Lythienne Merialeth Lixess (The Prodigal Goddess)
For FishyFishy_Fries 's roleplay The Prodigal Goddess
::General Info::
Name: Lythienne Merialeth Lixess
Nickname: Lyth or Lythie
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 19. Lythienne was a product of the Prodigy Breeding Program.
Sexuality: Bisexual. Though Lythienne enjoys both genders, she often times will have phases where she prefers one over the other. In females, she looks for fun personalities, like energetic or easily amused. In males, she looks for more serious personalities, like thinkers and planners. She loves long hair and dark eyes in both genders.
Free or Familiar?: Free
Role: Healer. Lythienne hadn't really wanted to become a healer, but duty and chance called her into the position. After learning and working towards becoming one, she learned to enjoy and appreciate the job.
Curse: Lust. Lythienne has always had an interest for romance and passion, but only when she became a teenager did it become a craving. Her want and need for some sort of flirtation has led her down the path of attracting a new lover every few weeks. Though the deadly sin of lust is traditionally represented by sensual pleasure, Lythienne doesn't always crave that type of companionship. Often times, she looks for romance and fun, not bodily pleasures right off the bat. Though, when her relationships do get to that point, she is often more invested in the relationship for a while.
Hair: Lythienne has long, platinum blonde hair. Often washed and brushed, it is soft and silky.
Eyes: With dark, long lashes, Lythienne's eyes are wide and deep set. A bright, sapphire blue with a golden ring around the pupil, her eyes are often considered her best feature.
Body Type: Lythienne has a slim figure, with a small bust and almost no curve to her hips. She has long arms and legs, features she is often critiqued on by her parents. She almost pursued some sort of dance class or career, since she has the ideal body type for a dancer, but was pushed to become a healer by her parents.
Skin: Lythienne has rosy cheeks, freckles scattered across her face, arms, and torso, and cool, ashy undertones. She takes very good care of her skin and has a long and complicated care routine.
Racial Features: With pointy, overextended ears, Lythienne can be identified as an elf almost immediately. She has a lanky and long body, and sharp facial features. She also has the stereotypical long and thick hair. Lythienne is almost always known as an elf before she introduces herself.
Style of Clothing: Lythienne likes loose and flowing clothes, light colors, and dresses. She prefers good quality fabrics and high fashion styles since she has always been pushed to perform and look perfect.
Personality Overview: Born into a Prodigy Breeding family, Lythienne has always been pushed towards perfection and greatness. Trained to be obedient and submissive, she was always engaged in her studies, even if she wasn't particularly interested in the subject. She acts polite and professional around people older than her and more like 'herself' around people younger than her and her own age. She loves to sing and play instruments, a talent she's had since she was young. She loves reading romance, an interest based in her curse. Often, she sneaks out at night to meet people and have fun. She loves to find time for herself, away from her parents and their expectations, and people in general. Though she excels in social activities, she doesn't particularly like them. In fact, most people would consider her as an introvert forcing herself to be extroverted. When with lovers, Lythienne often reveals a more excitable and flirtatious part of herself because she is doing something she's actually enjoying. When talking about music, she also takes on a more excitable personality.
Likes: Music, playing her lute, reading, romance, sneaking out, soups and stews, deer, flowers, fashion
Dislikes: Her parents' expectations, being around people for too long, dry foods, cold weather, physical work, being rejected, being forced into something
Fears/Phobias: Lythienne is afraid of getting her pursuit of her curse revealed to her parents, as well as heights, bugs, and being abandoned/rejected.
Hobby/Skills: Though it was her first passion, Lythienne was forced to give up her focus on music for the healing arts. Although she never continued her studies, she works independently to mix healing with music. She is moderately good at public speaking, but that isn't exactly because she is naturally good at it, only because it has been drilled into her.
Interesting Facts: -Lythienne loves deer. Her love for them stems from the nickname a friend used to have for her.
-Though very obedient to her parents, she often resents their decisions.
-She would probably not do very well in an environment where she had to do everything herself.
Parents' Names: Bellaluna Ealirel (Giltona) Lixess (mother) and Kiirion Siveril Lixess (father)
Relationship with Parents: Rooted in the belief of obeying ones elders, Lythienne has always been told to be quiet and respectful. Although she's always obeyed, they always expected more, more, more. Tensions between her and her parents have wavered through time and she resents most of the decisions they've made for her throughout her life.
Forbidden Family: None
Crush/Significant Other: None, at the moment. She's had multiple flings over the years, but at the moment she's free of commitments. She's always looking for new companions. ;)
Ex?: There are plenty! She doesn't consider most as serious exes, but there are a few that have really meant something to her. The most recent heartbreak was when she was almost 18, and a relationship she was serious about abruptly ended when her significant other moved far away from where they lived.
Childhood: When Lythienne was young, her parents were very strict on who she could be friends with. She was very lonely and relied on her teachers and tutors for friendship, as well as her instruments and books.
Teenage Years: Lythienne started to sneak out at night to find friends and eventually lovers. She gave up her instrument studies due to her parents' wishes and started to study healing instead.
Young Adult Years: While just barely reaching this period, most of it has been the same as her teenage years so far. Except for the fact that she has just a bit of free reign over her schedule.
Adulthood: N/A
Have they broken a law? If so, what law? And who knows about it?: Aside from consistently taking lovers and then leaving them, she hasn't broken any laws.
Are they a natural leader or follower?: While she has always been led and controlled by her parents, Lythienne has some qualities that make her a leader more than a follower in most cases.
What are some theories they have on the Lost and Found program and its reasoning?: Lythienne assumes that they are going to recover something lost, but, judging by the fact she's there as a healer, it might be dangerous.
Quote: "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." - Plato
Theme Song- PaIII.Sensation
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