vaylansa school for the gifted
stay strong, hold on, you've got to keep it together now. just dry your eyes 'cause boys don't cry
{ makes me cry e v e r y t i m e }
{in the video the army dude nearly drowns one of the band members (Ben - the dude on the right) because he wears makeup, and apparently 'BOYS DON'T WEAR MAKEUP'}
Emerson Costello
Spencer Macpherson
{ ripped jeans, hoodies, muscle tees and normal t-shirts. depending on how he feels, maybe some makeup (as in a picture further down) and definitely earphones, most likely concealed - there is a specific type of music he listens to. ex. fallout boy, green day, my chemical romance, and p!atd }
He is introverted - this meaning that he doesn't mind being in the presence of other people but it drains him of his energy. He's incredibly observant, and is likely to know enough about one person that by the time they talk for the first time, he'll be able to tell if they're acting 'off'. His instincts are on point, but he fails to place any trust in them no matter how many times he realises it. It's almost like he forgets how his instincts were correct the previous time.
He doesn't cope well with heartbreak. At all. And it's obvious, because who he is now is framed by a heartbreak. He holds extremely long grudges, as well. Despite this, he is generous and can decide to be incredibly kind or incredibly 'kind' out of nowhere. He doesn't do it because he has to - but reactions intrigue him. It's not uncommon for him to suddenly give someone a gift, either.
He doesn't broadcast his emotions, and that makes it hard to read him. He tends to always have a very stoic face, keeping his feelings underneath the exterior. But he loves affection and attention, and it peeves him when someone he is talking to or who is talking to him looks distractedly elsewhere while doing so.
He is generally easygoing, though he doesn't let people boss him around much. When he does, he's usually in a bad mood or too tired to care. If he feels attacked, he will retaliate. And badly. As well as this, he is prone to large mood swings. He tries to keep things under control, but when they're overwhelming, it gets nasty. When he is upset, he becomes distant and uncommunicative.
Despite this, when someone is hurt he will lend an ear. Whether to laugh or to help, he's always specific to listen to people's problems and maybe give them a tip or two. He is a sentimental person.
He's endlessly imaginative, strong and resilient. But he tends to tire, say 'screw it all' and walk away when he gets into a bad mood.
psychosomatic illusion
Costello has an affinity for solving conflict. Generally soft-spoken about it, he can convince people that another option is better. He is multilingual, speaking not only English but Spanish and French as well. Though he doesn't speak it (because it's hard to do so), he knows Latin. He's skilled in reading people's faces, knowing how to (most of the time) tell what something is thinking or feeling. He is also very observant, sometimes in an almost creepy way.
Sebastian Costello - {father}
Nikki Costello - {mother}
Remington Costello - {younger brother}
Azalea Costello - {younger sister}
Em and his siblings are very close. Growing up, he would fight like a wolf with Remington, but they were always really close, just a year's difference between them. He always took it upon himself to protect Azalea, and being the oldest of the three meant he kept them from hearing the violent arguments between his parents. Costello never had a good relationship with his father, more because his father needed him to be 'perfect' and therefore could never find anything good about him. He always knew that the relationship between his parents wasn't going to work out - they weren't compatible in more than one way.
• He is good at remembering things, due to his habit of taking pictures and videos of everything. He's good at making and keeping memories.
• He's good at thinking things through and examining them from all sides; weighing all evidence fairly. Admittedly, he doesn't share his opinion much, but there we go.
• He is incredibly good at reading other people - finding out why they are doing things, and what they are thinking/feeling.
• He's very cynical - he doesn't believe people can do nice things without a higher motive, even though he does nice things without it.
• He doesn't speak much, but when he does, he's very blunt. In other words, he doesn't have much of a filter.
• He can be seen as humourless - unable to find much funny. Even emotionless.
He fears forever. The thought of growing old, watching other people grow up around him, and losing his ability to do things properly, terrified him. He's also scared of water. Deep, or shallow, he will refuse to enter it. The closest he will get, is dipping his toes into it, and he has panic attacks when asked to walk on the edge of a body of water. He also will not go into cold water, so he hates it when it rains.
none.... yet.
relationship status
single and in love with pringles
Choco's OCs
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