Dark Queen
It's not the Underworld, but it ain't pretty either!
Name: Anne
Age: Unknown, and don't ask
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Powers: Control over shadow person(s), shadow manipulation, healing, teleportation, summoning, slight transforming
About: Once upon a time, there was a kingdom for the figures of the night humans would see in their room in the middle of the night. The most common being "shadow person", and other supernatural figures relating to that. And in that kingdom, a princess reined with power that no one could match. She was beautifully dark, wicked, and yet could have her softer moments. The kingdom was, in it's own paranormal way, happy. But one day, a prince of unknown origin and species forced his way into this kingdom. He proclaimed that he was to be king, not knowing there was already a ruler doing quite a good job on her own.
When he found out, he locked her away, but not before claiming her as his bride. It was just to make the loyal shades and such happy; no wedding ever happened. Only forced public outings. Anne hated this, her kingdom was becoming a copycat of Hell. Her people were suffering more than they already had...but she wasn't a damsel. She knew how to solve the problem with a dagger her father made her before vanishing into dust. When her "husband" came to visit again, she plunged the blade into his heart, kïlling him.
But that action made the few strands of innocence Anne carried gone with the lost life. She was evil, yes, but never enough to kíll someone. She was viewed as more powerful by all who found out, and much stronger than ever before. Her kingdom was yet again in it's morbid happy.
But she gained a hidden power that day. She could now haunt humans with her people, to be a shadow creeping in the doorway of your room...without a face...a sound...just a shadow in the night to cause a fright.
She is beauty, she is grace, she will scare your socks off every day!
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