dust and were just gone for five years before they were all brought back. When she got back, to the real world she didn't know what to do. She felt so lost, especially coming back to find her mother had died in those five years they were gone. She of course blamed herself somehow for not being there for her mom. Now she doesn't know what to do with her life.
Other: With all of her training the the mystic arts and inherited genius she doesn't have much time for a life. She's nearly always reading or studying whether it be for magic or for school. But she does have one hobby on the side. She picked up tarot card reading awhile back and is actually really good at it, even better than her father. She even has her own personalized deck.
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