- / H E Y - J U D E \ -
♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚
↬ Full name ↫
Aqila Gina Okeke
↬ Nickname ↫
Gina, Aki
↬ Age ↫
↬ Birthday ↫
September 14th
↬ Birthplace ↫
Rural Dominica
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Gender ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
↬ Face Claim ↫
Mariane Calazan
↬ Social Class ↫
Lower class
↬ Wealth ↫
Minimal, as a farm worker for her family, Aqila doesn't really get her own salary. Instead, she continuously contributes to their farm. And is most likely to be the one to inherit it.
❝I'd say majoring in agricultural sciences screams that I didn't want to be a farmer. But look at where I am now.❞
♚ C L O T H I N G ♚
↬ Outfits ↫
Casual outfits ^
Pajamas ^
↬ Accessories ↫
❝If I could, I would wear the rainbow everyday. Except the dirt always makes it look dingy over time.❞
♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚
↬ Normal mood ↫
Aqila is an optimist in every sense of the word. She is easily excited and rarely seen without a bright smile across her face. Her attitude transcends to trying to assure everyone else is happy, which seems to be the side effect of being the oldest sibling in the house.
↬ Temper ↫
As Aqila holds a passion for everything she does, it can correlate to a rather volatile temper. It doesn't usually come out in the form of insults so much as irrational actions. And usually it will be in behaviors harmful to herself than those around her.
↬ Discipline ↫
When it comes to discipline, it becomes a question of who Aqila is receiving direction from. If it is her Mom, she will obey at every word. But otherwise, the young woman is fiercely independent and prefers to pave her own way instead.
↬ Strengths ↫
Aqila's strengths are certainly varied. Physically, she is an excellent runner and swimmer with a high skill in farming. Otherwise she can imitate voices and accents almost perfect, this also being an asset when it comes to lying.
↬ Weaknesses ↫
Just as her discipline, Aqila is entirely reliant upon her Mom. In the sense that she cannot stand to make her disappointed. In addition, Aqila has a hard time focusing in textbook style classes or even sitting still.
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
Since the age of eight, Aqila has been heavy with guilt of what she did to her father. Eventually she wants to be able to find closure for her horrible but uninformed actions. In addition, Aqila wants to be free of farm life and instead be able to run as much as she'd like.
↬ Fears ↫
The fears Aqila has are far too numerous. On a physical level, she cannot stand grasshoppers due to the religious reference. But living as a farmer for the rest of her life is daunting, and an arranged marriage that is on the horizons is equally fearful. Otherwise, Aqila is afraid of her family every disliking her, or being arrested and unable to see her family again.
↬ Likes ↫
From a young age, Aqila has always been interested in acting. As she didn't have the time or money to be in school plays however, she would act out books or plays with her siblings. She also has a strange love for oranges, virtually anything with the fruit's flavor will become an immediate favorite.
↬ Dislikes ↫
Given her experience with it, Aqila is deadly afraid of any medicine that isn't an herbal remedy. And given her lack of experience with it, she despises when the weather has a temperature below 65°. Her music taste happens to be in utter dislike of mainstream pop music, instead opting for instrumental or older varieties.
↬ Soft spot ↫
Aqila's biggest soft spot is for her siblings. She adores each of them and generally dotes upon them whenever possible.
↬ Depression ↫
Though Aqila avoids such thoughts often, she becomes depressed thinking of how her and her brothers killed their father. And if anyone finds out, it would be likely that she wouldn't see her siblings again.
↬ Inspiration ↫
Ever since her hopes of running were lost, not much inspired Aqila. However with her innately creative demeanor, she will take her siblings as her muses in whatever actions she does.
↬ Role model ↫
None developed
↬ Mental disorder ↫
ADHD- hyperactivity
↬ Habits ↫
Tapping her foot, bouncing her knee, drumming her fingers and running her hand down from her shoulders to her arms. She engages in at least one of these as often as possible.
❝If I go on a run, usually my energy is so drained that I don't even need to move all that much for the rest of the day❞
♚ R A T I N G S ♚
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
↬ Physical strength ↫
↬ Close quarter combat ↫
↬ Distanced combat ↫
↬ Leadership ↫
↬ Wisdom ↫
↬ Intelligence ↫
↬ Confidence ↫
↬ Endurance ↫
❝I have seven siblings, I would think I have a pretty good understanding of when something is wrong❞
♚ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ♚
↬ Father ↫
Step-father Jelani Badru is fifty-seven and alive
Biological father Athumani Okeke died at the age of forty-six, when Aqila was eight
↬ Mother ↫
Imani Badru is fifty years old and alive
↬ Brother(s) ↫
Cayman Okeke is twenty-five and enlisted in the military
Johari Okeke is twenty-three and enlisted in the military
Kamili Okeke is fifteen and alive
Half-brother Rethe Okeke is ten and alive
↬ Sister(s) ↫
Hasnaa Okeke is twenty and married in Dominica
Half-sister Mbali Badru is eight and alive
↬ Other relatives ↫
Aqila has never met her extended family as they all currently live in Eritrea (modern country)
↬ Enemies ↫
↬ Rivals ↫
None developed
↬ Friends ↫
None developed
↬ Best friend ↫
None developed
↬ Love interest ↫
None developed
↬ Pets ↫
Aqila considers every pet on the farm who's lived there for more than a year as her pet. She has about ten 15 ducks, three pigs, two dairy cows and six chickens. More personally, Aqila has a golden retriever named Buttercup.
❝Buttercup loves to run almost as much as me, but as she gets older she doesn't like going on walks anymore❞
♚ P A S S - T I M E ♚
↬ Hobbies ↫
Whenever Aqila gets a chance to, she will go on a run. Though when her limbs are sore and she is tasked to watch her siblings, she will instead pretend to host mini plays with them. Otherwise in the heat of Dominica, Aqila loves to swim.
↬ Talents ↫
As to be expected, Aqila is excellent at running. Her limbs are long to help in dashes and hurdles. In addition, she has an innate talent for imitating voices.
↬ Sports ↫
When in high-school (a mere few months ago), Aqila was on the track team in hurdles, 400 m, the mile and 50m
↬ Occupation ↫
Farm worker and college student majoring in agricultural sciences
❝It isn't my fault I can imitate a fifty year old man from France better than you❞
♚ L I F E S T O R Y ♚
↬ Age 0-12 ↫
Aqila was born the fourth child of seven. And though living on a farm assured a great deal of space, money often proved to be tight in the family. Despite the large area the Okeke family owned, the sounds of her mother and father shouting was always a constant. Which eventually simply turned into something to be drowned out by the loud speakers.
One day Aqila's mother greeted her children with the woes of what their father had done to her. Given the stoic approach that the children were given from their father, it wasn't a difficult task to convince them. The narrative Imani told was how she was abducted, beaten and sexually assaulted into submission. Eventually becoming an obedient wife and providing the four children before her. Horrified, Aqila ended up eagerly agreeing to partake in her mother's plan to take a vengeance on their father.
Given her innocent and tender age of eight, Aqila was easily able to switch out her father's blood pressure medicine for an elusive powder that would kill him. And though she wasn't strong enough to drag his body to the far corner of the farm, she was the one to watch him die. In addition, Aqila was the one to lie to the police in saying their father had simply packed up and left. It soon turned into a common case of fathers having a second life.
It didn't take more than a month before Aqila regretted her actions. She soon began to show signs of ADHD, always needing to move. Yet their family was too poor to do much more than a diagnosis. Aqila's eldest brother Cayman suggested that she begin to run to channel this into exhaustion instead. Which not only seemed to be effective but allowed Aqila to grow a passion for the activity.
↬ Age 13-18 ↫
Aqila always did above average in her studies. She wasn't as dedicated as the brother closest to her in age, but her performance was above average. What she excelled at was running, setting records for her school's team as young as freshman years. She was to become a legend on the track and even participated across provinces for her skill.
As Aqila's mother took note of this pattern, she encouraged that her daughter stop. The eldest two brothers had gone off to the military, which proved to have quite a toll as Imani married a wealthy man named Jelani. Soon it became apparent that Aqila's step-father was a threat to their family. Occasionally making lewd remarks in regards to her or Mbali. And at her mother's insistence, or option of arranged marriage, Aqila stopped running and entered college in agricultural sciences.
↬ Darkest secret ↫
That she killed her father
❝I may be one to keep a secret but if I smile enough you won't find out❞
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