Lumen Sage OC
Name: Cyrus Wayland
Age: 23
Born: October 15th 1999
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human but with magic powers
Clan: Lumen
Family: Wayland family. The last of the Lumen sages and was once one of the Wayland powerful Lumen sage families. Hodr Wayland (father, Lumen sage) Elena Wayland (Mother, normal human) Emelia Wayland ( Sister, normal human), Surt Wayland
Occupation: Doesn't have one but does kill angels and demons
Affiliations: Lumen sage. Once worked for his uncle but left.
Likes: Learning new Lumen sage magic, playing with animals, playing videogames, reading, teaching people about history, meeting umbran witches and learning about them, etc
Dislikes: Losing, idiots, his father, thinking about his past, dealing with monsters from infernun or paradiso, very hot days, etc
Personality: He is at first very quiet and secretive, putting up a front of a kind and bubbly man and Or priest depending on what is needed. When fighting he becomes much more focused and is quick to try and end a fight. He also dislikes liars and anyone who threatens the innocent like his uncle did. He also is rather socially awkward as he isn't use to being with a lot of people at a time naturally.
Appearance: He has bright white hair and silver
eyes. He usually wears the standard Lumen sage outfit when fighting.
Magical Abilities: As a Lumen Sage he has the abiltiy to move as fast as light and contracts with the angels of Paradiso. He also can use light magic, healing, and can summon his contracted angels to fight with him.
Outfit: He usually wears a hoodie with some black jeans wanting to remain inconspicuous. Or wearing a priest outfit that the cross has a Lumen Sage symbol on it. But when fighting he wears a Lumen Sage outfit. And a standard mask he wears with the outfit.
Priest outfit-
Lumen Sage outfit-
Pact with: The Left Hand of Jubileus Sammael, he also is in pact with a powerful Bull of heaven named Asterios, the wolf of heaven named Hati, and the dragon beast of heaven Tarasquee
Weapons: He has two golden long swords. One called Phaesophoros and the other Heosphoros that can combine and make a bow. Where he can send arrows of light. The bow is called Burning Regulus. He has twin golden spiked gauntlets called Gog and Megog. Later he will learn how to use and wield guns
Animal Forms: He can turn into an eagle, a wolf, a cobra, a deer, along with a centipede
Crush: Bayonetta
Heavenly Mantra:
Sammael, Left Hand of Jubileus-In the Name of Cyrus, circle of blood, open the secret wisdom. Create true balance and being your destruction to creation.
Asterios, Bringer of storms - In the name of Cyrus. Circle of light. Open the secret wisdom. Bring the storms of heavens on the earth.
Backstory: As a child he was the only male born to one of the last Lumen Sage families. His father and uncle trained to be one's but the father wasn't very good and didn't want the life for him or his family. The uncle though became obsessed with it and desired for greater and greater power. Wanting to do this for the greater good instead of the true good. Even wanting to induct the son and take him, so he could be taught truly to be a good Lumen sage. In his anger the uncle soon faked his own death and the death of their son and took him to raise him as his own and truly make him a powerful Lumen sage. And he did. Cyrus was far stronger than his father and uncle at that age and adapted quickly. Eventually though he learned of the truth. That his family did want him and didn't want to get rid of him. Eventually fighting his own uncle and managing to escape so he could go and try to find his family now.
Other: He is related to the once great Lumen Sage Inferno Slayer and wants it back.
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