- / L A D Y - M A D O N N A \ -
♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚
↬ Full name ↫
Bethany Faith Hauck
↬ Nickname ↫
Bubble Gum by nearly everyone, Beth by her parents. It's probably an entertaining aspect to her fans to know her real name as it is so infrequently mentioned.
↬ Age ↫
↬ Birthday ↫
November 12th
↬ Birthplace ↫
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Gender ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
↬ Face Claim ↫
Darya "Dasha" Dogusheva
↬ Social Class ↫
Upper-class, celebrity
↬ Wealth ↫
Considering how she is a celebrity, assets aren't difficult for Bubble Gum to find. Though she is undeniably careless in managing her monetary, particularly at the allure of new leather jackets, brighter shades of lipstick and new motorcycles.
❝How in the fuck did I burn through $2,000 in a week? Oh wait...❞
♚ A P P E A R A N C E ♚
↬ Skin color ↫
Bubble Gum has shockingly pale skin. Her heritage is entirely European, not allowing a high capacity of melanin despite her many hours in the sun. It has a rather soft, almost doll-like appeal to it with blue veins peaking through at her forearms to mark a warm undertone.
↬ Eye color ↫
The color of her eyes are almost a mystery. She doesn't use contacts, mascara, eyeliner and shadow being their only accents. They can be a bright blue with swirls of green, or a darker hazel with that same shade. Truly, it depends on the lighting.
↬ Hair color ↫
Not once dyed, Bubble Gum's hair has always been a golden blonde. It's almost like a field of wheat, shimmery when well-taken care of with tints more brown than others in some strands.
↬ Hair style ↫
Bubble Gum rarely takes the time to style her hair unless it's for a shoot or a show. Usually she lets it fall in slightly frizzy waves to her soldiers. When racing, pulled into a tight ponytail with every single strand slicked down by gel and/or water.
↬ Body Type ↫
Despite her dainty frame yet powerful muscles, Bubble Gum has an endomorph body type. She gains both muscle and fat easily, and though she indulges, muscle is predominately what develops. Though Bubble Gum is short and presenting a rather meek figure, she is strong. Her hips are wider than her bosom, with rather long legs that would also make her appealing to the modeling industry.
↬ Scars ↫
Bubble Gum has never really looked after her physical health. That said, the majority of the risks she takes result in physical injury, and consequentially resulting in many scars. There is a rather large gash, now a pale white against just below her ribcage from a motorcycle accident, that forms almost a J shape. In addition, she has a similar gash that falls from her knee to mid-calf on her right leg that was also caused by a trick gone wrong on her motorcycle. Though her worst one is along her right arm, easily seven inches on her bicep with a jagged perimeter of now removed stitches.
↬ Piercing ↫
None, nor is she motivated to get any
❝If someone doesn't buy me a whiskey in the next five minutes we are going to the liquor store❞
♚ C L O T H I N G ♚
↬ Outfits ↫
Bubble Gum loves the color scheme of blacks and pinks. She doesn't strive for comfort, in fact, being a rather stylish member of Mythos. If wearing leather leggings, thigh high heeled boots and a hot pink v-neck looks nice enough to bolster her confidence— aka making her feel like a badâss— she's going to go for it.
↬ Accessories ↫
None consistently but that's her motorcycle
❝This is a $200 leather jacket and I swear I will fucking whip you with whatever the tanner used to get it this perfect if you touch it❞
♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚
↬ Normal mood ↫
Perhaps Bubble Gum could best be described as a rebel. She's usually chewing her gum, glaring behind her blonde ringlets. She is relatively carefree in nature, her belief is that life is all a sort of ride that one is meant to solely have fun on. Which, may constitute some sort of happiness in her demeanor, but she is rather judgmental to those around her also.
↬ Temper ↫
Having a temper implies that one can hold off their aggression, Bubble Gum doesn't fit into that category. Her temper can set off like a match to a barrel of gunpowder. It is terribly volatile, the simplest insult could be a punch hard enough to break someone's ribs. And it's unlikely she'll apologize, either.
↬ Discipline ↫
Discipline? Is that a word? Bubble Gum is a wild child, the only discipline she adheres to is if she's the one giving out orders after all. Self-care, perhaps she will adhere to. But if someone tells her what to do, it is almost guaranteed she will disobey out of spite.
↬ Strengths ↫
Physically, Bubble Gum is rather strong. While she may not look to be, physical intimidation works rather well for her. In addition, she is fantastic at giving criticism, being able to nitpick on the most minute levels. Of course, her way of communicating such criticism is not always favorably looked upon.
↬ Weaknesses ↫
Bubble Gum isn't one who's great with words. Her usual vocabulary may involve a great deal of swearing and insults, which can rather easily make some enemies. In addition, her right arm is a weak spot from a motorcycle accident from long ago.
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
Dear lord, Bubble Gum would never admit it aloud, but she desires some sort of stability in life. The exhilaration of riding her motorcycle has been a constant, adventure at every corner and excitement with each block, as has been performing with her band members at every corner. Though she finds herself wanting a change of pace here and there.
↬ Fears ↫
Bubble Gum really doesn't fear all that much. She has quite an attachment to the other members of the band. Overall the idea of loneliness and abandonment is the umbrella fear for her.
↬ Likes ↫
If it hasn't been implied by her name, she adores Bubble Gum. It's a rare moment when she isn't chewing any of the stuff. Her favorite color is undoubtedly fuschia, or magenta on some days. And above all else, Bubble Gum is practically in love with her motorbike. With her keyboard falling just two millimeters behind.
↬ Dislikes ↫
Bubble Gum despises the color green for some strange reason. She doesn't know why, but it makes her uncomfortable. She also has a very strong hate for crème brûlée, French onion soup and croissants.
↬ Soft spot ↫
Bubble Gum's soft spot most certainly lies within the her band members. Considering how young they all are, and dedicated to music with many things to bond over, it's hard not to be
↬ Depression ↫
That one day she will have to part with the band, and eventually when the woes of old age appear, she won't even be able to ride her bike.
↬ Inspiration ↫
Similar to other members of Mythos, Bubble Gum simply loves the exhilaration of being in stage. To have so many people adoring their work, so much support and all for doing something she enjoys is absolutely thrilling.
↬ Role model ↫
Her Mom
↬ Mental disorder ↫
↬ Habits ↫
Chewing or popping her gum
❝You shouldn't be so mad about me chewing my gum when you don't like the shit that I say when I'm not❞
♚ R A T I N G S ♚
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
↬ Physical strength ↫
↬ Close quarter combat ↫
↬ Distanced combat ↫
↬ Leadership ↫
↬ Wisdom ↫
↬ Intelligence ↫
↬ Confidence ↫
↬ Endurance ↫
↬ Dancing ↫
↬ Singing ↫
↬ Acting ↫
↬ Modeling ↫
❝If you don't shut up, I will bash the bottle of tequila I finished off last night over your skull❞
♚ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ♚
↬ Father ↫
Branden Hauck is 47 years old and alive
↬ Mother ↫
Angel Hauck is 45 years old and alive
↬ Brother(s) ↫
Xander Hauck is 18 years old and alive
↬ Sister(s) ↫
↬ Other relatives ↫
Aside from one uncle during her 19th Christmas, Bubble Gum actually hasn't been in contact with any extended family.
↬ Enemies ↫
None developed
↬ Rivals ↫
None developed
↬ Friends ↫
Her band members primarily
↬ Best friend ↫
None developed
↬ Love interest ↫
None developed
❝They're fucking awesome, but I need at least half a bottle of vodka to get through a family reunion❞
♚ P A S S - T I M E ♚
↬ Hobbies ↫
Hobbies, no, Bubble Gum would say that any of her free time lies with her motorcycle. She will spend hours simply polishing tricks or seeing how fast she can go. It also happens to be a place, or rather, an activity where she can construct some of her angstier and charged lyrics. If a ride on her motorcycle isn't permitted however, Bubble Gum will just as easily content herself with a bottle of alcohol assuming there are no shows in the near future.
↬ Talents ↫
Bubble Gum would never say that she isn't talented. Because she is, in many things. She is a wonderful pianist, able to create delicate and beguiling melodies with a simply halfhearted drawl of her fingers. In addition, she's developed the skill of playing on keyboard, quite easily being able to change settings in sound and tone while playing a riff at the same time. Bubble Gum also happens to be a fantastic vocalist, going for more of a belty sound that can quite easily become vocal hash for the amount of shouting she does.
↬ Languages ↫
English & French
↬ Occupation ↫
Pianist & Keyboard player of Mythos
Back-up Vocals of Mythos
❝I tried to convince the managers that I write better when I'm drunk...apparently that's not a good enough reason to be hungover at a fan signing❞
♚ T A L E N T S ♚
↬ Voice Claim ↫
Ann Wilson
↬ Dancing Style ↫
All of Bubble Gum's dancing capabilities lie in the instructions from Nico, which primarily involves synchronized stomps or sways of hips. None of her dancing is done professionally, but occasionally when out clubbing she does more lewd styles that can only be laughed at behind bottles of hard liquor.
↬ Vocal Type ↫
Bubble Gum is a talented vocalist no doubt, but, she is a backup singer. Her lines primarily will be done with shouted words and vocal hash that she doesn't care about too much quite honestly. Her voice is powerful, when well-hydrated and not screaming, she can hold a strong vibrato. Bubble Gum can get as high as an E6 even if she prepares well for it, though at a tense falsetto of course.
↬ Favorite Pose ↫
↬ Social Media ↫
Bubble Gum isn't too focused on her social media, the majority of the shots being candid, the band simply having a fun time or occasionally short video clips of tricks on her motorcycle. She isn't one to monitor or care for it too much at all, but will actively use it as a platform for prominent topics that intrigue her.
↬ Songwriting ↫
Quite frankly, Bubble Gum doesn't hold a major contribution in the songwriting process. Her inspiration is fleeting in highs of adrenaline. She never is one to simply sit down and brain storm, even looking at a wonderfully scenic view won't provoke her mind to it.
❝It might not look like it, but I work just as fucking hard as the rest of the members❞
♚ L I F E S T O R Y ♚
↬ Age 0-12 ↫
Bethany Faith Hauck, what a name, it might provide images of a kind girl who reads her bible each night. Perhaps that was what was envisioned for her to become, though the reality differs heavily. Bethany was a military brat, her father and mother both being stationed in Okinawa for the first four years of her life. She had no exposure to foreign language, or really any memory of her time there, but it's an interesting fact about her. Upon returning to the continental United States, Bethany's Mom assumed the role of both housewife and mechanic when given the time. Despite wearing the pretty sort of skirts seen in a 50s ad, Bethany's Mom was rather well-rounded in all things automation. While her Dad was a tech assistant at some major computer company in the city. And, in his spare time, her father took to teaching her piano despite her clumsy fingers. A hobby that would continue in regular lessons and recitals.
It soon came apparent that Bethany was aggressive. She pulled the other children's hair, launched insults that no one knew the origin of, sneered and stole projects. It was an extension of the terrible twos into elementary school. Eventually it became suggested that since Bethany couldn't very well remain silent to judgmental or offensive comments that she start chewing gum instead. Never having a particular inclination to mint, Bethany had earned the nickname of "Bubble Gum" as she was always chewing it. Even the teachers excused her considering what the other option was.
When Bubble Gum was 10 she first entered the world of motorcross bikes. There was some, very mild, concern of injury. But both of her parents had taken up the hobby at various points in time. It was inevitable if one wanted to be good at it. And Bubble Gum did inevitably get injured several times. She always grew rather reckless while riding. Never one to actually regard her safety seriously. No, Bubble Gum ended up injured many times. Everything from a broken arm, to burns that required skin grafting. It didn't make for pleasant medical bills, but Bubble Gum was undeniably good at such activities.
↬ Age 13-18 ↫
Bubble Gum continued to persist in playing piano and riding motorcycles in her teenage years. She attended piano recitals in a pink dress with smoky eyeshadow, eyeliner and thick coats of mascara, all accompanied by a coat of bright lipstick of course. Her nickname persisted through middle and high school, also noting her fondness for the color pink. It soon became apparent that despite her aggressive nature, Bubble Gum was talented on the keyboard and piano. She played for the choir and band concerts at the school, or during the musicals for extra credit. Though she wasn't particularly interested in simply playing the classical or baroque sort of music that had been regurgitated throughout history. No, Bubble Gum was rather deadset on making her own. She was never one for ballads, but while humming a tune she could quite easily recreate it on piano. Perhaps synthesizing or altering the sound of it with the electronic features here and then. When meeting the other members of Mythos in high-school, it was pretty recognizable how easily they all clicked in their efforts to make music. Bubble Gum found herself toning down her death threats and desire for alcohol even to be able to have them tolerate her more. The spike into fame left Bubble Gum occasionally wishing to return to those habits. Yet she still does her best for the bands
↬ Darkest secret ↫
How much the other members of Mythos mean to her
❝ I don't think any of you will like me drunk, but I don't think you like me sober that much either❞
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