Kotone Tachibana ("Pottah")
Here's my other character! Married_To_Malfoy
Name: Kotone Tachibana
Age: 16
Face Claim: Ayasa Ito
Year: 6th
House: Gryffindor
Blood: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Kotone is an odd one. She's a typical Gryffindor, sure. She can be pretty impulsive, she's not overly concerned with societal labels, she's loud and unafraid to be so. Unfortunately for everyone else, Kotone has a lot more going for her. She grabs attention unintentionally most of the time by just asserting her presence. If she's in a class, be prepared to hear lots of questions and conversation from her. She likes helping other people out a lot, from doing little things (helping people carry things to their classes, holding a door open, saving seats, etc) to larger gestures (helping with homework, standing up for someone, staying up all night to give advice and be a shoulder to cry on, etc), and honestly it's sorta scary. If you met Kotone on any random day, you'd probably assume she was a Hufflepuff. Kotone manages to frighten everyone around her while also endearing herself to them just as well.
Kotone hops between being very indecisive to being extremely decisive, and it flip flops so often no one knows what to expect. She's pretty stubborn when she makes up her mind, and she gets very argumentative when people oppose her. She's not against threatening people when it gets heated, and you'd be surprised by how many bridges she can burn in a short period of time.
Likes: Kotone is fascinated by knives and fish. They are the two things that interest her most in the world, aside from charms and herbology. She enjoys taking walks at sunset, helping her underclassmen, soccer (yes it's because of her brother), and bright colors.
Dislikes: Kotone hates being held down. She likes being in control of whatever she's doing and being free to do whatever she wants. She dislikes hospitals, being sick, super sour foods, her brother bossing her around, and people who act like they're better than everyone else.
Fears: Kotone's biggest fear is getting stuck with an incurable disease and having to live the rest of her life in a hospital bed, slowly deteriorating until she's gone. This fear also applies to her family members and friends since who who want that for anyone they loved? She's also afraid of needles and large storms.
Strengths: Kotone is quite a good leader! She likes being in control and helping people out, so it's a natural fit for her. She's really good at charms and school in general. She's determined and willing to stand up for what she thinks is right, which can be very good depending on how she uses it.
Weaknesses: Kotone is sort of... a lot. She's stubborn and doesn't back down easily, which leads to lots of arguments between her and certain people. She can be extremely indecisive at times, which is never good since it just causes more issues than it solves.
Wand: Holly wood, dragon heartstring core, 12 inches, very rigid
Boggart: A hospital room
Patronus: Triceratops
Pet?: Well, she technically has two, but only one stays with her at school. She has a cat named Momo who stays at home with her parents and a barn owl named Sonya Violet, or more commonly just Sonya.
Signature Scent: Raspberry and books for the most part, but she does steal her friends' sweatshirts a lot, so she'll typically end up with their scents.
Family: Kotone has a brother who happens to also attend Hogwarts! His name is Yukio Jr (though she normally just calls him Yukio unless she really wants to get on his nerves) and she's the bane of his existence while simultaneously being his favorite person ever. She also has some pretty "chill" parents, Izumi and Sakyo, who she loves a lot.
Friends: She's part of a small "study group" comprised of Yukio Jr (her annoying brother), Hinata Sakuma (such a pure kid...), Shiro Minagi (she isn't crushing on one of her childhood friends, hush), Ryuji Sakoda (the best childhood friend), Hoshi Koizumi (she's genuinely so hecking cool and Kotone loves her), Hideyoshi Yukitsukikato (obnoxious flirt, but also a pretty chill guy), and Sakura Emily Kaname (best friends). She's the self proclaimed leader of the group since she directs all the plays and script readings they do. She's also friends with tons of her underclassmen since she looks out for them.
Enemies: She's accidentally made half the Slytherin house her enemy just through various everyday activities. It wasn't on purpose and she's not actually really against them in any way. A lot of people just... don't like her now.
Love Interest: Shiro Minagi
Yule Ball Outfit:
Normal Attire: (while out of school uniform, she typically wears clothes like these)
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