Name- BluebellDawn
Name meaning- peaceful Beautiful Graceful
Previous name(s)- Bluebellkit BluebellPsw
Future name(s)- None
Nickname(s)- Blue, Bell, BlueBell, Dawny, Dawn
Biological sex- Female
Preferred gender- (All are welcome) Female
Pronouns- She/Her
Sexuality-(All are welcome) Straight
Age- 32 moons
Clan- Pineclan
Current rank- Queen
Previous rank(s)- Medicine Cat Apprentice, Warrior Apprentice Warrior Kit
Future rank(s)- None
Reputation- Shes known for being a good mother very nurturing and loving as well as very beautiful
Brief description- A White longhaired she cat with a fawn face and legs. (A Birman)
Detailed description- A White Birman she cat with a fawn face and paws. She has big dark blue eyes. She has small ears she has white paws and brown and fawn legs and face. She decorated her fur in flowers.
Notable features- Decorated herself with flowers.
Scent- Rosemary
Overall description- BluebellDawn is a fierce protective she cat her family will always come first for her. She can be a little ignorant if their kits Wellbeing. She's very nurturing and soothing can get apart old about her kits
Positive traits- Nurturing Soothibg Comforting
Neutral traits- Fierce Innocent
Negative traits- Cba be Overly Proud
Mental disorders- (If any) None
How they view themself- They see themselves as an average day to day warrior
Strengths- Kitsitting stealth quiet
Weaknesses- sensitive cna get paranoid another her kits
Mother: ChestnutPetal
Strong or weak relationship?- Strong
Extra information- None
Alive or dead?- Alive
Open for someone else to play as?- Yes
Father: FidgetPetal
Strong or weak relationship?- Strong
Extra information- None
Alive or dead?- Alive
Open for someone else to play as?- Yes
Sibling(s): (If any) LightningPaw, FlutterPaw Sorrelshade
Strong or weak relationship?- All Strong
Extra information- 2 different Litters
Alive or dead?- Alive
Mate Open
Kits Open
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