ppg teams
(This is the Powerpuff Girls pokemon team if they are pokemon trainers I thinking bubble will pick a water starter blossom will pick a fire starter and buttercup will pick a grass starter 💧🍃🔥 they are on journey battle bad guys and earn badges
(Kanto region)
Bubble pokemon team:squirtle butterfree ponya lapras abra poliwrath
Blossom pokemon team:charmander pidgey pikachu sandshrew nidoran (male) zubat
Buttercup pokemon team: bulbasaur weedle spearow arbok primeape golem
(Johto region)
Bubble pokemon team: totodile rattata furret ledian jigglypuff paras
Blossom pokemon team: qyndaquil togepi slowking drowzee sunflora wobbuffet
Buttercup pokemon team:chikorita ariados wooper gastly koffing grimer
( Hoenn region)
Bubble pokemon team:mudkip beautifly linoone skitty sableye minun
Blossom pokemon team:torchic lotad ralts ninjask aron pluse
Buttercup pokemon team:treeko poochyena dustox breloom hariyama Gyarados
(Sinnoh region)
Bubble pokemon team:Piplup kricketune budew combee pachirisu glameow
Blossom pokemon team:chimchar starly cranidos aipom shellos murkrow
Buttercup pokemon team:turtwig shinx onix buizel buneary misdreavus
(Unvoa region)
Bubble pokemon team:oshawott purrloin lillipup woobat leavanny petilil
Blossom pokemon team:tepig pansage panpour munna espeon excadrill
Buttercup pokemon team: snivy zoura patrat unfezant (female) roggenrola timburr
(Kalos region)
Bubble pokemon team:froakie bunnelby vivillion litleo(male) flabebe (yellow flower) skiddo
Blossom pokemon team:fennekin azurill gardevoir meowstic (female) audino smeargle
Buttercup pokemon team: chespin crawdaunt rilou pancham scraggy croagunk
(Alola region)
Bubble pokemon team;popplio pikipek happiny growlithe ribombee rockruff
Blossom pokemon team:litten grubbin magnemite diglett (Alola form) mareanie glaceon
Buttercup pokemon team: rowlet raticate(alolan region) muchlax meowth (dark type) muk(alolan form) crabrawler
(Galar region)
Bubbles pokemon team:sobble blipbug wooloo yamper minccino oddish
Blossom pokemon team:Scorbunny drednaw bounsweet vanillite dwebble natu
Buttercup pokemon team;grookey nickit shiny zigzagoon galvantula golett bewear
(Paldea region)
Bubbles pokemon team:quaxly tarountula rookidee fidough dolliv gible
Blossom pokemon team:fuecoco fletchling skwovet wooper(padldea region) phanpy cufant
Buttercup pokemon team:sprigatito houndour lokix pawmi gallade rolycoly
(I hope you like my options The girls are pokemon trainers
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