•Chapter 45•
•Part Two of Recovering•
Midoriya's [POV]
I woke up to the sound of babies crying, i turn to check the time, 5:38A.M. I see Sho shuffling in his sleep, he looks so calm. I sit up, i wince in slight pain, i stand up, slowly walking over to the babies.
M-"Shhh, its okay, Mama's here...Mama's here..." I picked them both up, rocking them back and forth.
I kiss their heads after they quiet down, i sit back down with them still in my arms, i put one down cradling them in between my legs on the blanket while i fed the other with a bottle and then switch them to do the same with the other.
What should we name you two...?...we'll think if it tomorrow together. Once their both fed, i stand up with them in my arms, carrying them to their hospital cribs, i put them down in their own hospital cribs before going back to sleep.
Todoroki's [POV]
I woke up to see Izuku sitting on his bed, he was reading a book.
T-"Did you sleep well Izuku? Are you hungry?" He nods his head, I press the button on the phone, ordering food.
It always taste better in the morning. I hear one of the babies crying, i pick him up,which was the red haired one, rocking him back and forth.
M-"I have a question...what should we name them? They'll need names." I nod thinking.
T-"How about the one in holding is named...Tenshi?...It means angel..." He grabs my finger, i smile softly.
M-"Yeah...and how about we name you...Yukio... Its means snow boy..." He kisses his forehead.
I rock Tenshi back and forth as i hear the door open, a nurse came in with food, and behind her were only a few classmates, along with our mothers.
They sat down in chairs or on the ground. Some held the babies other just stared or felt their hair. Its amazing how two people can create other people, more small precious people, i wonder how its even possible.
I eat some food since i didn't eat anything since yesterday afternoon. They play with the babies, or try to at least, after awhile a nurse walks in with papers.
Nur.-"Here's the papers, just write their names, and put your signatures at the bottom two lines." We nod our heads taking the papers.
We wrote our names, signing our names before giving them to the nurse. We eat our food while they played, after awhile Izuku needed to use the bathroom, so i helped him.
I hoped he needed to go number two so we could leave. The nurses told us we could only leave when he went number two, something to do with health concerns, and having to open his womb.
He did go number two, which I was happy about, but his pee was bloody, which was the result of the c-section. We told the nurse and they said we could go home later today when they have everything figured out.
Finally, sometime with my new family, I smile softly.
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