mha fk pokemon team remake
( this is a remake of my hero Academia Future Kids pokemon team cherry and Steven rivals joy Aurora and crystal doing pokemon contest rivals I'm doing all the region)
Cherry pokemon team:pikachu (z move gigavolt havoc)nidoran (female) paras tentacool himonchan shiny mew(z move genesis supernova)
Liam pokemon team: torchic taillow electrike(mega evolution) roselia hariyama meditite
Niall pokemon team: shiny treecko(mega evolution) aron torkoal snoralx wynaut metagross
Joy pokemon team: mudkip beautifly shiny ralts skitty mawile (mega evolution) milotic
Izuku midoriya Jr pokemon team: shiny eevee (evolve Espeon nickname deku ) plusle minun sharpedo spoink shiny flygon
Sky pokemon team:shuppet duskull mismagius (z move never ending nightmare) gastly greavard dragpult
Steven pokemon team: grookey( gigantamax)murkrow litten (z move inferno overdrive) vulpix (alolan form) rockruff zamazenta
Alex pokemon team:sobble(gigantamax) mamoswine rookidee shinx dratini (egg) braviary
Crystal pokemon team: Scorbunny(gigantamax)shiny buneary sprigatito mimikyu (z move) drampa ponyta (galar region)
Blake pokemon team:chimchar gliscor quaxly shiny zorua altaria (mega evolution) shiny hawlucha
Blaze pokemon team:turtwig riolu fennekin gible umbreon larvesta
August pokemon team: Piplup shiny skorupi fuecoco cooperajah meowth hatenna
Aurora pokemon team: leafeon shaymin smoliv flapple flabebe(white) abomasnow (mega evolution)
(Mega evolution)
Liam- bracelet (left wrist)
Niall-bracelet (right wrist)
Joy- necklace (star shape)
Blake ring (left hand)
Aurora- earing (right ear)
( I hope you all enjoy your Monday and try not to get cold)
Rotom phone
Cherry rotom phone case- pikachu case
Liam rotom phone case- fire case
Niall rotom phone case- grass case
Joy rotom phone case- water case
Izuku junior rotom phone case-eevee case
Steven rotom phone case- orange case
Alex rotom phone case- flying case
Crystal rotom phone case- fairy case
Sky rotom phone case- ghost case
Blake rotom phone case- dark case
Blaze rotom phone case- fuecoco case
August rotom phone- quaxly case
Aurora rotom phone case- sprigatito case
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