Arrow and Arrow(Human World)
Twin Brother to Brady
Half Decidueye
Always wears a Green Cloak,Green Hair,and has Wings for arms and hands
Great at Archery,can shoot out his Feathers at deadly Speeds,and always has a Bow and Arrows with him.
Hates Pretty Much Everything
Wishes he knew where his Fire Breathing Brother went(Brady)
Theme Song is,"Stressed Out" By Twenty One Pilots
The Last Thing He Gave Brady was a beat up Pocket Knife
Arrow(Human World)
Twin To Brady
White Hair
Wears Leafeon Themed Clothes
Partner is also an Eevee named,"Susan"
Has a Dark Green Bag full of Archery Supplies, a Bow and Arrows,a Pokedex,a Medicine Pack,and a Pokemon Box
Susan:Eevee,Lv.32,Quiet,Likes to take Naps
Moves:Take Down,Razor Wind,Foul Play,Tail Whip
Launcher:Ducideye,Lv.80,Quiet,Likes to Stay in the Shadows,2nd Half of Arrow
Moves:Shadow Sneak,Fly,Brave Bird,Mega Drain
Theme Song,"Ready,Aim,Fire" By Imagine Dragons
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