- Prince, Kiss -
- June 29th -
The next day we were back at the Academy.
As we got our art projects finished, I made a point out of trying to act all grumpy around Simon.
Veronica made that job easy as she did not stop asking about who Ethan had sung a song for.
"C'mon, Izzy! I wasn't there! You obviously were! What if it was meant for me? And you knew but didn't tell me. You'd be all responsible for Ethan and my future failing miserably you know," she harped on.
Her illusion was making me want to give my best evil, wicked laugh a try.
Her and Ethan?
No fucking way.
She had on occasion since my birthday hinted about his single status, but not actually spoken to him. I suspected that she was feeling a bit embarrassed about throwing herself at him at my party.
"For fucks sakes, Vero! You aren't even that much into Ethan in the first place!" I replied as dryly as I could.
"I could be. He's cute. I could make myself like him," she said, twirling a strand of bleached blonde hair around her finger.
"Sure," I said turning back to my art project.
The hot pool of intense happiness inside my chest was threatening to pour out of me. I had just had the most fantastic weekend with the man of my dreams. I was not going to let Veronica ruin that. My fingers tingled and my lips still prickled at the thought of him.
Keeping the blissfully happy smile off my face was becoming a difficult task.
Vero turned backwards to Simon. I registered her ingratiating smile in his direction and she sighed dramatically.
Me being with Ethan had several unexpected issues. One of them was the predatory mindset of some girls.
I swallowed a lump of jealous worry. He had said he loved me, but what if someone prettier.
Or curvier.
Or more interesting came along?
"Simon! Surely you know?" Veronica smiled.
"Know what?" he asked with audible annoyance.
This was gonna be fun. The conversation hadn't even started and Simon was already irritated.
"Who Ethan sang for," Veronica asked.
"I don't," Simon delivered curtly.
"Becky was there. She said he sang 'More than words' or something like that. But nobody knows who the girl he sang for is. And I'm in class with two people from the band so Becky expects me to have news at lunch," Veronica blabbered on.
"Well. Tell Becky and all her cronies they can fuck off, " Simon muttered darkly.
I spluttered out laughing.
Vero made the whole thing sound like a Cinderella-story.
"Izzy! Tell me!" Veronica nagged.
"Nope!" I said firmly.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because it's none of your business!" I replied.
"So you know who it is?" she continued.
"I never said that," I shrugged.
"But you have a suspicion?" Veronica wheedled.
"No suspicion at all," I replied truthfully.
"Izzy!" she whinged.
"Vero. Let me work in peace!" I said with an annoyance I didn't have to pretend.
"Fine. Just be assholes," she muttered.
Five minutes passed before Veronica left for a break. I let my head hit my drawing board with an audible thud. As I was getting to grips with Veronica and her questioning Simon started "psst-ing" me. Slowly I sat up and donned my most exasperated expression before turning towards him.
"Psst back at ya," I said.
"Soo.. spill?!?!" Simon hissed.
"Spill what? My painting water at Veronica so she will go away?" I asked.
"Nooo, you idiot! Saturday!" he said.
"Saturday we had a gig and then I went home," I said evenly.
"But... but.. you and Ethan and stuff," he said miming something mashed together with his hands.
"Nope. Wrong number. Does not compute," I said fighting down a smirk.
He studied me with a squint.
"Are you telling me..?" he started.
"I'm telling you. Bad mistake. No go. Stupid idea!" I said forcing my voice into a levelness it had never before had.
"What the fuck?" he asked.
I shrugged.
"Izzy! Are you saying we prepared Ethan for the most romantic thing he will never dare to do on his own... and then you turn him down? You are not that vicious!" Simon hissed.
I shrugged again, focusing hard on keeping my face straight.
"Izzy... please tell me you didn't," he begged.
"What do you want me to say?" I asked trying to look as serious as possible.
"Do you know how much he's been obsessing over you? He's been planning this for weeks, Izzy! Man.. he's gonna be a mess!" Simon shook his head and rubbed his hands over his face.
I turned around to my work, just so I could release the grin on my face.
"Izzy. I know you like him too. It's been kinda obvious... for a long time," Simon said in an intense whisper.
I stayed turned from him.
"Izzy... is this because of me? Did I fuck it up too much?" Simon asked sounding really worried.
"Nothing to do with you Simon. Don't be conceited!" I replied with a dry laugh masking my real amusement.
"Please, just tell me you didn't break his heart.... I swear Izzy... You can not be that evil," he was verging on pleading.
I hid my amused smirk behind my hair as I ignored him.
"I thought you liked him," Simon muttered.
When Veronica returned I was almost thankful to have her chattering next to me again.
Lunchtime rolled around and I ran out of Simon's glaring range to find Ellen.
As soon as I saw her I felt safe to laugh out loud.
"What's the joke?" she asked.
"I just managed to make Simon believe that Ethan's stunt backfired," I grinned.
"No way!" she laughed.
"We kinda figured it would be fun to trick them and it is hilarious!" I laughed.
I linked her arm through mine as we entered the cafeteria. At the band's usual corner table I spotted the dark hair I had longed to see. Small birds started a weird chirping song in my chest while flying madly around. Ellen and I bought our food and found a seat two tables away. He stood up and casually sauntered over when he saw me. I carefully shook my head as I saw his smile brighten so he changed into a smirk.
"So? What's up," he asked.
I fought back a happy smile and an overwhelming urge to touch him.
"Well... I just convinced Simon that I'm an evil bitch, so you - my dear - are at this moment a broken man," I told him with a mischievous smirk.
"Will that situation be fixed at some point in the near future?" he asked quietly.
"You bet'cha," I grinned.
"Okay. I look forward to that then," he said laughing before returning to the table trying his best to look upset, but breaking into little smiles.
"That is just the weirdest conversation I have ever heard!" Ellen announced.
"How so?" I asked.
"Izzy... You just delivered the worst explanation of anything. And he got it!" Ellen laughed.
"Yep," I smiled.
Ellen looked at me with a look of extreme amusement.
I grinned like a lunatic. I wanted to skip and dance.
"I get it. The guy you love loves you too... now chill," Ellen sighed trying to be deadpan but failing miserably.
"Oh, he's so beautiful. Ellen... He said he loves me..." I said in a sing song voice, feeling my feet doing a little dance under the table.
At that moment Simon and Odd entered and I had to turn away to avoid laughing out loud. Both of them sat down at the table either side of Ethan, who at that moment made a very good impression of a sad puppy face.
So cute.
I snuck a glance in their direction and saw Oddball studying me with a thoughtful look on his face and a tilt of the head.
I turned back to Ellen trying to keep my face straight and failing miserably. Suddenly, Ellen looked up behind me with wide eyes and I felt Odd's hand smack down on my shoulder as he sat down.
"So, kiddo. You say it didn't work huh?" he smirked.
I closed my eyes and buttoned my mouth to avoid grinning.
"You overestimate that boy's ability to lie," Odd whispered.
He leaned in with a huge smirk.
"As far as I see from the little glances he sends in your direction, I'd say he's just had the best weekend of his life," Oddball whispered.
I dared a look over at the black clad drummer, and felt a grin flush over my face.
"I fucking knew it!" Odd said quietly with a smirk.
"That is the most fun I've had for ages," I laughed. Ellen just shook her head at me.
"You don't trick a trickster!" Odd smiled.
I looked over where Simon apparently comforted Ethan who had his face in his hands shaking with silent laughter.
"Simon is still clueless," I shrugged.
"Yep," Odd grinned.
"You plan on telling him?" I asked.
"Nope. Just looking forward to seeing his face when he realises he's been duped," Odd grinned and went back to the boys patting Ethan's shoulder and dragging him outdoors.
"Your friendship with those guys is seriously fucked up!" Ellen said darkly.
"I know," I grinned.
At that moment, Simon sat down next to me.
"Izzy! You are so dead!" he hissed.
I put on my best innocent face.
"He's a wreck!" Simon said.
"He'll get over it," I shrugged and stuffed a forkful of salad into my mouth to avoid my face grinning too much.
"That's just it. He won't! Have you not figured out anything about him in the time you've known him?" Simon hissed.
"Maybe you should stop treating him like a porcelain doll," I suggested.
"After all that mess... You can not be that heartless, Izzy!" Simon said as he left.
"You might have taken it a bit too far," Ellen said once he was out of hearing range.
I saw the look on her face as she watched Simon leave the cafeteria.
"I think you might want someone to sing a cute song for you as well," I teased.
"Shut up," she said with a blush.
"This is becoming a very enjoyable day," I laughed.
Once I had finished another art project I entered the band room to find Ethan sat on the floor playing his guitar. I felt a warm feeling spread through as I looked at him. He saw me and lay the guitar to the side. With a smile I had been wanting to see all day he stood up and met me halfway across the room.
"Situation fixed?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Simon is furious with me, but yeah. We're good," I said enjoying finally being able to touch him again.
"You are insane," he grinned and rubbed his nose on mine.
As his lips touched mine we heard a commotion in the hallway outside the door and Simon burst through the door in a rage, closely followed by Oddball.
"I am going to strangle that girl!" he announced in an angry voice.
We could almost hear his jaw fall open as he saw us and stopped abruptly.
"What the fuck kinda fucking... " he spluttered.
"I told you. He'd get over it," I said turning to Simon with a smirk.
Ethan laughed in his little quiet way as he stood close on my back with his arms around me.
Simon shifted from evil glare to confusion and over to understanding before a malicious grin established itself on his face.
I heard Ethan's soft laughter in my hair and knew I had a very cheeky grin on my own face.
"You evil, conniving, downright... " Simon started.
Odd was stood leaning on the wall looking comfortably amused.
"Downright adorable?" Odd suggested.
Simon stopped and looked at Odd and suddenly it was as if the air left a balloon. He deflated and looked at where Ethan was still holding me.
"Yeah.. You're kinda cute," he said turning over his mood.
"So what now?" Odd asked.
"So now we play some music before we have to pack up and leave this room," I suggested, overlooking Simon's soft smile in our direction.
Reluctantly I let go of Ethan to get my lyrics folder, ready to get the rehearsal underway. He picked up his guitar and hooked it up to the amp.
"Fine! Let's just ignore the fact that these two are pure evil," Simon grinned and got his bass ready.
I walked over and planted a kiss on his cheek to his surprise.
"Oy... You keep that for your boyfriend over there," Simon said with wry look on his face while wiping his cheek.
I then walked to Odd giving him a kiss too and received a squishy bearhug in return.
"What's with the smooching?" Simon asked.
"Just thought I'd share some of the love before having to lavish all of it on just that one," I replied as I made my way back to Ethan.
He was stood there with a smile that almost stopped my basic motor functions. I wanted to scream, laugh, do silly victory dances. I could touch him, kiss him, stare at him. All the time. And he wanted me too.
"No need. We're just overjoyed that the two of you finally got your shit together and we can get back to the music without stumbling over various dropped hearts and long faces," Simon said with a smile.
"So... Music... Where do we start " Oddball grinned.
"Are there any requests for the wedding this weekend?" I asked.
"They asked for a Cardigans tune... but... Considering recent events I am tempted to suggest some Kiss might be in order," Simon replied.
Ethan gave a mischievous grin before spontaneously playing the funk intro to Kiss by Prince.
"No! You idiot. Not that foul tripe. Kiss the band!" Simon huffed as I laughed.
"You are too cute," I murmured as I stretched up and quickly kissed Ethan.
He smiled as we separated before throwing Simon a grin.
"I don't care. This seems to work fine," he laughed before turning back to me gently rubbing his nose on mine before kissing me again.
"I think we need rules here," Simon said dryly.
"Yeah. Don't be all cute and stuff. Simon will get diabetes," Odd laughed.
"Just don't start having sex in here. I really don't want to walk in on that!" Simon grumbled.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. It's only been two days," I said with a look at Ethan who nodded back.
"Oh... That reminds me," Ethan said and pulled a black bundle of cloth out of his bag.
"I've had it washed," he said and threw it directly at Simon.
Simon took it and looked between us, recognising his own old shirt.
"My t-shirt!" He said.
"Yeah. I forgot to hand it back. Came in handy yesterday," I chuckled.
"Hang on!" Simon said with a mischievous smirk.
I tilted my head, waiting for the next bit.
"That means you stayed the night!" Simon said.
I nodded.
"In your room..." Simon continued.
I nodded again.
"But you also said. ... Ethan! For fucks sakes! We hand you your fantasy girl on a gold plate. All hung up on you and ready for your taking. You stayed over. And you didn't seal the deal?" Simon said, looking disappointed.
"Such a romantic," Oddball laughed from his corner.
"Yeah. I'm all about the goddamned romance!" Simon chuckled.
Ethan shrugged.
"Seriously? All that fucking work for the sappiest song ever written and the boy doesn't even score!" Simon muttered.
He raised his eyes to me. There was still a trace of something sore there.
"You had better be worth it Izzy!" Simon said softly.
"We are," I said and gave Ethan another smile.
He looked at me through his hair with a small smirk.
"You're stuck with me now," he murmured happily with a look in his eyes that told me exactly what I wanted to know.
"Aww... so cute. Now let's rock it out before our cred is all gone," Oddball grinned.
"Okay. When are we set to move?" I asked.
"We'll pack up this week and the caretaker wants the keys back next Wednesday," Ethan said.
"Your garage all tidy?" Simon asked.
"Not yet. Mio still has a lot of crap in there," Ethan shrugged.
"No prob. We'll just shift most of it straight from the van after the gig, and get the rest next Monday" Oddball said evenly.
"And then hand over the key before our first meeting with the stylists, promo team and stuff" I huffed.
"And in a month we start recording," Simon grinned exitedly.
I looked around the room at the three happy faces and drew a deep breath.
"It's the start of a new life," Oddball said with a happy smile.
"I'm just happy to be doing this with you guys," Simon said more seriously than usual.
"We're a good team," Ethan nodded with a bright smile.
"The awsome foursome," Oddball laughed.
There was an explosion of happiness in my chest as I saw three happy faces reflecting my own excitement.
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