Mike Vs Yandere Whis
The air was still, two men stood away from each other. Whis with a bloody knife in his left hand, across from him is Mike a saiyan fuel with anger he wears the armor of his mentor Bardock with the signature red bandana.
Whis: What's wrong Mike pissed that i killed senpai (Whitney belongs to TheZGirls) and tried to go for your guys kid to get close to her.
Mike: ......
Whis: Cat got your tounge may be i can help keep you quiet FOREVER.
Mike: You'll pay for what you did to my wife and my kid AAAAAAAHHHHHHH -turns ssjrose-
Cue music
Mike and Whis charged at each other Whis with his knife and Mike with his blade made of ki both swung their attacks at each other only to be blocked and created sparks upon impack.Whis gotten the upper hand and flung Mike off his knife and blasted him away, While Mike was blasted he rolled on his side and back but stopped himself by dragging his hands on the ground and ended in a crouch position, Once he looked up he saw Whis charging at him with his knife pointed towards him Mike used his blade to block it again this time deflecting the knife out of his hand.
Mike brought his blade down only to have Whis punch him straight in the face making him fly back. Mike stood his ground and looked toward Whis only to see four beams going towards his shoulders and legs. Whis smirked thinking that he got Mike only to see him barely dodging them and having his armor sliced in the chest region. Whis shot another one only to have Mike dodged it once more once Mike was done a giant X formed on his chest down to his hips. Mike stood there glaring at the insane angel.Whis smirked and threw the knife at Mike to have it deflected but Whis used it as a upperhand and summoned a sphere of destrustion (I could imaging him having this if he was a Yandere) and threw it at him. Mike stood there with a smirk looking dead at the attack. Mike held his left hand out and had the sphere stop at his palm he then blasted it back at Whis only to be deflected and hitting the ground causing dust and debris to fly both males charged in the cloud and all that could be heard was punchs being blocked upon impact, Mike was thrown up out of the cloud with Whis following closely Mike held his right hand back charging a riot javelen when Whis gotten close Mike fired the blast dead at him. The blast sent Whis to the ground to where Mike stood next to him only to be surprised when it was a illusion and the original Whis was behind him with the knife dugged into Mike's shoulder blade. Mike grunted in pain but had enough strength to reverse headbutt Whis back and ripped the knife from his section of skin. Mike stood there holding his now bleeding arm he stood there glaring at Whis only to see Whis smiling insanely at Mike.
Whis: You have alot of stamina I'm surprised, But this is gonna be fun once I cut every part of your body.
Mike: I won't die I promised my family to kill you,I PROMISED HER TO KILL YOU.
Mike and Whis ran at each other a third time and threw punchs and kicks Whis threw three punchs at Mike two hitting his stomach and one right hook to his face but Mike used the momentum from the punch to spin and back hand him in the face. Mike pulled out a pocket knife from his pocket from when he was a child and slashed at Whis,who soon summoned one and fought back Whis was able to punch Mike's knife out of his hand. While Mike's weapon flew out of his hand he needed to get some distance from Whis but due to Whis's speed he couldn't Mike looked up to see his knife falling with the blade pointed down Mike did a hand stand and with his heel kicked the knife at Whis's face, Whis staggered back with a small cut on his left cheek but punched Mike hard in the stomach making him tumble around and stopped once again in the crouching position. But Mike was smart and packed more knifes he drawes two kunias and waited for Whis, once Whis was in a distance to where he was able to attack Mike he charged at him and attacked only to have Mike block multiple attacks but couldn't keep up with whis's speed both males knocked the knifes out of each others hands and grabbed each others hand trying to apply the most pressure with their ki surrounding them. Whis saw and opening and kneed Mike once in the stomach and once in the face making him let go. Whis hopped back and fired a blast at Mike but Mike saw something to help him he hid behind a giant rock and waited till the blast subsided. While Mike was waiting Whis grabbed one of Mike's kunai and threw it to the right of Mike making it seem like he was coming from that way. Mike keeled down from the blast that subsided from the impact which left Mike with a little bit of cover left but the smoke surrounded both sides. The smoke on Mike's right side shifted indicating that someone came by,Thinking that it was Whis Mike looked that way only to see his kunai wrapped with a peice of cloth that acted like a parashoot.Mike was stunned from this, the smoke on his left side shifted showing that it was Whis before Mike could react he was kicked in the head by Whis but what made it worst was that he hit his head on the rock knocking the super saiyan rose out of him. Mike gained his composer and blasted Whis away from him, Whis was able to get back up only to see Mike running at him in his based form. Mike threw a uppercut into Whis's stomach which launched him up a little distance but Mike wasen't done he turned and front kicked Whis in the stomach making him fly a couple of meters.
Whis: Good lad but this ends -pulls out Mike's knife-
Mike: I couldn't agree more -summons his ki blade-
Both males charged at each other but time seemed to slow down
Mike: To protect this world,My comrades and avenge Whitney. I need to kill Whis
Both Mike and Whis stabbed each other directly in the chest but for Mike he aimed for whis's stomach which made his entire hand go through, the same for Whis but instead Mike's chest both males stood there but soon coughed up a large amount of blood Mike and Whis pulled their attacks out and staggered back holding their wounds. Just then Mike saw Vados the sister of Whis appear infront of him with a look of regret and a look of anger at the same time she grabbed Whis and disappear saying something about talking to Whis about what happen when he wakes up of course he will be restrained when told.Mike kneeled down and sat on his legs holding his chest
Mike: That bastard gets to live damn it
Before Mike blacked out he saw Whitney smiling at him and mouthing "good job" to him.Mike then fully blacked out laying on the ground until one of his friends came and carried him back to base.
A/N) I hope you guys liked it i worked extra hard on this please comment and tell me what you think and what did you think of yandere Whis with his fight with Mike. now if you guys are either saying or thinking Whis would've killed that guy instantly then you are wrong my oc Mike lived and came close to dieing in his fights and he wasent as strong or stronger then Whis, he just had the will power to fight and the determination as well anyways comment on what you liked about this fight and I'll make a new chapter when ever I can.
~The slayers1
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