DC: Julian Crane
Son of Scarecrow
Name: Julian Crane
Nickname: Doesn't have one
Code Name: Nightmare
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Nationality: Canadian
Species: Human
Parent: Dr. Johnathan Crane aka Scarecrow
Mentor: Dr. Crane
Family: (mother, unknown), (father, unknown), and Johnathan Crane (adoptive father).
Significant Other: None
Crush: N/A
Favorite Color: Black
Personality: Julian is a tortured soul. He's so damaged and wounded that his tire personality never really surfaced. Being tormented at such a young age he never got to develop a sense of identity. Julian is driven by fear. That's the only thing keeping him going now. He never experienced enough good in the world to be driven by anything else. Ironically Julian appears to be fearless. Many who didn't truly know him would think that he's scared of nothing. In reality Julian's whole existence revolves around fear. Speaking of reality, Julian doesn't quite get it. He doesn't fully grasp what real and what's just in his head. He has trouble knowing what's what. He also has interpersonal issues. He doesn't understand people or how they work. He tries, but most often people are afraid of him because of how atypical he is. Nonetheless Julian craves closeness. Being so deprived of it for so long he'd take any sort of friendship or companionship, but in the end he doesn't understand how have a friend. Most of his knowledge of friendship comes from old movies he was allowed to watch on rare occasions. Deep within Julian he has a fuller and real personality, but it's buried so deep under trauma, pain, and fear that it would take a miracle to dig up.
Casual Wear:
Powers: He doesn't have a known power, when asleep he can access Earth-43 otherwise known as the Nightmare Universe. While in a dream like state Julian's consciousness passes into the Nightmare Universe. While there he can communicate with people from that world.
Abilities: Aside from his weird power to contact another universe Julian doesn't have any special abilities. He's highly intelligent but it is not superhuman intelligence.
Weapons: Julian does not use any one specific weapon. Most often he fights with whatever fear inducing chemicals his father gives him for the mission. Any other weapon he picks up is just out of necessity.
Super suit:
Weaknesses: Aside from having all the same weaknesses as any other human, Julian is completely engulfed by fear. The only reason he does his father's bidding is because he is terrified of what his father will do to him if he fails.
Backstory: Julian McClain was born into the world an unwanted child. As soon as his supposed father heard news his girlfriend was pregnant he hit the road and was never seen or heard from again. As for Julian's mother, she didn't want to raise the child on her own so she gave Julian up with out even giving him a name. The adoption agency she gave Julian to wasn't exactly the most legitimate of businesses. It posed as an adoption agency to get infants in children when in reality it sold kids to the highest bidder. So that's exactly where Julian ended up. An unnamed baby being sold off. It was Dr. Johnathan Crane that won with the highest bid for baby Julian. Though it wasn't easy getting the child to Gotham. After all Julian was originally from Canada and smuggling an infant over the border wasn't easy. So Dr.Crane brought his work to Canada. That's when it all began and Julian's life took a turn for the worse. Dr. Crane didn't purchase a baby off the black market for companionship. He did it to have a lab rat for his experiments. And what better specimen than a blank slate baby? As one would imagine Julian was heavily traumatized in his youth. Being drugged with fear inducing drugs and being under almost constant terror he was barely able to live. But Crane was smart enough not to ruin his precious little lab rat beyond all help. In fact Dr. Crane was just cruel enough to let Julian heal only enough to be torn down again. As a child Julian did not attend school or have friends or really have any sort of life worth living. His hopelessness eventually made him virtually fearless. After all he had nothing to loose. In fact it got to the point where he begged to be killed, because at least then he would have peace. Julian was only nine at the time, but even though he was so young he knew death had to be better than the hell he lived in. Obviously a fearless lab rat was of no use to Crane. He needed a subject to manipulate. So before it was too late for poor Julian, Crane enrolled him in school, moved back to Gotham, pretended to be his father, and allowed Julian to live as normally as possible. It took time for Julian to adjust to the real world, to figure out what reality really was. His mind had been so damaged from his early childhood as a human lab rat that he had trouble determining what was real. Crane of course studied this whole process. He was intrigued to see if the mind could recover from such trauma. Shockingly Julian managed to function, at least somewhat to exists in society. He was of course an easy target to bully, but what Crane had put him through was nothing compared to school bullies. Eventually the bullies left him alone. He was labeled as the weird freak, an outsider to avoid. And most people did. Julian's behavior wasn't exactly typical. He often had outbursts in class or would be sent to the hospital for one of his episodes. The school ended up mandating that he have a psychological evaluation and even threatened Crane that they would call CPS. Crane of course was smart enough to manipulate things to his advantage though. He pretended to go along all the while he pulled strings and cashed in old favors from people he knew, maybe did some black mailing and a little torture to get what he wanted. In the end Julian was diagnosed with schizophrenia and everyone just accepted that as what was really wrong with him. Even though that not really what was going on. As time progressed Julian improved. Crane still held off on experimentation until he knew he could properly manipulate Julian. But he didn't make life easy for Julian either. He forced Julian to follow in his footsteps. After school he taught Julian about his work, about psychology and chemistry. Julian didn't have any other option, and at least this wasn't torture. So Julian followed orders, begging to fear the alternatives. In the out side world he had actually built some kind of life. He had very few friends, but even just one was more than enough. He was able to experience the good in life. It was only then he realized what his father was doing and that it was only a matter of time before Julian returned to the terror and horror he once lived in. Fear started taking hold of him, driving him to do the unthinkable. He followed every instruction Crane gave him, virtually becoming his puppet. Crane used him to seek revenge on Gotham and inflict fear and pain on people. Julian always paid the price when a hero came in to save the day. But facing some hero was nothing compared to disobedience or failure. So despite the fact that Julian hates what he does and hates his existence he's too afraid to go again Crane's will. He's so driven by fear that he can't see any other options.
Extra: Because of Crane's unceasing torment of Julian when he was so young, Julian now struggles with borderline schizophrenia and PTSD. Medication helps him somewhat regulate the symptoms but Crane doesn't alway give Julian access. So basically, Crane controls Julian with fear and medication.
Theme Song:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Character Aesthetic:
Deep down somewhere in Julian is the desire to be good. He never asked for the life he was given, and he never made the choice to be evil. But he continues to do his father's grunt work because he's become an empty shell, or rather a puppet of a human being to be controlled.
Formal Wear:
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