Dragonball OC
Name: Rogue Rose
Age: Same as Gohan
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Kind, introverted, enjoys a good spar in fun, he isn't the best with new people and social situations can make him uncomfortable, he usually wonders if he says stuff right or not. But he always enjoys fighting since it's simple, win and other stuff usually doesn't matter. He also is rather playful and happy around people he knows and trusts like Gohan and the gang.
Species: Android with some Buu cells
Likes: Winning, helping people, the color red, being friends with Gohan, training, fighting, learning new techniques, mythology, his fellow Android 18 and 17, sweets, dressing in a more alternative style, etc
Dislikes: Losing, Buu, Hercule Satan, idiots, evil people, not being able to truly be human, the color yellow, sour foods, snakes, dressing too fancily, and people he doesn't know too well, etc
Crush: Kale or Caulifa
Weapon: None
Abilities: He has the abilties of an Android and of a Buu. But it's hard to fully control them and if he uses his Buu powers for too long it'll overtake him and he'll want to destroy anything in his way friend or foe. He also wants to try and create new abilities and train with stronger people.
Assimilation-Similar to how Buu uses it but instead he turns into a pure pink substance and goes onto people but instead of taking them fuses with them. Combining his power with the recipients power.
Scream-He can create a powerful scream that can be heard and destroy stuff but not cause ripples unless in his most powerful form.
Memory-He can mimic ki attacks he sees and the more he works on them the better he can replicate them.
Telekinesis-He can lift things with his mind bur needs more work on it for more specific control.
Ki: His ki at first is a red color but the more he powers up it becomes a purplish pink color
Forms: Base form-Normal form
Second: Majin form: His skin becomes pink, his scleras become black, his hair turns white, and he grows a tail while his power grows immensely while in control. He wants to completely control this form and gain more power
Backstory: As a child his parents were members of the red army. They have their son to Dr Gero to make him a strong android. But Gero had something to truly make him the strongest potentially. Infusing him with not only robotics but Buu cells to make him powerful. This gave him a lot of power and even enough to possibly be on par with the other androids ag a young age. But Gero decided to be safe and sealed away his power and sent him away. Rogue escaped but lost his memories. The dark majin part of him suppressed. He was a scared boy until Gohan met him. Bringing him to his mother they took him in. He took to training and loved martial arts. Even catching the attention of Roshi and Piccolo. Piccolo could sense something strange in thanks to the fusion with Kami. His level was close to Gohan's at the age of the start of the cell saga. He even learned to fly thanks to some lessons from Gohan. The androids though recognized him as Android Alpha. A name given since he was said to be the beginning of what the best of the red army could do. Completely lost he denies this as he's a person a child like the others. He wants to become stronger and help the friends he's made and wants to become stronger and enjoy the power he has.
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