•Chapter 25•
Todoroki's [POV]
....It was baby clothes...
They were all pastel yellow. There was pajamas, clothing for winter, and more. My heart dropped at the site.
I felt a soft smile land on my face, I look up at Izuku, seeing him crying, but smile. I hug him, put him in my lap, rubbing circles on his back.
M-"Did...My mom give these to us..?" I nodded my head yes.
T-"She gave them to me when i got the katsudon for you. I didn't get a good look at it at first." He took them out getting a good look at them.
We sat there looking at the clothing for a few minutes. I stand up taking the food boxes, putting them in the trash and sit back down, him crawling back into my lap.
M-"Why did she buy us this all of a sudden? We just recently found out..." I kissed his forehead.
T-"I'm not sure, but i think its time to pay my mother a visit...i haven't seen her since we started dating." He looked shocked.
M-"I-I'm s-sorry! I didn't know...I-" i kissed him, sometimes i dont get why he always blames himself.
T-"Calm down. You did nothing wrong. I got distracted from a lot of things, do i regret spending that time with you? Of course not! I would never trade that time for anything." He smiles, while he kisses my cheek.
M-"T-Thank you...im...happy i met you to be honest..." He flashed me a sad smile before it faded away.
T-"Why? I'm happy that i met you. I would have never accept myself if i didn't, i would have never met such a adorable, green hair, freckled, cutie." His face was flushed with red, with his ears and tail out.
M-"...I-I...you always leave me speechless, this isn't fair." He has a cute pout on his face.
T-"How can i do that when you already took my breath away?" I smirked, him looking redder then before.
M-"Shoooo. Thats not fair." He laid his head down on my chest.
T-"Alls fair in love and wars, now how about you stop crying, and we can go watch a movie with the rest of the class?" He nodded his head.
The class planned a movie night but i wasn't to sure if i wanted to go. Now I'm sure that i want to go with my Izu. He gets up wiping his tears away, grabbing his crutches.
I stand up helping him with the door and stairs.
MI-"Hey! Look who decided to join us!" Mina point us out, while i was helping Izu down the stairs.
U-"Hey deku-Chan! Hey todoroki-sama!" I wave.
M-"Hey Uraraka! Hey Mina! Hey everyone!" Everyone said hi or hello.
I-"Midoriya. Aren't you supposed to be in heat?" Ida questioned.
T-"He took heat blockers earlier."
They all nodded, we took a seat on the couch next to each other, watching the movie.
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