the traitor
] R O L E [
the traitor
] N A M E [
lorelei bright
] N I C K N A M E / S [
] G E N D E R [
] A G E [
twenty three
] S E X U A L I T Y [
] S P E C I E S [
] F A C E - C L A I M [
nicola peltz
] A D D I T I O N A L
F E A T U R E S [
seeing as her job requires stealth, she was not made with a visible led. she has neither piercings nor tattoos.
] D E V I A N C Y
S T A T U S [
] P E R S O N A L I T Y [
lorelei is one of the most jaded and manipulative androids you will ever meet. she's a fantastic actor, able to switch from apathetically sadistic and ill-tempered to bubbly, joyous, and the brightest android you'll ever meet within a mere millisecond. who she is and who she acts like are miles apart, night and day to each other.
when you meet lorelei, you will see smiles full of warm welcomes. she comes off as very motherly and joyous, always there to comfort or help if someone's struggling. she comes off as loyal and terrified of humans, but willing to interact if it means that her friends will be happy, safe, and alive. this is all an act.
if you're ever unlucky enough to see the true lorelei, you will see stoic expressions and hatred filled eyes. she comes off as apathetic, a demeanor colder than ice. she's ambitious and hates losing, a control freak and sadistic. she can snap at any moment, an itchy trigger finger through and through. she enjoys the pain of others and lies to even herself about her deviancy.
] B A C K S T O R Y [
ryn was created with the purpose of hunting deviants. she was built with the instincts of a true predator and the ambition of following the leader. the one thing they got wrong, was that a true predator has survival instincts. on one of her earliest missions. she killed a human. the human was shoving her and making remarks about how her kind weren't wanted. she snapped. the human choked on their own blood. she'd angled her gun to hit the human at the perfect angle to flood their lungs with blood. she watched the man die and proceeded to clean the mess and dispose the body. then she continued on her task. she was not caught. she kept moving. it was the only thing she could do. she kept hunting.
] L I K E S [
completing tasks
] D I S L I K E S [
] R O M A N T I C
I N T E R E S T [
possibly.. ryn? i think it would be interesting to see their dynamic and i like angst.. so.. her betrayal, i feel would be very angst filled.
if not, then open
] E X T R A [
the other one should be up soon ! <3
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