6) Relax
The next morning, everyone woke up and got ready for the day.
Harry nor Draco brought up what happened the prior night and instead continued getting ready for the day like any other day.
Everyone left their rooms around the same time and they all grouped back up into their normal groups.
The Slytherins in one group and everyone else in the other group.
"Let's go get breakfast, I'm starving," Ron said as he stretched his arms over his head, his muggle hoodie raising up some, showing off part of his stomach.
"You just woke up Ron, how are you already starving?" Hermione asked as both groups began walking to the Great Hall.
"Because I just went ten hours without eating anything and now I'm awake so I can eat!" Ron answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Hermione thought about his reply before shrugging. "That's fair," she said with a small nod before they all got up and left for the Great Hall.
Well, everyone but Harry. Harry on the other hand stayed in the Common Room and used transfiguration to make a pillow into a guitar.
He adjusted his position on the couch and began to softly play the instrument, not wanting to go into the Great Hall and deal with all the first years gushing over him.
Instead, he found peace in playing the beautiful instrument Sirius had taught him to play over the summer.
Nobody other than the Weasleys, Sirius, and Remus knew that Harry could play the muggle instrument but he wasn't trying to keep it a secret.
He didn't mind if people knew about it, so long as they didn't ask him to stop playing.
He found peace and comfort in playing. His brain would finally shut off and he would become one with the music.
It was by far his best coping mechanism.
On the way to the Great Hall, Draco was looking around the group of students.
"What are you looking for?" Pansy asked as she looked at Draco curiously.
"Potter, where is he?" Draco answered making Blaise and Pansy look for him as well.
"Well he's not with Granger or Weasley so I'm not sure," Pansy answered with a shrug.
"Why don't we ask them? They seemed peaceful enough to us yesterday?" Blaise suggested making the other look at him like he was crazy.
"What? Was Granger rude to you at all last night?" He asked Pansy.
"No, she wasn't, she cast a warming charm on me when I complained about being cold," Pansy answered as they walked into the Great Hall and made their way over to their tables.
"And what about you Draco, was Potter rude to you?" He asked as they all sat down at the end of the Slytherin table.
"No, he offered to help me unpack my luggage." He answered with a huff.
"Exactly. Ron just began talking to me like we've been best mates forever and asked me to play a game of chess with him." Blaise stated making the others look at him confused again.
"He's Ron now?" Pansy asked with a small smile at the same time Draco asked "Who won the game?"
"I don't see why he shouldn't be Ron now and I won but I think he let me the bloody bastard," Blaise answered with a small smile of his own.
"I wonder what they want from us, there's no way they've all just decided to be kind to us after everything we put them through," Draco stated as the tables filled with breakfast foods.
"They have everything already, we have nothing compared to them, I think they just want to be nice," Blaise answered with a shrug as he began fixing himself a plate of food.
"But what if the thing they want is our trust? What if they want our trust so they can hurt us when we're at our most vulnerable state?" Draco asked, still not believing it. His mind swirled with a million reasons as to why the Golden Trio shouldn't really be kind to them.
"I don't think they would do that, they don't seem the type to have that much of a revenge plan," Pansy said as she grabbed a muffin and put it on her plate beside some bacon.
"That's what they want you to think," Draco mumbled before standing up.
"I'm going back to the dorms, I'm not hungry." He said before leaving.
Pansy and Balise watched him leave but didn't go after him, figuring it was best for him to have some alone time.
As soon as Draco entered the common room he heard the soft playing of music.
He wasn't sure what the cause of the music was but he instantly fell in love with it.
It was a beautiful sound and made him feel much calmer just from the sound alone.
He walked further into the room and when he did he was able to see that it was Harry who was playing something making it make all those beautiful sounds.
Harry looked up when he felt eyes on him and smiled at Draco when he saw him, his hands stopping making the music stop as well.
"Hello, how was breakfast?" He asked as he watched Draco's face turn into a small frown when the music stopped.
"It was fine. How did you do that?" Draco asked, dismissing most of Harry's question to ask his own.
"Do what? Play the guitar?" Harry asked as he strummed the strings lightly, making another small burst of pretty music come from it.
"Yes, that," Draco said with a nod as he moved to sit on a cushioned chair beside the couch.
"Sirius taught me over the summer. I'm not very good at it yet but it helps me relax so I practice whenever I can." Harry answered with a soft smile.
"If you don't like it then I'll go out to the lake to practice instead." He offered though Draco didn't seem the slightest bit annoyed by it.
"No, I don't mind it, you may stay here," Draco said to quickly for his own liking.
"Alright, thank you," Harry said with a light laugh before he began to play again, absentmindedly this time.
Draco gave him a small nod before he relaxed against the chair he was sitting in and listened to Harry play.
He could sit here for hours and hours and never get bored of it if he was honest with himself, but of course, he would never admit that to anyone.
After a while, Draco decided to ask Harry a question. "Why didn't you come to breakfast?"
1,115 Words! I completely forgot this book existed so I'm gonna try to work on it again lol
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