DC: Lin Snart
Apprentice of Captain Cold
Name: Lincoln Rosa Snart
Nickname: Lin
Code Name: Frostbite
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Species: Human
Parent: Lisa Snart aka Golden Glider
Mentor: Lisa and Leonard Snart
Family: (father unknown) and Lisa Snart (mother, dead)
Significant Other: None currently
Crush: No one
Favorite Color: Pink
Personality: Lin is a resourceful person. She is a girl full of confidence who knows who she is and can be a little self centered. There's not a shy or regretful bone in her body. Her mother raised her to always be herself and fight anyone who made her feel inferior. She's can also be self indulgent, but that's only because she's making up for the pain and loss in her life. Lin is also extremely resilient. Despite what life has thrown at her she pushes threw. She learned early on to take what she wanted and what she needed to survive. She learned to stand up for herself and to how to take care of herself. Overall she has a pretty pessimistic out look on the world which is why she doesn't feel bad for stealing or being a criminal. But she also knows how to enjoy life, another reason she likes thieving. Her morals aren't the best, but she's no killer. She'll take what she wants but she won't kill anyone for it. She will hurt people who get in her way though. Shes not afraid to push or step on people to be on the top. Lin is also really talented finding people's insecurities and exploiting them to her gain, she can be extremely manipulative. However Lin does has a strong sense of loyalty to family. She'd never turn on her uncle. Not for all the money in the world. She also has a code of honor. For example, she won't steal from the less fortunate or hit a foe while they're down. As far as other good qualities go Lin knows how to cheer people up when she wants to. When pressured she doesn't really want to live a life of crime. It has its perks, but she always dreamed of living a quiet happy life. Although in her mind it's all an unobtainable dream so she continues living as her uncles accomplice.
Casual Wear:
Powers: Lin lets her gun do all the work since she's just a human.
Abilities: Lin is an extremely talented thief. From a young age her mom taught her how to steal and fend for herself. Lin is like a little scavenger. She is a flawless pick pocket and can pick almost any lock. She can also defend herself quite well. She learned some handy street fighting techniques growing up.
Super suit:
Weaknesses: Lin is human and has all the same weaknesses as any other person. As far as personality weaknesses her code of honor can get her into some trouble. While in the end her code of honor proves she has a soul it does make it easier for her to get caught.
Backstory: Lin is the daughter of the unwed Lisa Snart aka Golden Glider. Her father is unknown because her mother died before she ever told anyone who the father actually was. So Lin grew up relatively fatherless, except she did have her Uncle Leo who sort of became her father figure. Leonard was not thrilled with having a kid around and didn't like the idea of his sister having a kid in the first place. But Lisa was adamant about keeping her child. So Leonard got over it. Once Lin was actually born things were different. Leonard became somewhat attached to her. He felt the need to protect his niece. But he wasn't about to give up his thieving super villain lifestyle. So Lisa took Lin and raised her elsewhere for the early days. As she grew up things got a little complicated. Lisa and Leonard didn't exactly have a functional life growing up. Their father was abusive. Lisa knew she didn't want and abusive childhood for Lin, but she also didn't really know how to properly raise a kid. So Lin's childhood was very dysfunctional too, but in a different way than Lisa's. Lin grew up being taught how to thieve. She'd use her classmates as practice. She also got in trouble at school constantly. And because her mother was in and out of jail Lin ended up in foster care more than once, but Lisa always came back for her. But then one day Lisa never came back. Eventually word got out that she had been murdered. At the time Lin was only ten. The news was devastating and foster care was hell for Lin, especially since she was labeled a troubled kid. She definitely was trouble though. She constantly stole from her foster families because that was what she was taught. However, being labeled a troubled kid landed her in some pretty bad homes, since those were the only ones that would take her. She couldn't take the abuse so she ran away to the only person left in the world she felt she could trust, her uncle. Leonard still wasn't too keen on having a kid around, but he saw himself in her. She ran away from abuse like he once did as a kid when his father abused him. That and she reminded him of his sister, who he missed dearly. So he let her stick around. It was a rough start. The two didn't exactly get along at first. Lin often stole his stuff and he'd yell at her for it. He threatened to kick her out more than once too. But they were the only family they had left so they stuck together. Lin always begged to come along on his heists and he'd always deny her. He claimed she was too young or that she wasn't ready. Eventually Lin proved her skills that her mother taught her and Leonard started letting her come along on his heists. He kept a close eye on her at first but with time the two became quite the team. Lin became an asset to him. She was small and nimble and could get in places he never could. She also was just as talented at stealing as she claimed. But of course they had conflict when they ran into Justice League members and landed in jail time every so often, but at least they had each other. Once their sentences were up they'd find each other and start planning their next heist. These days they still plan heists and Lin goes on little shop living sprees every so often. For them life has been good lately.
Extra: Recently Leonard gifted his niece a cold gun identical to his, only hers is slightly smaller and more light weight. Lin of course treasures her newly gifted gun and never lets it out of her sight.
Theme Song:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Character Aesthetic:
Lin is more sensitive then she lets on to be. She cries at sad movies and can't stand to see the innocent suffer. Even though she was raised by criminals and enjoys stealing she's not heartless. She also loves anything chocolate. Chocolate is like her secret addiction that's not so secret. She has a sentimental attachment to chocolate since it's the first thing she ever stole.
Formal Wear:
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