DANT - Incorrect Quotes
[OC's used
Nova - Me
Ace - yourlocalannoyance-
Trajan & Dusk - MadHatty from Tumblr]
I'm bored, okay? Don't jUDGE ME—
Nova: *sitting on the couch, just listening to some calming music as she reads a book*
Ace walks over, holding out a snicker bar: Here, have a snicker
Nova looks up, confused: Why???
Ace: You're not you when you're hungry
Nova: *eats it*
Ace: Better?
Nova, holding a gallon of gasoline with a lighter in hand as she has a mischievous look in her eyes: Better
Dusk: Hey sweetie, have you seen my journal?
Nova: You mean the one with the black cover?
Dusk: Yeah
Nova, eating a chocolate bar: Pretty sure it fell in the hole
Dusk: What hole— OH MY ASGORE!! *almost fell into the hole*
Nova: It's a hole
Dusk: Yeah I can see that, but what's it doing there!?
Nova: Well I woke up this morning...
Nova, taking a bite of her chocolate bar: ...then there was a hole
Dusk: What're we gonna do about this?
Nova: Well I put a rug over it
Nova: Yeah it fell into the hole
Dusk: Should we call the Royal Guard or something?
Nova: Oh yeah, I called the RG
Dusk: Well where are they?
Nova: They're in the hole
Dusk, looking around for Trajan: Where is Trajan...?
Nova:.... *looks into the hole*
Dusk, alarmed: Where is Trajan?!
Nova: He's at work
Dusk, sighing in relief: Oh...
Dusk: Wait, where does he work?
Nova: In the hole
Dusk: How deep is this thing?! *grabs Nova's chocolate bar and drops it in the hole*
*No sound of anything dropping is heard*
Nova: That was my favorite brand... now it's in the hole
*Then Ace wakes up*
Nova, sitting next to Dusk while pointing to Trajan: Check out the buns on that guy
Trajan: *eating a bread bun, confused* ????
Ace, kicking the door open: It's the comedy police! The joke is too funny!
Nova, using Trajan as a shield: I'm nOT GOING BACK TO JAIL—
Trajan: I am disgusted—
Trajan: No, I am revolted! I dedicated my life and time to this team! And this—
Trajan, holding the Oreo with tooth paste inside instead of cream to Gremlin: —Is the fûcking thanks I get?!
Ace: I'm sending good vibes your way
Ace: They're coming!
Ace: There's nothing you can do to stop them!
Trajan: .... That's the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up—
I'll probably make a Part 2 for this, who knows?
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