Name: Kumo Yaginamo
Nickname: Kummy
Age: 15-16
Gender: Trans Male (FTM)
Birthday: September 28
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Kumo is a very soft guy and can be very quiet. He Can be quite a distant person since he is afraid of scaring others with his quirk. He can quite funny and giggly around his friends. He's also very emotional, growing up with Izuku did that to a person. He can have a short temper when it comes people he doesn't like, growing up with Katsuki did that to a person too.
He is as tall as Mashirao Ojiro when on his human legs but can be almost as tall as All Might when his spider legs are holding him up.
He can be seen wearing really bright things a lot
Spider legs~
Hero outfit~
Spiders, sweets, sugar water, insects (which he only eats them when he's alone), small spaces, and light.
Water, weather, citrus smelling things, cats, darkness, and garlic.
Spider- He has a mutant quirk where he is a spider. He has six spider arms including his two human arms. He has two human eyes and eight red spider eyes. He can also cling onto/climb walls and create webs. He also has super strength and heightened senses.
His two human eyes are blind and he can't see through them, only being able to see through his tiny spider eyes.
If he uses his super strength too much, he can be really sore and he wouldn't be able to move for a few hours.
If he's dehydrated or hungry, he can't create webs or cling to walls.
Even though his quirk causes his limbs to be useless if used too much, his spider legs will carry him to safety.
Though his appearance is scary to many, it does help him keep Mineta away from the girls of UA
Kirishima Eijirou
Mom: Hero but hasn't been seen in years
Dad: Dead
Uncle: Alive
He's friends with the Deku-Squad adding Denki, Kirishima, Shinsou, and occasionally Katsuki to his friends
He has a little tarantula names Fuzzy and a couple mini spiders
Kumo never had a normal life since he was born, being born with his quirk since the beginning. He lost his dad at a young and his mother left him with his uncle when he was three. He was very shy after that and would've had a rougher life until he met Izuku and Katsuki. His life wasn't terrible but it was bad. After middle school, he got worse since all his friends had left him besides Izuku and he was trying to get into UA. He finally got in after he began high school and things changed for him since there were people with scary quirks like his.
He tries to wear bright clothes as not to seem threatening or dangerous. His hero name is Huntsman which he took after the Huntsman Spider.
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